Why give yellow flowers to a girl? Yellow flowers: what do they symbolize and who should they give it to? Why not give it as a gift?

“Yellow tulips, heralds of separation...” - a once very popular song performed by Natasha Koroleva warned all girls that if you receive a gift of tulips of this color, you don’t have to wait for a happy ending in a relationship. Many people are sure that this color is associated with negativity, separation, and betrayal, but is this true and what flowers can actually symbolize separation?

Yellow flowers, why are they given and what do they symbolize?

Not everyone likes to receive yellow flowers as a gift, believing that this is a bad omen. Typically, yellow plants are associated with troubles and failures.

According to one very ancient legend, there lived a rich sheikh who went on a military campaign for a long time. When he returned, he was told that one of his wives had been unfaithful to him. Therefore, he decided to check this news. He placed a scarlet rose on his wife's bed. According to legend, if the wife was unfaithful, that flower was supposed to turn yellow in the morning. And so it happened, and since then this particular color has become associated with deception and separation.

On the territory of Russia, a negative attitude towards this color of the plant persists for another reason. Probably many people know that there is a language of flowers invented long ago by socialites. Previously, only plant species were deciphered, but later colors were also added. In this language, yellow is far from the most positive shade.

Fortunately, today many people do not believe in such signs. This is due to the fact that yellow flowers are more perceived as a symbol of joy, happiness, and sun.

That is why, if the person to whom you are presenting a bouquet is not particularly superstitious and prefers to trust only positive signs, you can safely give him yellow flowers.

Who is it customary to give yellow bouquets to?

It turns out that sometimes it is even recommended to present yellow bouquets as a gift. According to psychics and bioenergetics experts, this color is ideal for creative people. The gesture will demonstrate admiration for their talent, restore their self-confidence, and energize them.

Such a gift for a young girl would be useful. The gesture indicates youth, energy, and perkiness of the one to whom the gift is presented.

But if you want to give such flowers to older women, opt for a dark yellow rather than a bright, slightly muted color, more reminiscent of a tea shade.

It is believed that such a bouquet can be presented to any acquaintance or boss, as this will be a gesture of wishes for good luck, happiness, wealth, prosperity and success.

As you can see, in fact, such a bouquet does not carry any negativity. However, a person who is confident in the bad meaning of a sign independently attracts negative energy to himself. If you are sure that a person is too superstitious, opt for a different color. And if he absolutely doesn’t care what color they are, then you can give him anything.

What flowers are given for separation?

There are many beliefs that are associated with various colors that prophesy deception, cooling of feelings or betrayal in a relationship. For example, gifts given as gifts are considered unfavorable. lilies of the valley. The plant symbolizes alienation, detachment, frivolity, inconstancy and frivolity, which will soon lead to separation.

It is not recommended to give as a gift daffodils. There are many legends associated with this plant. According to one of them, a beautiful young man was turned into a flower. He really was divinely handsome, but narcissistic, sure that only he himself was worthy of love. For hours the young man sat near the river and looked at his reflection; not a single girl could win his heart. Even the goddess of love, Aphrodite, was rejected. In desperation, she turned the young man into a beautiful flower. Until now, the narcissist symbolizes narcissism, selfishness, and some sources indicate separation.

Azalea- another flower symbolizing parting. In this case, the plant indicates a quick reunion after separation (short-term or long-term). A flower can represent devotion, a promise to wait, trust. Guys often give these flowers to girls before joining the army.

As you can see, yellow flowers do not always symbolize parting and they can be presented for any celebration or for no reason. However, first make sure that the person does not believe in omens and will react normally to such a gift.

Yellow flowers are the subject of many signs and folk superstitions. Some happily accept them as a gift, others consider them something insidious and bringing trouble. In order not to be at a dead end when choosing a gift bouquet, let’s figure out what the actual meaning of these mysterious flowers is.

What do yellow flowers mean?

In eastern countries and Russia, yellow flowers symbolize wealth, happiness, youth and abundance. But there is also a completely opposite interpretation, which came to us from the West and has firmly settled in the minds of people. Thus, yellow buds are associated with shame, gossip and hatred. In a relationship, presenting yellow bouquets, according to a sign, predicts betrayal or faded feelings and separation.

For people of the Christian faith, yellow flowers are a symbol of divine grace, good deeds and faith.

Should you or should you not give yellow flowers?

Yellow flowers have undeservedly fallen out of favor with people. Presenting sunny flowers brings joy and prosperity to the home of the person to whom they were presented.

But where did the negative beliefs associated with these flowers come from, and what did they do to deserve such an attitude:

  • The sign is based on the legend of adultery. According to ancient legend, the prince, returning from the war, decided to check on his beloved. The witch advised him to give his wife a bouquet of scarlet roses and place them at the head of the bedroom. The constancy of the color of the buds in the morning was supposed to confirm the fidelity of the chosen one. However, with dawn the flowers turned yellow, which indicated betrayal.
  • Empress Catherine the Second disliked yellow flowers because they were usually given by ladies' men when flirting with young ladies. Therefore, flowers were associated with frivolity and infidelity.
  • In the memory of many people, lines from Natalya Koroleva’s famous song “Yellow Tulips” still ring, which firmly attached to these flowers the meaning of separation.

If your beloved is superstitious, then it is better to refrain from giving her yellow flowers. You should not create doubts in the girl’s mind about your feelings and intentions. To any other representative of the fair sex with whom you are not connected by love ties, such a gift will only bring joy and good mood.

Who should I give yellow flowers to?

Each flower carries its own symbolism, which must be taken into account when composing gift bouquets.


Yellow rosebuds symbolize respect. It is customary to give such bouquets to teachers or artists whom you respect and whose work you admire. If you decide to present a bouquet to the newlyweds, then you should explain that you are not dooming the couple to a quick separation, but wishing abundance and benefits for the new family.


The yellow carnation is a symbol of reconciliation. These flowers are given to people with whom you are in a quarrel or offended in some way in order to make amends. Carnations can be given not only to your beloved girlfriend, but also to a friend or loved one with whom your relationship is very dear.


Yellow tulips are not at all harbingers of separation, but harbingers of love. Moreover, if red roses symbolize passionate love, then a yellow tulip is a sign of young, pure love. Such flowers are given to young girls whose relationships are still pure and innocent.

Bouquets of yellow buds are usually given to cheerful and positive people who have unconventional thinking and lead an active lifestyle. They are the ones who will appreciate such a gift. It is better not to present such flowers to those who are doubtful and believe in omens. Otherwise, there is a possibility of creating a spark of doubt in their mind about your attitude. In addition, the choice of flowers is so diverse that you can choose a different bouquet for this occasion.

The sign says: yellow flowers can lead to close separation. Why are yellow bouquets given? To disappointment in your partner, betrayal, which will lead to separation?

Superstitions and misconceptions

Yellow color is associated with autumn, withering. This is why, according to some people, plants of this color cannot be given as a gift. You seem to be making a hint: my feelings have withered like leaves in autumn. The color yellow has long become a symbol of infidelity. During the research, an interesting fact was revealed: people in yellow clothes are more likely to become victims of pickpockets. The color seems to provoke the criminal to steal from this particular person.

According to legend, the prince returning from the war wanted to find out whether his wife was faithful to him. He turned to the witch, who advised the prince to give his wife a bouquet of red roses. The flowers had to be placed at the head of the princess's bed. If the roses retain their color the next day, it means the wife was faithful. To the prince’s great disappointment, the flowers turned yellow, indicating faded feelings.

To whom and when can you give?

There is no justification for the fear of giving yellow flowers. Everyone should know why they are given to this or that person:

  • Roses. You can give it to a person you respect. These flowers are often presented to artists as they symbolize admiration and veneration. If you bring them to your wedding, be sure to comment on your gift. Some guests will think that you wish the newlyweds to separate. In fact, at a wedding celebration, yellow flowers become a wish for abundance and prosperity, which a young family so needs.
  • Carnations. They are usually presented to a person who has been greatly offended. A yellow carnation symbolizes the desire for reconciliation, the desire to smooth out one’s guilt. Not only lovers, but also close friends and good acquaintances can give such flowers to each other. A sign of reconciliation indicates that the person is very dear to you, and you are afraid of losing him or ruining the relationship.

  • Tulip. Yellow tulips are not “messengers of separation,” as the famous song says. This is a declaration of love. The scarlet rose symbolizes passionate love, the desire to give oneself without reserve and receive the same in return. A tulip indicates more rational feelings (“I love you, but I am aware of my actions, I am in control of myself and the situation”).

If a man is afraid of being misunderstood, he can give yellow flowers to a woman with whom he is not and will never have an intimate relationship: mother, daughter, sister, niece, grandmother and any other close relative. Yellow flowers are given to creative people. Thus, the giver emphasizes the brightness and talent of the person to whom he presents the bouquet.

Signs should not always be trusted. Each nation gives this or that phenomenon a special meaning. Often, for two different peoples, the same phenomenon will have completely opposite meanings. An example would be yellow flowers. Why sunny-colored roses are given will depend on the event and the nationality of the giver.

A lot of bad omens are associated with flowers in the shade of the sun. Why are yellow flowers given? Some say that they are given as a gift for separation, and the color itself entails separation and betrayal. All this came from Europe and has settled so strongly in our society that it is now difficult to find a man who would dare to give such a gift. But why did yellow flowers fall into disgrace?

If we consider Russian customs, then this color in Rus' has always been considered bright, cheerful and bringing wealth. First of all, people said that this shade is associated with the Sun and light. Therefore, women were happy to accept “sunny” flowers as a gift.

So, for example, yellow roses, among other things, mean reconciliation. If you had a big quarrel with your husband and after a while, he gives you a bouquet of yellow roses, this means that he wants to forget past quarrels and return to his previous relationship. Yes, she is not able to make amends for betrayal, but at least you can remain good friends.

Most often, yellow roses are given to bright and gifted individuals. Therefore, you can often see such a gift being presented to famous actors or actresses after their performance. Flowers of this color are associated with youth, so they are often given to young girls. For older people, in such cases, it is best to give preference to tea shades.

Of course, if you know that a woman likes yellow flowers, then giving such a gift is not only possible, but even necessary.

But there is another side to the coin. Yellow color is associated with autumn, withering, dying. And the signs, as mentioned above, insist that bouquets of this shade mean betrayal and faded feelings. Where did this belief come from? According to legend, in ancient times, a prince returning from war wanted to know whether his wife was faithful to him.

The witch advised him to give the betrothed a bouquet of scarlet roses and leave them at the head of the bed overnight. If the roses remained scarlet the next morning, it would mean that the princess was faithful. But by dawn the roses turned yellow... History is silent about how the prince dealt with his unfaithful wife, but yellow flowers have since become an unwanted gift.

What do these flowers say?

The color yellow is associated not only with youth, the sun and the wheat harvest. For some people, this connotation evokes associations such as shame, gossip, hatred and other negative feelings. Therefore, some women consider it a good sign to receive yellow flowers as a gift, while others, on the contrary, are afraid of this and are sure that such flowers cannot be given. However, there is also “the other side of the coin”, because a considerable number of popular superstitions say that a yellow flower means light, warmth, luxury, wealth and openness.

Psychologists believe that only self-confident people who are always ready for various changes and are not afraid of future problems can choose this shade. So if a gentleman hands you a “sunny” bouquet, rejoice, he probably did not want to offend you.

But those who do not like this shade are often subject to stress, anxiety and internal troubles.

In the language of flowers, yellow roses are a symbol of respect and admiration, a wish for good luck and prosperity. Yellow tulip - declaration of love. Carnations of this color are an expression of the desire to make amends for the insult caused. Whether they cause separation is up to you to decide. As they often say: what you believe in comes true.

Reasons not to give

Many people believe that any flowers of this shade can attract trouble. It was also said earlier that this color means betrayal and separation. Therefore, not every man decides to give his beloved yellow flowers.

It is believed that giving such a gift to any other girl is not dangerous, since you are not bound by feelings. But it is not recommended for your beloved wife, daughter, or mother to buy yellow flowers. In this case, it is better to give your preference to any other shade.

The language of flowers or fluorography is the study of the symbolic meaning of flowers, which appeared in Victorian Europe and was used to convey secret messages. At that time, this was almost the only available way with which it was possible to “openly” express feelings, for example, to the object of affection. Today, the language of flowers is again at the peak of popularity, and the demand for “bouquets with meaning” is growing every day. What flowers are best to give on different occasions will be discussed further.

Why are white flowers given?

The meaning of the presented bouquet should be judged based on several indicators: the main color, the number of buds, the selected varieties and color combinations. Initially, even the number of leaves and buds was used to convey the necessary information. Thus, the exact time of the meeting was determined by the number of buds on the bell.

Nowadays, the main criterion when creating a meaningful bouquet is the chosen color scheme. For example, the most popular are bouquets of white flowers. White is the color of purity and innocence. It is associated with the brightest feelings and thoughts. Traditionally, white flowers are chosen for the bride's bouquet as a symbol of purity and tenderness. In addition, the variety of the chosen flower is also important for the meaning of the bouquet. Thus, a bouquet of white daisies is intended to tell about romantic feelings, and a bouquet of white acacia - about secret unrequited love. White roses are given to women whose reciprocity is sought, and white lilies are given to beautiful ladies whose beauty is admired. But white chrysanthemums call for trust. While white lilac is a symbolic invitation to a new relationship, and bird cherry expresses the joy of a long-awaited meeting.

Why are yellow flowers given?

Contrary to what many people believe, yellow flowers do not symbolize betrayal or separation. On the contrary, since ancient times they have been associated with wealth, goodness and prosperity. In Japan, even today, yellow flowers are given as a sign of respect and honor. These flowers had a similar meaning in Rus', where they were considered symbols of the sun and joy. The yellow bouquet received a distorted meaning thanks to Catherine the Second, who made a number of changes to the register of flower meanings and chose yellow as the color of treason.

Now that you know that this meaning is wrong, you can safely choose yellow as the main color of the bouquet. For example, yellow tulips are not “messengers of separation”, but flowers of joy and happiness. It is customary to give yellow roses to people whose successes you sincerely admire. Golden gerberas are a symbol of prosperity and material well-being. And with the help of yellow chrysanthemums you can express deep gratitude.

Why are red flowers given?

Red - . It is not for nothing that red flowers have always been considered a symbol of ardent love and violent emotions. Everyone knows that red roses are a symbol of passionate love. But red carnations are usually given to authoritative people, emphasizing their high status and importance. Red gladioli will tell your chosen one that your intentions are serious and she is completely safe with you. Red peonies are given to fulfill your most cherished desires. Red chrysanthemums will help to express best wishes, and scarlet tulips will help to wish happiness and prosperity.

Why are blue flowers given?

Blue - . When they give blue flowers, they want to emphasize these very qualities. So, for example, blue violets are modest flowers that symbolize secret love. They give purple lilacs if they want to reassure them of their serious feelings. Blue orchids symbolize the desire for close, rather intimate, relationships. And unpretentious forget-me-nots will tell the girl about fidelity and constancy.