Jeffrey Murphy the power of your subconscious. This work is one of a kind. What do you believe in

This book has stood the test of time and
international fame.
With people of all classes, races and nations
miracles happened.
Your life will also change miraculously as soon as you begin to use the magical power of your subconscious.
This book will tell you how the way of thinking and the pictures of the imagination shape and determine your destiny. Do you know why
Is one person's life darkened by sadness, and another's life shining in the rays of happiness? "One person is rich and respected, while the other suffers hardships?
one person suffers from fear, and the other looks confidently into the future?
one person makes brilliant discoveries, while another works sluggishly and without a soul?
one carries people along, and the other does not find a response?
one overcomes an incurable disease, and the other dies?
Discover the treasures within yourself!

The need for a solid foundation

In comparison, electromagnetic waves typically exist in the physical world, but can only be measured to levels determined by the sensitivity of the equipment, which determines how many cycles per second it operates. Scalar waves were originally discovered by Scottish mathematician and genius James Cork Maxwell. He connected electricity with magnetism and laid the foundations of modern physics. Unfortunately, very subtle scalar waves were deliberately suppressed by his work by three people, including Henry Hertz, who laid the foundation for what physical laws should be studied as a subject in colleges.

VBK 53.59 M97
Translation from German by Putilina L.F.
J. Murphy
M 97 The power of your subconscious. Series "Panacea". Rostov n/d: “Phoenix”, 2000. - 352 p.
The book contains numerous simple techniques for influencing the subconscious. If used correctly, the subconscious will tell a person how to find correct solution problems, develop high moral qualities, free yourself from bad habits. The book is addressed to a wide range of readers of all ages and, perhaps, especially young people.
ISBN 5-222-00996-3 BBK 53.59
© 2000, translation: Putilina L.F. © 2000, design: Phoenix Publishing House

They eliminated scalar waves or Maxwellian potentials as "mystical" because they did not physically appear and existed only in the "ether" and were therefore considered too ineffective for further study. These mysterious scalar waves may have been forgotten when Nicholas Tesla accidentally discovered them. He first worked with Thomas Edison, who discovered direct current, but Tesla discovered alternating current.

The two had differences and eventually broke up, and Tesla later experimented using the research of the German Heinrich Hertz, which proved the existence of electromagnetic waves. By experimenting with very strong direct current, Tesla discovered that a new form of energy had emerged. Tesla made transmitters to transfer scalar energy from one transmitter to another, bypassing time and space without detection. He could materialize it from one place to another through hyperspace without the need for wires.

Chapter 1 The Treasures Within You
Chapter 2 The Way Your Mind Works
Chapter 3 The Miraculous Power of Your Subconscious
Chapter 4 Spiritual Healing in the Ancient World
Chapter 5 Spiritual Healing in Our Time
Chapter 6 Practical Applications of Mental Therapy
Chapter 7 The subconscious serves life
Chapter 8 How to Achieve Your Goals
Chapter 9 The subconscious as the key to wealth
Chapter 10 Your right to wealth
Chapter 11 Help from the Subconscious Brings Success
Chapter 12 Leading Scientists Put Their Subconscious Minds to Work
Chapter 13 The Subconscious and the Miracles of Sleep
Chapter 14 The subconscious and problems of marriage
Chapter 15 The Subconscious and Your Happiness
Chapter 16 The subconscious and harmonious relationships with others
Chapter 17 How to get forgiveness with the help of the subconscious
Chapter 18 How the subconscious helps you overcome the power of habit
Chapter 19 How the forces of the subconscious drive out fear
Chapter 20 How to Stay Young at Heart Forever

Unfortunately, he did not find financial support to replace the electricity, which used wires and therefore made money. And to this day, it is for this reason that scalar energy is not recognized in field physics. Tesla, who learned more about humanity in science than many others, was not mentioned in science books for his discovery of scalar waves as a source of "free energy" that could be used as an inexhaustible resource that costs nothing. Other inventors have sporadically rediscovered "free energy" but have either petted it or have their mouths stuffed with millions of dollars - a small amount compared to selling electricity, oil, natural gas and many other energy products otherwise they would be worthless.


How this book can work a miracle
in your life
I saw with my own eyes how miracles happened to people of all classes, races and nations. Your life will also change miraculously as soon as you begin to use the magical power of your subconscious. This book will tell you how the way of thinking and the pictures of the imagination will shape and determine your destiny, because the type and essence of a person is identical to the content of his subconscious.
Do you know why?
Why is one person's life darkened by sadness, while another's life shines with happiness? Why does one person have wealth and respect, while his neighbor suffers poverty and deprivation? Why does one suffer from uncertainty and fear, while the other looks to the future with confidence? Why does one have a luxurious villa while the other spends his life in a slum? Why does one person have success after success, while another slides uncontrollably down? Why does one speaker captivate masses of people with his speech, while another does not find the slightest response? Why does one make brilliant discoveries, while the other works sluggishly and without soul? Why does one overcome the so-called incurable disease from which the other dies? Why do many good and God-fearing people suffer from terrible bodily ailments, while many of our contemporaries, who are not distinguished by special virtues, have excellent health and brilliant success? Why does one woman have a happy marriage, while another suffers only suffering and disappointment from her husband? Why? The answer to these and many other questions lies in the essence and function of consciousness and subconscious.
Why I wrote this book
When I wrote this book, I was guided by the desire not only to give an answer to this or that question, but also to show the relationships. I have tried to explain the root cause and the deepest secrets of your spiritual life in simple words, for I have always been firmly convinced that even these hidden relationships of the human soul can be expressed in an extremely easy and simple way to understand. Therefore, my book is written in exactly the everyday language that you are used to hearing in the workshop, office and family. I would like to urge you to study these pages and the method described here, as I have every confidence in what you will discover here. miraculous power, which will pull you out of chaos and adversity, free you from despondency and depression and protect you from any failure. This book will give you the strength to achieve the position that you deserve, it will help resolve all difficulties, free you from the burdens of mental and physical suffering and show you the direct path to freedom, happiness and peace of mind. The miraculous power of the subconscious will bring you healing and awaken new youthful strength in you. Power over the forces of your soul will free you from thousands of fears and apprehensions in which you are now in captivity, and will open the door to that life full of blissful freedom, which was intended by St. Paul for the children of God.
The Key to Miracle Power
Our own healing is perhaps the most amazing proof of the miraculous powers of our subconscious. More than 42 years ago I was healed in this way from a malignant tumor, which in medicine is called “sarcoma,” and it is the same force that created me that controls - I know this - even today the vital currents of my body. Such a description of the technique I applied then will, without a doubt, encourage any reader to fully trust that infinite healing power that lives in the deepest recesses of the soul of every person. To the kind suggestion of my friend and medical consultant I owed the sudden realization that the same creative wisdom that had shaped my body, created all my organs, and made my heart beat, could naturally best heal its own creation. After all, the old proverb says: “The doctor binds up the wounds, but God heals.”
Miracles are the answers to
"effective" prayers
By “scientific prayer” we mean the harmonious interaction of the conscious and subconscious powers of the mind, which are used through scientifically proven methods to achieve a specific goal. This book will teach you a technique that will provide you with access to the inexhaustible reserves of your mental strength, the attraction of which will fulfill all the desires of your heart. Are you striving for a happier, fuller and richer life? Then use this new miraculous power and make your life path smoother, solve your personal and business problems and create harmony within your family. Be sure to read this book several times! She will show you how this wonderful power works, as well as how you yourself can use the insight and wisdom that lies dormant in the depths of your soul to achieve your goals. Learn to influence your subconscious - is it really that simple? Apply a new, scientifically proven method that will reveal to you the immeasurable powers of your soul! Read this book carefully and open your heart and mind to its miraculous advice. See for yourself the stunning results of this method. I firmly believe that reading these pages can and will become a turning point in your life.
Every man prays
Do you know how to pray “effectively”? How long has it been since prayer took a strong place in your daily life? In times of trouble, danger, illness, or fear of death, prayer appears spontaneously on the lips of you and your compatriots. Just look at the daily newspaper! Almost every newspaper will probably come across an article that people all over the country have united in one common prayer for the recovery of a child who is sick with an “incurable disease, or in prayer for the salvation of a group of miners buried in the bowels of the earth, or for the salvation of peace on earth . Having freed themselves from mortal danger, the miners later describe how they spent agonizing hours in prayer until the rescue teams arrived; A jet pilot prayed for rescue as he and his plane made an emergency landing. Without a doubt, the power of prayer is always at our disposal in times of trouble. Why don’t you want to use its effective help every day, making it a constant and beneficial part of your daily life? Major press headlines tell how prayer has been answered in dramatic situations and words spoken as an oath ensure the effectiveness of prayer. However, how can we consider all those numerous humble prayers that children say, with which we thank God for the laid table and with which a person turns to his creator with trusting devotion? My work is in the service

Hungry for big business, they suppress every opposition that could harm their wealth generated by all the obsolete and polluting fossil fuels. An intimate look at scalar waveforms. These smaller scalar waveforms were also discovered periodically by other mathematicians who were able to calculate new equations related to "harmony" relating the wavelengths of matter, gravity and light to each other, blocking and creating our expression for time, which some now believe is that they are "potential" energy floating in hyperspace.

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In the West at one time this book became famous as a bestseller. It presents to a wide circle of readers the opportunity to master a power that evokes awe, is capable of working miracles and at the same time is completely accessible to every reasonable person, since it is located not outside, but inside each of us. Learn from Dr. Murphy to manage the resources of your personal psyche - and then for the rest of your life, excellent health, true prosperity, and true happiness will become your inseparable companions.

Time flows like an undulating river in hyperspace in the form of a lattice. It consists of large alternating circles that move around the poles and include a grid of lines that are 30 nautical miles or 55.5 km. distance from each other. When scalar rays pass through hyperspace, these "temporal rivers" are blocked and temporarily redirected.

There is a secret plan of action that aims to change time on this planet using hyperphysics physics and Tesla technology to return the Earth to the now dead Atlantean timeline. Our current "reality" is expressed in such a way that time flows through corridors in hyperspace using a pattern that borrows. Other “timelines” exist in various other grid patterns, creating alternate versions of our “present.” Many versions of reality can be manipulated with the right technology, and people can go into parallel universes and do different things, and then return to their own.

Joseph Murphy
Control your destiny


Free yourself from negative impulses that prevent you from taking the path that leads to prosperity. Master three simple steps used by successful business people around the world.


The American and British governments can manipulate and enter into different realities. The different sizes consist of a complex structure of alternating waveforms. Matter consists of only one wave pulse, which includes a positive cycle, and a negative cycle manifests as "antimatter". A physical impulse brings something into physical appearance, then instantly disappears and returns. But these impulses are so fast that we don't see anything disappear until it temporarily dematerializes.

Physical time is measured only by the appearance of something's aging process or, in other words, by its journey from one measured time reference point to another. Different waveforms appear solid to us because we are made up of the same matter. If the frequencies that affect the time between a material pulse and an antimatter pulse are shortened or extended with technology, time will flow slower or faster in the surrounding space.

Find out why the mental and physical deterioration associated with aging is not inevitable, and learn how you can maintain your youth.


Learn to mentally convey wishes for health and vitality to a loved one or friend who is away from you.

Therefore, scalar waves belong to the space-time in which antimatter or hyperspace exists. Time can be altered by harnessed and directed scalar waves because they distort the momentum of matter and antimatter and therefore the speed at which something normally passes through time with normal smoothness. A scalar wave experiment in the United States once caused all the clocks in the test area to go crazy for 4 days until the flow of time returned to normal.

Frank Golden noticed this. Scalar "potentials" can be created artificially, and when focused on a weapon, they can cause damage to an object in time space. What defines the subject's natural cycle of matter and antimatter momentum can be pressurized when attacked by scalar waves created from artificial potentials because they are almost always absorbed by the atomic nucleus rather than electrons. Hyperspace can be temporarily distorted, although spacetime is naturally curved around the natural vortexes that the Earth has, which form "chakras" that absorb and release the energies of the universe.


Discover the Spiritual Law of Universality so that you yourself can enter into unity with God.

This book can magically change your life

I have witnessed extraordinary events and miracles in the lives of men and women from all walks of life in many different parts of the world. Miracles will begin to happen in your life, as soon as you use the magical power of your subconscious. The purpose of this book is to show that the habitual way of thinking and the world of fantasy create your destiny, because the essence of a person is determined by the thoughts in his subconscious.

They open and close in natural cycles according to the positions of the Sun and Moon relative to the Earth. Because scalar waves are smaller than gamma rays, they can pass through any physical substance without being detected. However, the damage they can cause can be so great as to displace an object from time and space and cause it to become temporarily separated from its normal movement over time.

Or objects may be motionless in space due to internal scalar energy within them that is stuck in stagnation. However, the site is still moving with the times. A beam of scalar energy can distort the time frame an object is in, causing it to disappear into another reality.

Do you know why?

Why is one person sad and the other happy? Why does one live in joy and wealth, and the other in poverty and suffering? Why is one fearful and anxious, while the other is optimistic and confident in his abilities? Why does one have a beautiful luxurious home, while the other drags out a miserable existence in a squalid shack? Why is one person constantly accompanied by luck and success, while another fails in all matters? Why is one speaker popular and famous, while another is a boring mediocrity? Why is one person a genius in all his affairs, while another will work like an ox all his life, but will not achieve or accomplish anything worthwhile? Why was one healed from a so-called incurable disease, and the other was not? Why are so many good and faithful people subjected to incredible suffering and torture of soul and body? And why are so many atheists and deeply immoral people successful and prosperous, living in wealth and enjoying great health? Why is one woman happy in marriage, but hers sister Has life turned out unhappily and unsuccessfully? Is it possible to find the answer to these questions in the work of your consciousness and subconscious? I answer you with complete confidence - yes.

How do scalar weapons work? Particles that are inorganic in hyperspace can be used to create multiple scalar wave frequencies and can now be artificially created and can include frequencies between infrared and ultraviolet radiation. If the transmitter has a higher reference "potential" than the interference zone of 2 intersecting scalar beams, the energy goes into a plasma "bottle" that materializes physically, and this is called "exothermic mode".

This can cause explosions, and they can be nuclear-like if the setting is at higher frequencies. Although electromagnetic energy does not flow through the space between the transmitter and the target, and because it surrounds physical space, the energy can suddenly appear faster than the speed of light and destroy something without warning. This is only a closed artificial potential, which is aimed at the “river of power” in hyperspace and is completely inaccessible to standard scientific equipment, which also reflects danger.