Indian mantras. Ancient Indian mantras fulfill wishes

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It is known that many diseases on the physical level have a spiritual origin, therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to normalize your inner world. Indian mantras contribute best to this. They allow you to dive deeply into yourself and understand the main problem of the disease, but to do this, you need to know special techniques that will help you concentrate as much as possible.

“Mantra” translated from the ancient Hindu language means prayer. Many prayers used in India to translate good intentions into life are poetic lines from the Vedas. There are also mantras that follow the Indian scriptures - Tantras, and people use them for both good and evil.

The pronunciation of Indian prayers is considered as a kind of tool of self-knowledge, which helps strengthen the will and mind, the relationship between the feminine and masculine principles, etc.
Indian mantras bring peace. By reading the holy words, a person merges with the entire Universe, stops thinking about existing problems and puts his thoughts in order. The important thing is that holy prayers must be repeated for a certain time, one should not rush and one should adhere to one rhythm.

Even if a person is not a convinced follower of Eastern religions, reading mantras will only bring him benefits, both for spiritual and physical health. Through sacred words and concentration on the meditation itself, it will be easier to forget about various worries and correct health problems.

Holy mantras of India

Many people, during meditative practice, for the purpose of improvement and self-knowledge, prefer to recite Indian holy sound mantras. As already mentioned, they are unusual words that the performer must repeat a certain number of times with maximum concentration until he achieves complete immersion in himself.

In other words, a prayer said in the language of the ancient Hindus (Sanskrit) helps to focus on the goal and achieve the desired state of relaxation and peace.

Mantras also include Indian chants, in which female and male voices harmoniously merge into a single whole to the sound of a pipe.

It is known that in every religion there are certain prayer words, after pronouncing which a person comes to a feeling of calm and peace. Of course, different peoples adhere to different religions, which means that in their prayers they turn to different gods. However, despite this, the end result for both a Buddhist and a Christian will be the same - the achievement of peace and complete tranquility in the soul.

This is explained as follows: firstly, a believer, reading sacred words, mentally unites with his god into a single whole, and secondly, when saying prayers, a believer goes deep into himself, completely distracted and forgetting everyday life and everyday problems.
Therefore, the main rule when reading Indian prayers is that you need to be able to concentrate on the words themselves and completely detach yourself from existing worries. Each of the mantras will help the performer to concentrate correctly and learn to keep his attention on the goal.

How to read Indian mantras?

To get the desired result, certain rules must be followed when saying Indian prayers. It is necessary to repeat the words of the mantra for 20-25 minutes. This text should be spoken slowly, maintaining a moderately rhythmic pace. In this case, you must try to put the emphasis on the last syllable.

If a person is new to reading, then he first needs to listen to Indian sacred mantras, memorize and repeat, copying the tone. With this method you can quickly master the amazing skill of pronouncing such prayers.

It’s good if a person, while reading a text from its very beginning to the end, focuses all his thoughts exclusively on it.

At the same time, it is forbidden to be distracted by any thoughts or reflections.

The longer and more often a person repeats the words of the mantra, the sooner he will be able to master this unique art to perfection. However, it is worth knowing that the better the text is remembered, the more difficult it is to focus your attention on it. Therefore, you will need to make a lot of effort to concentrate your attention on it.

In such situations, some believers prefer to change one mantra to another text, but meditation experts do not recommend this. And this can be explained by the fact that when repeating the same sacred words for many months, a person’s mind and body calms down, and as a result, the brain begins to connect 2 processes (reading text and relaxation) into a single whole. In other words, the incoming conditioned signal is immediately followed by a reaction.

So, when mentally pronouncing the same words that have already become well known, the person’s mind seems to send a command to calm down and relax. And since a specific text is associated with the ongoing process, the result is something similar to hypnosis or self-hypnosis.

Benefits of sacred mantras

Meditation experts believe that even if a person is very far from Buddhism, he should still try to start practicing saying Indian prayers. Such a process is related not so much to some kind of religion, but to something sublime and often so necessary. Meditation practice has always brought and will bring great benefits.

Mantras help you to know yourself and find the desired harmony with the world around you.

Correct and regular reading of Indian texts helps to relax and calm the mind, get rid of everyday stress and relieve tension. In addition, meditation using sacred mantras has been the most effective and best tool for self-realization and self-development for many years.

Varieties of Indian prayers

The most common Indian prayer is a mantra consisting of the syllable “Om” (“Aum”). If we adhere to Indian Vedic texts, then the vibrational power of such a sound is so enormous that everything living and nonliving on Earth arose precisely from this sacred syllable. In addition, the sound “Om” is a symbol of the 3 main Indian deities - God Vishnu, God Shiva and God Brahma. And, of course, in all mantras in which each of the listed Gods is glorified, this sound is present. That is, it is rare that an Indian prayer is complete without the word “Om.”

Of all the existing mantras in India, the main 3 of them are the “Gayatri Mantra”, “Panchakshara Mantra” and “Mahamrityumjaya Mantra”.

"Gayatri Mantra"

is the oldest of all prayers, it is taken from ancient Indian literature - a collection of mantras, the name of which is “Rigveda”. She is able to give a person such necessary qualities as the awakening of consciousness, universal wisdom and enlightenment.
Gayatri Mantra is considered to be the most powerful mantra present in Indian scriptures. It is universal and is mentioned in all 4 Vedas, as well as in the Tantras (one of the types of Indian texts). In addition, the great significance of this prayer is reflected in one of the main rituals of Hinduism - “upanayana” (this is the ritual of “initiation” of boys when they came to the teacher’s house to gain certain knowledge). One of the elements of such a ritual is initiation into the Gayatri Mantra.

However, sacred prayer is considered more feminine and can be heard in almost all places in India.
The text of the ancient prayer reads:

"Om Bhar Buwah Swaha"
Tart Savatur Varenyam
Bhago Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yo Narh Prachodayat"

This text is translated as follows:
“Om! Blessings to the Heavenly, Great and Earthly Worlds! I meditate on the bright light of Savitar, which personifies the divine power of Ishvara! May He illuminate our minds!”

"Mahamrityumjaya Mantra"

is a prayer that can defeat death. It glorifies the Three-Eyed God Shiva and it is believed that if a person regularly works with the sounds of the sacred text, it will give him amazing abilities that will contribute to the rejuvenation of the body, slowing down aging and resulting in absolute liberation.
The text of the mantra reads:

“Om! Trayambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pusti-Vardhanam
Urvarukam Iva Bandhanan Mirtor Muksiya Mamrtat.”

What does it mean in translation:
“I honor the Three-Eyed God Shiva, Fragrant and Bringing Only Good. Like a ripe fruit, may he deliver me from dark death for the sake of life, immortality.”

"Panchakshara Mantra"

is a very famous Indian five-syllable prayer to Lord Shiva, translated as “Adoration to the Blessed Lord Shiva” and pronounced as “Om Namah Shivaya.” Its text originates from the Krishna Yajur Veda and is considered the main hymn of the Shaivists.

Few people know the power that Indian mantras have. Translated from Sanskrit, it means prayer.

Ritual texts are an integral part of Hindu religious life. Now they have become known to the rest of the world. The texts carry incredible powers that can normalize your life and bring it to harmony. Reading them has a beneficial effect on your health.

Your life begins to change. The path opens for new knowledge, happiness, and creativity. It is very important to follow the rules of meditation and know exactly the purpose of the texts. You can listen to sacred texts during the day at work, or in the evening for relaxation. This is a convenient and quick way to improve the atmosphere at home and find harmony with yourself. For India, mantras are everyday, because Hindus often turn to gods. Learn to talk to the Universe and it will answer you.

Indian mantras and their purpose

It is not known exactly where these sacred texts came from. Hindus say that they have always been creatures, a gift from the Gods. All diseases of the body and mind are the result of improper functioning of energy channels, disorders in the spiritual plane.

It's hard to heal the soul. You need to learn to listen. To find your harmony within, say Indian mantras. They will become a source of very powerful energy.

The sounds of the song cause the energy plane to vibrate. A person feels better, pain goes away, stress levels decrease, and depression goes away. For India, mantras have long been an accessible cure for diseases of the body and spirit.

Advanced practitioners use special texts to develop their spiritual powers and awaken special abilities. There are many videos about meditation practices. There are several main areas for using texts:

  • healing diseases, maintaining health;
  • relief of suffering, way out of depression;
  • cleansing the energy plan;
  • achieving well-being;
  • development of spiritual powers.

There is an Indian mantra of love - it will help in finding your soulmate. This is pure and bright energy. You need to listen to yourself through meditation. The solution to all problems is available to those who open their minds.

Meditation morning and evening

All Indian mantras are prayers that need to be said regularly. The best option is in the morning and evening. If you have a difficult schedule, then you can meditate only in the morning. Many practitioners advise doing just this. While you have not yet learned the text, make it a rule to listen to the text or watch a video online. This is great practice. Learn from the performers of traditional Indian chants. For India, mantras have been and remain an important part of life. You can find their recordings online on the Internet. Start meditating at sunrise.

  • Drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach.
  • If you practice yoga, perform 3 cycles of Suri Namaskar - Sun Salutation.
  • Sit comfortably, straighten your back.

Indian mantras that are suitable for daily meditation:

  • Prosperity, harmony:

    “Tumi Phaya Re Mana.”

  • Mantra for good health and longevity:

    “Om Trayambakam Yajamahaye Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam Urva Ru Kami Va Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Ma Amritat.”

  • Indian mantra of love, harmony:

    "Om mani padme hum."

  • Mantra for clearing space:

    "Padma Chopin Gyi Gyud".

Meditation should last 30 minutes - 1 hour, but you can choose a time that is comfortable for you. 15–20 minutes may be enough. The text must be repeated an odd number of times. For all Indians, mantras are a common way to start and end the day.

Indian mantra of love

All texts are aimed at creation. When a person prays, he asks not only for himself, but also for all living ones. People, animals, birds and insects are creations of the Creator. They all deserve happiness and love. The mantra of love is a demonstration of this great feeling for all living things. It is very useful to start the day with it. If you have:

  • problems in personal life;
  • you can’t find a worthy companion;
  • unable to develop relationships;
  • problems with children;
  • depressed state.

The best way to improve the situation is to meditate on this mantra, popular in India. You wish all living things love, happiness, procreation. Your request will receive a positive response, and the effect will return to you. You definitely need to listen to your heart - if there is a lot of sadness and melancholy in it, the sacred text will correct it. Translation of the mantra:

“Om! Good for the Earthly, Subtle and Heavenly Worlds. We meditate on the radiant Light of Savitar. May He illuminate our minds.”

Say it every day - this is the best way to find harmony in your heart and love in life. For all of India, the mantra of love has become one of the most beloved. Girls and boys pray to the Gods, asking them to find happiness, elderly couples live in perfect harmony thanks to her. Indian mantras - a conversation with the Universe.

How to find your harmony

In order to find harmony, open your mind. This is not a quick process. In India, mantras begin to be practiced from a young age. The meaning and purpose of each text is explained to the child in detail. You need to listen to them not only with your ears, but also with your soul and heart. Indian mantras that open consciousness are known to practitioners and monks. You will rise above worldly problems and see the true essence of life. The answer to this question will be different for everyone. What do we live for?

  • Start your meditation with Sun Salutations. To see the exercises, find a video on the Internet.
  • Sit with your back straight and face East. The energy of the Cosmos will enter you from above, pass through your body, spreading through all tissues, organs, and blood.
  • Use the Song of Light:

    “Gate Gate Para Gate Para Som Gate Bodhi Svaha.”

  • Repeat it 24 times.
  • Remain sitting quietly. Let go of your worries and look at yourself from above. Try to see yourself entirely - who are you? What are you like? What do you live for?
  • You need to listen to your heartbeat - this is the only sound in the entire Universe.

You will see what you are missing. Maybe health, happiness, good luck? Or love, success, creativity? Finding the answer to this question and correcting the situation is harmony in life.

Tattooing with mantras

Some practitioners believe that this helps to find harmony. A tattoo with such text in Sanskrit is not just a decoration. You must take this step consciously, listen to the dictates of your soul. For residents of India, mantras are common tattoos. This is a short phrase written in a specific location. Very often they are applied to the health chakras. There are many of them on our body:

  • feet;
  • back;
  • palms;
  • breast.

Indian mantras need to be found in the original before going to a tattoo artist. It should look right. The Gayatri mantra is applied to the left shoulder, the love mantra is applied to the right. In India, mantras are applied in a ritual way - watch a video on how this is done.

Indian mantras are an accessible means to achieve happiness. Your life is changing, heading in the right direction. This is an excellent remedy for the development of body and spirit, the secret of your health and longevity.

Such a valuable gift has passed through millennia and has become available to everyone completely free of charge. Start meditating. Practitioners give you useful advice and guide you at the beginning of your journey. Indian mantras, truth, love, beauty - all this goes hand in hand. Learn to listen and hear your body through meditation. Joy, success and prosperity will come into your life. Correcting mistakes can be difficult, but finding the truth is even more difficult.

There are many universal spells that are widely known. There are also mantras that are known only to a narrow circle of initiates. Indian mantras are specific prayers that are used in spiritual practices around the world. The meaning and impact of these texts is multifunctional.

Hindu mantras written in Sanskrit language

This is a sacred text written in Sanskrit language. Even the shortest of them, which is perceived by a European as one or two sounds, is of great importance in India. The main strength is a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state.

Gayatri Mantra

A very strong and versatile text in its application. It is used for daily practice. This ancient Indian mantra is a person’s appeal to solar energy. The text of the Gayatri Mantra is as follows:





Today there are many known translations of this sacred text. The reason is the peculiarities of Sanskrit.

The main effect of this sacred and powerful spell is to cleanse the mind, get rid of all unnecessary thoughts, pointing to the true meaning of human existence. There is a statement that daily performance of the Gayatri Mantra protects against the evil eye and can help one get out of the wheel of Samsara and achieve the main goal.

Om Namah Shivaya

The sacred text that is located at the very heart of the Vedas. This Hindu mantra is also known as the heart of chanting.

The text consists of six syllables and sounds like:


The exact translation is still unknown. It is an appeal to the World Spirit, and not to the deity of destruction Shiva.

Different schools of Hinduism assign different meanings to this sacred and important text. Followers of the Advaita Vedanta teachings perceive it as an appeal to the Supreme Spirit. The bhakti school uses it to begin and end practices.

Buddhist mantras

This group of sacred texts are words of power. They are used in many spiritual practices. The sound of Buddhist mantras clears the mind and also tunes it to the waves of universal love. Often practiced as prayers and invocations to deities.

One of the most common sacred prayers of Buddhists. It became especially widespread in Tibet.

Consists of six syllables:


Pronouncing all sounds and syllables correctly will allow you to feel the maximum impact. It is used in spiritual practices to reveal a person’s energy potential and direct it to improve life. Meditation using this text helps to establish a connection with the cosmos and allows you to clear the practitioner’s fate of negativity.

Mantra Om mani padme hum

Om Bekandze Bekandze Maha

A powerful prayer aimed at healing a person. While singing this text, visualization of how the disease goes away will contribute to healing.

Full text:



It eliminates both physical and mental causes of illness, helps eliminate suffering, get rid of pain and internal torment.

The power of this mantra has been proven time and again.

Mantras of Jainism

In this branch of Indian religion, mantras were also assigned a special sacred meaning. Each of them reflected one or another aspect of God and made it possible to access this essence.

The most significant mantra for all followers of Jainism. You can hum it at any time of the day and in any situation.

The text reads as follows:








The text of this mantra reflects the whole essence of Jainism as a religion. While reciting these prayer words, the practitioner alternately worships the virtues of each of the Five Greatest.

Mantra Navokar in Sanskrit

Sinkh mantras

Mul mantra

It was created by the founder of the religious branch known as Sikhism. In this text, one phrase contains maximum information about the philosophy and psychology of human potential.

This prayer text sounds like this:





The main meaning of this text is a compass pointing to the right direction. This prayer is a description of man's consciousness in God.

Chanting the mule mantra will allow you to feel in which direction you should move in order to get closer to enlightenment and God.

Reading rules and techniques

For any Indian mantras to produce results, it is important to adhere to a number of basic rules that guarantee success.

  1. Maintain accurate sound reproduction. Indian mantras act depending on the sound vibrations created by the practitioner. Each spoken sound will have its own impact on the life of the reader.
  2. Create a vibration on the sound “m” when pronouncing the most important word Om. This can be done by making a sound as you exhale and directing the sound and air towards the abdomen.
  3. Indian mantras must be repeated a specific number of times. Most often these are numbers 3, 9, 18, 27, 108. In order not to lose count, it is recommended to use rosary beads, which will help you enter a meditative state.
  4. Use one text during one session. Indian mantras work better with gradual deep development of each of them than with superficial development of several at once.
  5. Use sacred texts with pure thoughts. If used for personal gain, reading will not give any result, since Indian mantras carry only good meaning.

You can read texts at any time only in a positive emotional state. Anger, resentment and other negative feelings will only have a negative impact on the result.

Mantra meditation

Indian mantras can be used during meditation. There are several techniques for such meditations. Some of them need to be applied when you are alone, while others are suitable for performing by a group of people.

There are 4 forms of mantra meditation:

  1. Pronouncing the sacred text to yourself, in a low voice or out loud. You can use a rosary.
  2. Saying it out loud while concentrating on breathing.
  3. Listening.
  4. Group mantra meditation.

Each of them is performed according to a specific algorithm in compliance with a number of special rules. Any of them produces results and changes the life of the practitioner.

Strength and Opportunity

Indian mantras, like meditation sessions, carry a special power of metamorphosis. Their use allows you to change your life for the better, move forward on the path of self-development and self-improvement.

After the Indian mantras begin to have an effect, the practitioner’s mind will become cleaner and his thoughts will become clearer. His innate wisdom will become stronger, and negative energy will be transformed into an engine of progress.

The personality will begin to develop and approach enlightenment more and more every day of spiritual practice.

Mantras cleanse the mind and thoughts


Indian mantras are sacred texts endowed with special power from the moment of creation. Their constant use allows you to change your life for the better and gain enlightenment.