The name Veronica in Japanese. Veronica: what does the name mean for a girl

Having learned the secret of your name, you will be able to open new horizons and discover your hidden capabilities. Veronica's energy is truly fragile and defenseless, but this name also has many strong qualities.

Meaning and origin of the name

This name is Greek in origin. The Greeks knew and revered the goddess Nike, who was in charge of victories. Translated, the name Veronica means “bringer of victory.” In ancient Greece, the final Russian version of the name Veronica was Beronica or Feronica.

Further, this name greatly spread beyond the borders of Greek culture. In the Western world, Veronica is spelled the same way, but the emphasis is on the second syllable. Veronica means “pure image” in Latin. This name was always very popular among Catholics, and then passed into Russian culture.

The fate and character of Veronica

The character of girls and women named Veronica is very unusual. Very often, Veronica builds her destiny through spontaneous decision-making. This is not always correct, but it often helps overcome indecision and avoid a phase of long, fruitless thinking. Most Veronicas believe in God or a higher power, so in adult life they often rely on their help.

They love everything that is expensive and pleasant in every sense. This applies to all the things they need, from a car to a toothbrush. Veronica values ​​beauty, comfort, convenience, but this does not mean that she is spoiled or does not know how to be content with what she has. If she does not have the opportunity to afford all the best, then this will certainly upset the owner of the name Veronica.

Veronica loves helping people and seeing the results of her work, so she could make an excellent doctor, nurse, educator, philanthropist or teacher. She is a great friend because she makes contact easily and always comes to the rescue in a difficult situation. She may not be able to do something difficult, but she always knows how to support a friend in a difficult situation, just by being nearby. This special aura helps her choose the appropriate job as a teacher or doctor. She knows that people always need her. This is its essence and the task set by nature itself.

She is very amorous, and in marriage she loves to be the family leader. If the man with her is quite soft, affectionate and gentle, and can also earn enough money, then Veronica will allow him to be the head of the family, and she herself will become an excellent mother.

The meaning of the name Veronica for a child: choosing a name for children

As a child, Veronica is often lonely and very shy, but over the years this goes away, giving way to truly masculine fortitude. She does not leave the roads that she creates for herself. The roles change - closer to the age of 30, men begin to find amazing beauty and special charm in Veronica.

When naming a girl Veronica, remember that owners of this name lose their temper very easily in the early years; They may find it difficult to cope with everyday problems that require endurance. As a child, Veronica prefers to dream rather than plan, although this is typical for many children. She perceives mastering skills with hostility because she is afraid of failures and uncharted territories. This can be clearly seen before school and before entering university. If this is not overcome, then even in adulthood, any new endeavors for Veronica will present difficulties.

As a child, Veronica is modest and not demanding of people, but for some unknown reason people are very often demanding of her. She is constantly expected to make some incredible breakthroughs in her studies. This puts terrible pressure on the child, so you shouldn’t raise Veronica strictly - it won’t be possible to raise her successfully with constant supervision anyway. This can only be achieved by becoming a child's friend and spiritual mentor, and not a supervisor.

Characteristics of the name Veronica

Name energy: Veronica has a rather strange aura that draws you to her like a magnet. On the other hand, if Veronica is indifferent to you, you will immediately feel it: even if the owner of this name is disingenuous, her mood is easy to feel.

To which patronymic The name Veronica is suitable: Vyacheslavovna, Igorevna, Sergeevna, Vladimirovna, Vadimovna, Evgenievna.

The best compatibility in love: Vladimir, Andrey, Mikhail, Denis.

Patron animal: dove, panther. The dove represents love and peace, and the panther represents passion.

Name element: air. Veronica sparks interest in herself more than serves as a catalyst in the lives of other people.

Zodiac sign: Veronica is a typical Leo

Stone-amulet: black opal and tourmaline. The first saves people from melancholy, and the second helps them survive difficulties and loneliness.

Metal: scandium and silver, related to the energy of Veronica.

Color: black and red. Veronica is a seductress who lives by emotions. These colors are the best friends of people who love to flirt and are addicted to feelings.

Planet: Mercury, mobile and very inquisitive.

Favorable day of the week: Sunday.

Plant: cypress, which gives Veronica protection from sadness and grief that overtakes her periodically for no reason.

Lucky number: 9.

Famous representatives: Veronica Tushnova (poetess), Veronica Lake (American actress), Veronica Dolina (USSR singer).

Our name is all we have at the very beginning of life. It directs our life path in the right direction and gives us strength to overcome many obstacles. Veronica is no exception. These ladies know how to accept any life rules and know how to become happier.

Numerology of the female name Veronica

The number of the name Veronica is nine, almost infinity, which at the same time carries thoroughness. She stands firmly on her feet, relying on her own strength. Her judgments are somewhat categorical, but always sincere. In general, honesty for her is not an empty phrase, it is a life principle, a vector that guides. Veronica expects sincerity from those around her, but she doesn’t always receive it... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is available.

All names in alphabetical order:

Difficulties along the way can take you by surprise, and in order to prevent this from happening, you should pay attention...

Today we will talk about a rare and beautiful female name, after which one of the constellations in the night sky is named. If you want to name your daughter Veronica: the meaning of the name, character and fate that awaits the girl in the future.

The obsolete form of the name is Berenice.

This name is pagan and goes back to the goddess of victory Nike, but it is found in the Bible.

This name comes from the ancient Greek language, from which it is translated as “bringer of victory.”

In the vast majority of cases, female names are formed from male names. Veronica is an exception. Few people know that this name also has a male version - Veronique. Unfortunately, the male uniform is now completely out of use.

Personal Description

Veronica's character is very easy. She loves to have fun and always involves her friends and family in her entertaining ventures. She will never miss an opportunity to have a blast, even if there are some problems in her life. Therefore, it can be called quite windy.

She also loves to be the center of attention. The feeling of indifference to her from those around her is one of the few things that can truly upset Veronica.

She is very calculating and seeks benefits for herself in every way. She is not afraid to use others, so much so that they don’t even notice it.

Her charm and inner charm help in this; she is well aware of all her strengths and weaknesses, knows how to use them and hide what others do not need to know.

As a child, everyone considers Veronica a timid child. Parents like it, because a quiet, shy daughter causes much less problems than a tomboyish girl. But you shouldn’t relax - with age she becomes more and more relaxed and open, acquires excellent communication skills, learns to find an approach to any people, and especially to men.

Her attractiveness and charm literally fascinate the opposite sex, and therefore she has no end to her fans. However, she is very picky, and her chosen one must meet her high standards.

Veronica is at ease in any company, although in the company of women she may have some difficulties in communication, but in general, she is very sociable.

How will her life turn out?

She likes to shirk household chores, and her career, as a rule, does not please her.

Veronica is interested in fun and entertainment, but everyday life and boring work do not fit well into this lifestyle.


She can achieve success in areas where she will be the center of attention. She will make a wonderful actress, radio host or captain of the basketball team.

Speaking about her career, we need to mention several qualities that will help Veronica realize herself professionally:

  • Ambition. She is not averse to taking some high leadership position. She easily compensates for the lack of knowledge and skills with her internal qualities and ability to influence people.
  • Attractiveness. She does not hesitate to use her striking appearance and charm to influence her male colleagues and bosses, and thereby advance in her career.
  • Creativity. He can always surprise his colleagues by finding a non-standard solution. And her clients are often satisfied with the special approach she uses in working with them.
  • Giftedness. If she wants to develop in creative professions such as painting or literature, she will certainly achieve success there.

Marriage and family

Veronica gets married late, and at first family life turns out to be a heavy burden for her. Not only does she have to do routine housework, but she also has to adapt all her grandiose plans to the needs and desires of her husband. In addition, she is prone to rapid mood swings, which will definitely cause her husband a lot of trouble.

H To make Veronica happy, her husband should turn a blind eye to whims and do not skimp on expressions of approval and compliments.

After the wedding, she never stops taking care of herself and remains beautiful and well-groomed. Even when she is married, she does not remain without the attention of the opposite sex, and therefore her husband has a very hard time. But he should keep his feelings under control and under no circumstances create scandals.

Veronica makes a great mother. Children see her as their best friend. She gives herself all to them. Likes to participate in children's games and other activities, such as hiking. She also finds an approach to her children's friends. This woman is not one of those mothers who overprotect their child and find fault with their every step.

What will the girl be like?

If a girl is named Veronica, what kind of character will a child with that name have?

Are you thinking about naming your child this name? We will tell you about what this girl will be like.

As a child, Veronica is shy and timid. But the older they get, the more they loosen up, and eventually become cheerful, perky and energetic.


Veronica's positivity also infects her friends, who ultimately love spending time with such a friend, she loves to be in the spotlight, is the first to sign up to participate in all school entertainment events, and prefers to take on the role of leader. For example, she can take on staging a school play or organize a concert for a holiday.

Veronica loves dancing, singing, and sports. She is more suited to team games, where she can easily reveal her leadership qualities. She is successful and doesn't like losers.

She does not provide them with support, and can behave very harshly with such guys, even to the point of insults. Veronica's many-sided interests and hobbies can serve as an obstacle to her good studies, but with proper motivation she will get good grades.

Transitional age

Having become a teenager and feeling like an adult, Veronica begins to spend a lot of time with friends and constantly linger somewhere. Parents should trust their daughter and not put too much pressure on her - conflicts will not force her to obey the will of her parents, she will do exactly the opposite. Excessive strictness will not help here.

During the student years, love and passion for entertainment only intensifies. She is popular with her fellow students, but for Veronica they are only friends - at this age she begins to become interested in older men. Crazy about strong and wealthy gentlemen who will shower a young girl with attention and gifts.

She knows her worth and will never allow a man to take advantage of her. If necessary, she knows how to present herself as an unapproachable and rebellious beauty. If her admirer is not deprived of self-confidence, then his persistence will allow him to get the girl. Veronica wants her gentleman to unconditionally fulfill all her wishes and not be stingy.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name:"Bearer of Victory" (Greek)

Name energy and character: In terms of energy, the name Veronica is extremely flexible, to the point that it is very difficult to suspect its owner of the ability to concentrate for a long time on any one emotion, especially a negative one. Rather, it looks like a windy spring day, when a quick change in weather has little effect on the general perception: it’s still spring and still fun. At the same time, the name is not devoid of romance, take the constellation Coma Berenices, and beauty. All this attracts attention, and first of all Veronica herself can be fascinated by her own name. This is a very significant point, since it is it that determines the development of such an important quality as self-love.

Of course, a person without pride is very bad, however, even with excessive development of this feeling, there is a great danger of becoming selfish and even arousing the hostility of others. In this case, the beauty of the name can cause the exact opposite attitude in people, often bordering on open hostility. Thus, Veronica's parents and educators should be very careful and not forget that self-esteem must be balanced with respect for people. But if such balance in Veronica’s character is achieved, she becomes a surprisingly easy-to-communicate person, which undoubtedly attracts not only girlfriends, but also numerous suitors. This can make Veronica picky and quite self-confident, which will impress others even more. Perhaps only she herself will be somewhat embarrassed by the lack of deep feelings, but most often she makes up for it with cheerful fun.

In general, usually this lightness and ease finds its manifestation in all areas, from housekeeping to her job, which she will try to choose as prestigious as possible or even calmly assign this responsibility to her husband, putting her energy into arranging the family nest. But the husband should be more attentive, since he himself may not notice how Veronica’s ease and self-confidence will turn him into an obedient instrument in her hands.

Secrets of communication: Most often, Veronica belongs to the category of precisely those women, thanks to whom you don’t have to spend money on publishing your advertisements in newspapers - it’s enough to tell her something in secret, and soon half the city will know about this secret.

The name's trace in history:

Veronica Steiner

According to medieval chronicles, in 1574 in Austria, in the castle of Staremberg, a certain woman named Veronica Steiner was suddenly possessed by the devil. Here is what M.A. Orlov writes about this interesting case of possession in the book “The History of Man’s Intercourse with the Devil”: “As soon as the Jesuit Brebantin, an experienced scolder of the possessed, began to reprimand Veronica, four demons emerged from her, marking their exit with the most undoubted signs, namely, a hellishly indecent smell that made those present feel sick.

An experienced besogon, however, concluded that the possessed woman had not yet been completely cleansed, that there was still a whole bunch of devils stuck in her. He gave the demons the order that each of them, leaving Veronica’s body, should extinguish the candle, of which there were many lit. A terrible noise arose inside the body of the possessed woman... The demons were difficult to succumb to the spells, leaving the possessed woman one at a time at large intervals, so that the entire spell lasted six hours in a row, and each demon, leaving the body of the possessed woman, extinguished the candle, as he was ordered.

The last demon turned out to be the most stubborn of all - he threw the body of the possessed woman up several feet with such force that five healthy men could not hold her. Upon his exit, Veronica fell into a deep faint, from which she later woke up completely healthy and freed from her enemies.”

According to Mendelev

A gentle and light name. All the signs are barely outlined, they are melting, almost imperceptible. Nothing rude, base, loud - just some unearthly name. However, all Veronicas still live on earth, among us - they eat, drink and somehow arrange their lives.

They have a very strong creative spirit, for Veronique it is a source of joy and at the same time many small and large troubles. A balance is maintained: if something is open to a person that is inaccessible to others, it means that he most often lacks practical life acumen. All the hardships of everyday life do not bypass Veronica, and since she clearly lacks the strength to overcome difficulties, she sometimes withdraws into herself and lives more in the imaginary world than in the real world.

These women are impressionable, they instantly grasp the thoughts of their interlocutor, their remarks can be deep and unusual, but in real life they are often helpless. Their lightness saves them: they are undemanding, content with little, although they value good and expensive things. They can become famous in the literary, musical, artistic world; They are amorous, their affections often change, but they instinctively avoid sex, especially rough sex. A man who can cast his lot in with Veronica will never be bored; he will not face the monotony of everyday life, but he will have to solve all everyday issues for both of them.

Veronicas are active and sociable, they don’t seem to have any secrets, but few people manage to understand their train of thoughts and changes in their emotional state. Veronica is devoted to her friends, of whom she has few, and tries to help in every way she can, and she herself will gratefully accept care for herself, but a certain chill is always felt in her.

She is capable of instant decisions and unusual actions. Surprisingly, sometimes she overcomes obstacles in this way and finds the only correct way out in a difficult situation.

It happens that these women suddenly change dramatically on the threshold of old age, becoming gloomy, silent, stern, and moving away from everyone, going into religion or simply tightly withdrawing into themselves. They are remembered for a long time and do not harbor grudges against them.

This name is given mainly in cities.

The colors of the name are cool: green, white and a lot of blue.

1. Personality: women who reign in heaven and earth

2.Color: blue

3. Main features: will - receptivity - morality - activity

4. Totem plant: lily

5. Totem animal: dove

6. Sign: Virgo

7. Type. Cholerics with a difficult character. These are reasonable, hardworking women, somewhat gloomy and envious, but they have huge reserves of love and tenderness.

8. Psyche. Introverts tend to withdraw into themselves and do not always express their thoughts and feelings. Secretive. Very self-confident and calculating.

9. Will. Very strong, leaving no room for selfishness. Their totem is the lily - a symbol of beauty and responsiveness, the strong smell of which, however, not everyone can tolerate.

10. Excitability. Combined with the speed of reaction it becomes simply explosive!

11. Reaction speed. Huge! If they don’t agree with something, they express their disagreement very vigorously. Stubborn. Defeats and failures upset them, but they do not make a tragedy out of it.

12. Field of activity. These are usually exemplary students. They are attracted to professions where they need to give their all, but what suits them most is the role of mother of the family and homemaker. They like to work with children and care for the sick, and can become doctors, nurses, orderlies, teachers, etc.

13. Intuition. They have good intuition, but do not use it, preferring the beaten path to various surprises. They stand firmly on the ground.

14. Intelligence. They do not strive to shine; they rather prefer to give way to people who want to attract attention. They have an analytical mind, hence their interest in little things rather than the whole.

15. Receptivity. Such women are easy to offend and hurt. But they will quickly stand up for others than defend themselves. They are capable of strong attachments, but their circle of friends is limited and carefully selected.

16. Morality, Adhere to too strict moral rules. They have an innate sense of decency, which is especially pronounced at turning points in their lives.

17. Health. They have enviable health and stamina. Must lead a measured lifestyle. Weak “sides” are the intestines, lungs and skin.

18. Sexuality. Plays a huge role in their lives. The most important thing for them is the joy of giving.

19. Activity. It seems that what others have to take with difficulty is given to them with ease.

20. Sociability. They feel at ease and at ease in society, although they themselves do not seek to communicate.

21. Conclusion. In childhood, they do not cause trouble, since they early learn to solve their problems on their own, without placing them on the shoulders of others.

In this material you will find information about the meaning of the female name Veronica, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

Complete - Veronica

Synonyms of the name - Ferenice, Berenice, Berenice, Berenice

Origin: Greek, “bringing victory”

Zodiac - Virgo

Planet - Sun

Blue color

Animal - Pigeon

Plant - Lily

Stone - Onyx, black opal

The name Veronica has its origins in ancient times, where there were female rulers called Berenices. Berenice, in turn, came from the name Ferenice. Translated from Greek as “bringer of victory” or “victorious,” which refers to the Greek goddess Nike. The name Veronica is also in the Bible, but here it is read as Verenika. This woman, according to legend, wiped the sweat from the face of Jesus when he was led to Golgotha, as a result of which his “true image” remained on the piece of cloth with which Bernice wiped the face of Jesus. Translated from Latin as “icona vera”. Therefore, the name Veronica can mean “pure image.” The name is spread all over the world.

Love named Veronica

This woman could be called frivolous, she is so amorous. She enjoys great attention from the stronger sex; there is always a significant number of fans around her, whom she bestows with her attention. But at the same time, Veronica knows how to avoid specific promises, leaving the man with hope for reciprocity. She prefers wealthy men who do not skimp on gifts and fulfill all her whims. The presence of such increased amorousness often becomes the reason for early marriage, when a girl marries him without any verification of the applicant. And naturally, such a hasty marriage quickly ends in divorce.

Sexuality of the name Veronica

This girl enters into intimate relationships quite early. Amorous by nature, she wants to receive from her partner a full range of caresses and love foreplay. In this case, she can be completely free from conventions and show all the passion and temperament. Prefers experienced and passionate men who know how to arrange a romantic meeting with the novelty of sexual games. Veronica, next to such a partner, feels like a weak woman, in need of male protection.

Marriage and family named Veronica

In marriage, this woman strives to take the place of family leader. And if the husband does not want to lose his beloved, he must submit to her, or at least pretend to. Veronica constantly monitors her appearance and continues to feel the need for male attention, in addition to marital attention. The husband must constantly prove his love with scenes of jealousy. If he does not do this, his wife will doubt his feelings and may begin to look for entertainment on the side. However, she will not tolerate betrayal by her husband. In everyday life, Veronica is a good housewife, a caring mother, and gets along well with her husband’s relatives.

Business and career

The desire to always be in sight contributes to the fact that women with this name choose a career in show business. The desire for a beautiful and comfortable life pushes her to this. Her extraordinary abilities make it possible to study music, paint, and find herself in the role of a teacher or lawyer. And everywhere she can achieve a high position.

The meaning of the name Veronica in character

Veronica's character is complex. And it differs radically for girls born in different periods of the year. Winter Veronica's character displays harshness, stubbornness, and perseverance, which pushes many of her friends away from her. However, she is characterized by honesty and justice. Spring Veronica is a soft, gentle and romantic person who is easy to offend, so there are always many fans around her. Born in summer, the girl has an adventurous character. She values ​​her personal freedom, so few people know what is going on in her soul. A girl who was born in the fall creates her own closed little world, where she does not allow strangers. Veronica is very close to her family, for whom she is ready to sacrifice a lot.

In early childhood, Nika is a positive-minded child. Loves to dance, dress up and be the center of everyone's attention. She has quite a lot of girlfriends and friends. But sometimes she becomes shy when she wants to be noticed. Despite her easy-going nature, little Veronica needs constant care from her parents. It is necessary for her to explain from a very early age that she does not always need to attract so much attention to her person.

Teen Veronica

At school, the girl studies well, although she does not make much effort. She often gets good grades for her “beautiful eyes,” which she widely uses. Already from this age she was characterized by signs of “star fever”. After all, Veronica is the star of school life - she sings and dances, takes part in all performances, plays sports and is always surrounded by a swarm of fans. Parents should keep this in mind and force the girl to really study more. Her character changes dramatically as she grows up. Veronica does not tolerate criticism, is offended by truthful remarks and carries a grudge for a long time, considering herself better than everyone else. She knows how to manipulate people so cleverly that they don’t even know about it. She knows her positive and negative sides of character, and she uses it well.

Successful people and stars:

Louise Veronica Ciccone - famous American pop singer Madonna

Veronica Gambara, Countess of Correggio (1485 - 1550) - Italian poetess and statesman of the Renaissance, ruler of the city of Correggio

Veronica Strizhak (Nika) - Russian TV presenter

Veronica Castro - actress of famous Brazilian TV series

Veronika Krasheninnikova - political scientist

Ideal compatibility: Rodion

Unsuccessful compatibility: Albert, Arthur, Savva

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

She is reserved and modest, although she learns the intimate side of life quite early. Veronica feels more confident if she has an affectionate partner. With mutual attraction, she is able to be relaxed with a man, receive and give pleasure, but she needs time to adapt to him, to study the range of his acceptability in sex. She is happy with a man who has more sexual experience than her and is sufficiently active. Veronica can ignore a partner whose meetings follow a “pattern”, offering her the same pose, saying the same words. Men are alien to her, for whom sex is only a means to get rid of discomfort, while for Veronica herself it is a desired, happiness-bringing connection with her lover. She cannot imagine intimacy without love play; she reacts especially passionately when her partner caresses her breasts. Without erotic play, Veronica does not receive satisfaction; love and sexuality mean tenderness and affection for her, but she feels deceived if her partner, igniting passion in her during the preliminary period, does not wait for her to reach climax. Her ideal is a man who is strong not so much in the sexual sense as in the everyday sense. In his presence, she wants to feel weak, protected; in his caresses she prefers “art,” “knowledge that is higher than strength.” She is receptive to the words that her lover whispers to her during intimacy. Veronica is able to quickly and passionately get carried away, enjoys great success with men, but prefers to choose herself. This woman’s extraordinary amorousness can cause the collapse of her marriage.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Veronica, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Veronica's zodiac is Leo
  • Planet – Sun
  • The color of the name Veronica is black
  • Auspicious tree - cypress
  • Veronica's treasured plant - speedwell
  • The patron of the name Veronica is the tiger
  • Veronica's talisman stone is onyx

What does the name Veronica mean?: 1) Veronica – the bringer of victory (the name Veronica is of Greek origin).; 2) authentic image (lat.).

Short meaning of the name Veronica: Vera, Verunya, Ronya, Nika, Nikasha.

Veronica's Angel Day: The name Veronica celebrates her name day once a year: July 25 (12) - St. Veronica, the bleeding wife, healed by Jesus Christ.

Signs of the name Veronica: In the morning on Veronica there is heavy dew and fog - for good weather. There is such a herb - speedwell, which is also called snake grass: it is believed that God created it to destroy poisonous snakes. When walking, for example, to pick berries, you need to put a veronica flower in your shoe so that the snake does not bite.

Positive traits of the name Veronica: Veronica is characterized by joy, ease of perception, extreme mobility, romance, and pride. She is surprisingly easy to communicate with and is often self-confident, which impresses those around her even more.

Negative traits of the name Veronica: Most often, Veronica belongs to the category of those women for whom the concept of a secret does not exist: it is enough to tell her something in secret, and soon half the city will know about it.

Character of the name Veronica: Veronica cannot stand loneliness or monotonous work. She is drawn, like a magnet, into the very whirlpool of any event - to the stadium, to the theater, to the podium, finally. At school and college, she is a constant participant in any gatherings, and she will choose a restless profession: she will become an actress, a correspondent, even a waitress - and will be in her place everywhere. Men named Veronica are crazy, she turns many heads and makes many mistakes before she finds her betrothed.

A girl named Veronica is a charming, lively girl. Loves music, dancing, loves performing in front of guests. At school age she writes poetry, draws, and plays sports. Veronica does not like to be alone, she is a constant participant in all school and later college events and evenings, and enjoys constant success with young people.

A girl named Veronica is an easy-going and relaxed person, witty, and can easily defuse a situation if she senses tension between people. The meaning of the name loves to be in society, “collects” companies, loves the sun, summer, and sea. This is a poetic nature who dreams of a beautiful life, but rarely makes her dreams come true.

Veronica is undisciplined and disorganized; she likes to talk about work rather than work. The name Veronica is most likely to be an ideal secretary or a good journalist, since people feel that she is interested in them and enjoy communicating with her. Veronica can become a poet, an actress, or achieve success as a fashion model on the catwalk or in the field of clothing design. She can be both a waitress and a flight attendant. A creative approach to everything replaces the name Veronica with sensitivity, concentration, and flexibility of mind.

For Veronica there are no too strict rules or cruel boundaries. She loves to manipulate men, fully aware of her attractiveness. She does not experience passionate desire, but she loves sex, although it does not interest her to the extent that it might seem at first glance. At the most intimate moment, Veronica may suddenly become preoccupied with her hairstyle or listen to some message on the radio.

The name Veronica loves a cozy family atmosphere, but often, after getting married, it is difficult to adapt to the demands of family life. Gradually she organizes the house as she sees fit. Veronica's ease and self-confidence can turn her husband into an obedient instrument in her hands. She loves to visit people, go to the cinema, theaters, and go to the resort. She will calmly entrust her husband with the responsibility of financially providing for her desires.

Choosing a profession by name: Veronica's ease and ease are manifested in all areas - from housekeeping to work in the field of modern computer technology and poetry. Veronica tries to choose a profession that is as prestigious as possible.

Veronica's business and career: A large role in all Veronica’s affairs will be played by circumstances that are little under her control, “unexpected ups and downs” of fortune, but she endures difficulties courageously, without losing her usual self-confidence.

Veronica's love and marriage: The husband should be more careful so as not to turn into a toy in the hands of the self-confident Veronica. The union of the name with Androp, Rodion is favorable. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Averyan, Albert, Arkady, Arthur, Bartholomew, Eremey, Isaac, Kim, Kondraty, Kuzma, Nathan, Savva.

Health and talents named after Veronica: Veronica has been very sick since childhood. Since infancy, she often suffers from respiratory diseases. There is an assumption that she may suffer from croup, which causes complications in various organs.

Veronica "May" - this Veronica often suffers from follicular tonsillitis, which affects the child's nervous system. At the age of two, Veronica is susceptible to various injuries. Much depends on the time of birth. If the name Veronica was born early in the morning, then her immune system is strong, and she gets sick less than her peers. If she was born in the evening, then it is better not to send her to kindergarten: she gets sick very often. This is especially true for “March” Veronica.

“September” Veronica is prone to neuroses and rhinitis, she must be protected from drafts. She grows up as a weak, indecisive girl. Veronica does not eat well, but there is no need to force her, it will not benefit her health. A girl with this name is prone to cholecystitis. You should not give her chocolate, it can cause allergies. From childhood, Veronica needs to be strengthened: go to the pool with her, send her to figure skating.

Veronica "July" - Veronica gets sick quite often. The temperature is constant, so you need to pay attention to her bronchi. She is constantly tormented by her tonsils. Veronica needs to constantly take vitamins, preferably in the form of fruits.

Name in other countries:: The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds slightly different. In Italian it is translated as - Veronica, in German: Veronika, in Polish: Weronika, in Czech: Veronika.

The fate of the name Veronica in history:

  1. Veronica is a holy, pious woman from Jerusalem who, according to medieval legend, gave her handkerchief to Christ, who was languishing under the weight of the cross, so that the Savior would have something to wipe off his sweat and blood. Christ accepted the handkerchief - and the image of his face was imprinted on it. The scarf associated with this legend is kept in the Church of St. Peter in Rome.
  2. Veronika Mikhailovna Tushnova (1915-1965) - Russian poetess. The main theme of her work is love. In Tushnova’s poetry, love elevates a person above everyday life, makes him inspired, grief and joy, loss and hope, present and future are associated with it. Love is when it's for two.
  3. Veronica Giuliani is a saint of the Roman Catholic Church, nun, visionary.
  4. Veronica Franco was a Venetian courtesan and poetess of the Renaissance.
  5. Veronica Dudarova (1916 - 2009) - Russian conductor, People's Artist of the USSR; representative of the Ossetian aristocratic family of the Dudarovs. Dudarova's name is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the name of a woman who has worked with major orchestras for more than 50 years.
  6. Louise Veronica Ciccone is an American pop singer and film actress Madonna, who is one of the most scandalous figures in Western show business (born 1958).
  7. Veronika Zemanova is a Czech fashion model, actress, photographer, singer, one of the most famous erotic models.
  8. Veronika Tushnova is a Russian Soviet poetess.
  9. Veronica Castro is a Mexican actress, singer and television presenter.
  10. Veronica Dolina is a Russian bard.
  11. Weronika Nowakowska is a Polish biathlete.
  12. Véronique Claudel is a former French biathlete, 1992 Olympic champion in the 3x5 km relay, 1994 Olympic bronze medalist in the same discipline, multiple medalist at the world championships.
  13. Veronika Kutsillo is a Russian journalist.
  14. Véronique Jean is a French singer (soprano).
  15. Veronika Belkovskaya is a Russian actress, People's Artist of Russia.
  16. Veronika Izotova is a Soviet and Russian film actress.
  17. Veronica Campbell-Brown is a Jamaican athlete, three-time Olympic champion and world champion in short-distance running.
  18. Veronica Gambara, Countess of Correggio (1485 - 1550) - Italian poetess and statesman of the Renaissance, ruler of the city of Correggio. Her works, mostly sonnets, are distinguished by tenderness of feeling, elegance and purity of style.
  19. Nika Strizhak - full name Veronika Strizhak, Russian documentary film director, TV presenter.
  20. Veronica Marchenko is a journalist and human rights activist.

What does the name Veronica mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate


Active Creative Sociable

Veronica Castro, Mexican actress, singer and TV presenter

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

Origin of the name: Latin

Lucky time: Tuesday

When there are problems: Wednesday

Important years of life: 25, 29, 32

Zodiac sign: Leo

Lucky number: 3

What does the name Veronica mean?

The meaning of the name Veronica can be interpreted thanks to its etymological analysis, however, there is also a legendary version of its origin.

Scientists agree that this name originated in ancient Rome, where it had a slightly different sound - Ferenika, which over time transformed into Bernika.

Translated from Latin, it means “bringer of victory,” being a derivative of the name of the ancient Roman victorious goddess Nike.

The energy of the name is very light and dynamic, endowing its owner with vivid emotionality and vivid imagination. There is no stability in him, Veronica is a dreamer who prefers to soar in the clouds rather than walk on the ground.

Would you name your child this name?
Not really

It is worth noting that the representatives of the imperial dynasty who occupied the throne were called Fereniki in Rome, as a tribute to their respect and as a sign of respect for the ancient Roman goddess of victory.

That is why the origin of the name Veronica is most often associated with the history of ancient Rome and is considered to be originally Latin.

According to biblical legend, this name appeared thanks to a girl who wiped the face of Jesus going to Calvary.

Already at home, the girl discovered that his features were clearly imprinted on the scarf, that is, the pure, miraculous image of Icona Vera appeared.

Subsequently, with the help of such a literary device as an anagram (rearrangement of letters), the beautiful female name Veronica was formed, covered with an equally beautiful legend.

This story is depicted in many mosaics in churches of various Christian denominations around the world, and documented evidence of it dates back to the apocrypha of the 5th century AD.

Forms of the name Simple: VeronicaFull: VeronikaAntique: VeronicaTender: Veronica

A beautiful name that is not yet very common in the countries of the post-Soviet space leaves a special imprint on the character of the persons so named.

Taking into account what the name Veronica means and remembering its legendary history, it is difficult to imagine that it endows its owners not with strength and the will to win, but with completely different traits.

From an early age and throughout her life, Veronica will live in her fictional world, where she has everything except worries and troubles; difficulties frighten her, she does not want to fight them.

However, the secret of the name Veronica lies in her often excessive pride and vanity. Driven by these feelings, she will strive to occupy the highest possible position in society.

To give a complete description of Veronica, it is necessary to note not only her selfishness and pride, but also her ability to be friends with those who are really nice. She could be an ideal friend if she didn't have a passion for gossip.

Women who received this name at birth know how to please others; their charm and ability to flirt can only be learned.

Their character is filled with numerous contradictions, in which there is a constant confrontation between positive and negative traits.

Vain, selfish, selfish - this is what the name Veronica means in its negative light. But in contrast to this we can put her sociability, sparkling humor, creativity, and ability to turn every day into a holiday.

The older Veronica gets, the more knowledge and worldly wisdom she acquires. This helps her cope with troubles and solve problems in a rather original way.

Having studied the psychological description of her character, it becomes clear that the key to her success and happiness lies in inner harmony. As soon as she resolves all internal contradictions and finds solid support, she will get rid of negativity.

Character Traits Talent Sociability Cheerfulness Curiosity Wit Arrogance Vanity Selfishness Stubbornness Laziness

We can say with confidence that Veronica will never be deprived of male attention. Her charisma, wit and unshakable self-confidence make her incredibly attractive to the opposite sex.

Good and bad couples Alexander Andrey Igor Nikita Taras Arseny Vadim Daniil Roman Tikhon

This means that choosing the most worthy candidate for her hand and heart will not be easy. The owner of this name, although amorous, flirtatious and sweet, prefers to be guided not by feelings, but by reason in amorous affairs.

This characteristic of the name Veronica greatly complicates her finding family happiness. She will get married, but whether this marriage will be based on love is a rather complicated question.

It is possible that the future spouse will be entrusted with all the responsibilities for providing for the family, and Veronica will have only rights and powers.

The meaning of the name Veronica for a girl

Translated, the name Veronica means “the one who brings victory.” This was the name given to the empresses who sat on the ancient Roman throne.

However, little girls with this name are timid and shy; they grow up quiet and sickly, inventing a magical world for themselves in which they are comfortable and interested.

Since childhood, they are aware of their attractiveness and know what to do to please others.

It is much more interesting for a child to draw, read, and create than to play tag with peers.

The special meaning, melody of sound and relative rarity of this name affect the character of the girl who wears it.

As she gets older, she realizes how attractive her name is and how advantageously it sets her apart from her peers.

At this moment, you need to explain to Veronica that you cannot put yourself above others, because every person is unique. Otherwise, pride will play a cruel joke on her.

In general, girls who bear this name do not cause trouble, but cause parental pride.

What will Veronica be successful at? Parents should recognize Veronica's talents as early as possible and direct all their efforts towards their development. There is no point in preparing her for ordinary “office” positions; for her they will bring nothing but extreme disappointment. Know that in the future Veronica will highly value the prestige and unusualness of the profession, so take this into account in advance.

The most important thing in raising a girl is to instill in her the right life values ​​and set guidelines.

It is important to help transform her obstinacy and stubbornness into the ability to think outside the box and achieve her goals.

Pay attention to the child’s creative development, take her to a variety of classes to reveal her talents.

What games will Veronica like? Veronica is an emotional and sociable child, but active sports games are unlikely to appeal to her. She is more interested in all kinds of children's creativity and reading adventure literature. She will feel comfortable in a ballet or dance studio, or in rhythmic gymnastics classes.

When is the name day?

July 25 October 17 © Author: Alexey Krivenky. Photo:

Day Angel. Veronica - the secret of the name

Veronica is a name that comes from the Bible. This was the name of the Jerusalem woman who motherly helped Jesus carrying the cross. Therefore, in the Christian religion the name Veronica is of great importance. Moreover, this name has a certain energy and euphony, so girls are given it regardless of the religious beliefs of their parents.

A special holiday for everyone is Angel Day. According to the church calendar, Veronica celebrates it several times a year. On July 25, the righteous Veronica is venerated, on July 20 - Veronica the martyr, on October 17 - Veronica the Edessa martyr.

History of the origin of the name

Veronica is, one might say, an ancient name. Its roots go back to ancient Greece. The meaning of the name itself is divided into two parts. The first part is literally translated as “bringing”, and the second as “victory”. In general, the meaning of the name is “bringing victory.” Everyone knows that Nike is a goddess who personifies victory. It was to her that all the warriors brought their bows and showed honor, as she gave blessings for successful battles.

Most historians say that the name Veronica comes from the name of the wife of the Egyptian ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty, Ferenice.

Character of the name

Veronica's childhood is spent in timidity and shyness. The girl is very indecisive. Over time, Veronica's character transforms, and stubbornness and even irritability appear in him. Growing up, the girl acquires maternal qualities, although external behavior is more similar to her father's. Veronica is more comfortable being in male company. She can get married several times, the girl is overly amorous and enjoys great success with the stronger sex. However, her feelings are fickle and short-lived. The fire of love can quickly go out in her heart, and she simply crosses out her former lovers from her life forever. The energy of the name is lively, mobile, sociable, restless, obstinate. All these qualities are present in Veronica until old age. Veronica has one unpleasant quality - excessive stubbornness. This quality is especially evident in girls born in winter. Veronica can often play dirty tricks on others and act out of spite. Especially when it comes to matters of the heart.

Veronica lives every day with her head held high. She is not afraid of any obstacles, since her name contains the energy of victory and success. This helps her achieve everything she wants in life. Along with such strong qualities, femininity, tenderness and caring coexist in her. It is this combination that is most attractive to the opposite sex. What can I say, without determination and wisdom it is impossible to win. These qualities are always present in a woman named Veronica. However, it is interesting that on her angel day, Veronica shows special favor.

Veronicas born in spring are characterized by poor health and changeable character. The appearance of “summer” and “autumn” Veroniques is bright, catchy and impressive. But luck is especially favorable to “winter” Veronicas. Success in business follows them throughout their lives. Most often they rely on their career. Family life fades into the background for them.

Veronica should choose Stanislav, Alexander, Leonid, Vladimir and Sergei as her chosen one. There may be problems with Vitaly, Eduard, Nikolai and Semyon.

The name Veronica, like no other, influences the character of its owner. Almost all Veronicas can agree with the points mentioned above.

How to congratulate Veronica on Angel's Day

To please Veronica, it is enough to present her with a glorifying congratulation on Angel’s Day. Veronica will be delighted with any gift, but she will be delighted with words that speak about her exceptional qualities. These girls love compliments. There are many congratulations on Angel Day. Veronica will be happy to listen to them for hours. They are especially beautiful in poetic form.

Veronica, victory and strength.

Congratulations on this day,

Let obstacles with proud strength

You will eliminate with sword and fire.

Veronica, you are a victory,

This name is definitely for you.

How much success have you had in life?

I brought it to myself and to people!

We wish you good luck from the bottom of our hearts,

Always have the strength to overcome obstacles.

May happiness, joy, goodness and glory

Fate will grant everything for you.

Veronica celebrates her name day (angel's day) with special pomp. This is a holiday woman; she will not miss any opportunity to attract attention.

Name talismans

Among the planets, Veronica is patronized by the Sun. The most suitable zodiac sign is Leo. The symbolic animal is the tiger. The color energy of the name is black or blue. The patron tree is cypress. The flower for Veronica bears the same name. Onyx is a stone that brings good luck.

Although Veronica celebrates Angel Day three times a year according to the church calendar, summer dates are the most popular, as they are endowed with special energy, which can even affect the character of the owner of the name.

Meaning of the female name Veronica. Veronica's birthday

Freedom-loving and romantic, good-natured and sociable, sincere and sensitive - this is how the owner of the name Veronica can be described. What is the origin of the name, how can it be translated, what character traits distinguish girls with this name, when is Veronica’s name day - read on!


This name is ancient Greek, formed from the name Ferenice (Berenice). The name is associated with the goddess of victory Nike, and therefore its translation into our language may sound like “victorious” or “bringer of victory.” Berenice, by the way, is mentioned in the Bible: a woman with that name met Jesus Christ during his journey to Golgotha. The meaning of this name is “pure image.” It is thanks to this woman that Veronica’s name day is usually celebrated on July 25 according to the Orthodox calendar.

Little Nika

The girl Veronica is simply a joy for her parents. She easily makes contact with both other children and adults. She always has friends around her. Nika is bright, positive, and the little girl knows how to be the center of everyone's attention. Veronica does well at school, but most often this is the result not of diligence, but of natural charm. In addition, even in elementary school, a girl can catch star fever, and therefore parents should pay special attention to Nika if they want her to receive a good education.

Veronica's health

The weakest point is the stomach. Problems with it begin after the first non-compliance with the diet. For this reason, it is worth teaching Veronica to eat properly. Among the most common diseases are rhinitis, neuroses, and colds. It is worth protecting yourself from drafts. As a child, Veronica does not eat well, but you should not force-feed the girl - this can lead to serious illnesses.

Owners of this name benefit from playing sports. The best ones are figure skating and swimming. You also need to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible.

Characteristics of the name

It's difficult to describe Veronica in one word. She is at the same time cheerful and wise, capricious and easy to talk to. Nika loves art, dancing and music, and often performs on stage. Already at school age, the girl writes her first poems and is good at drawing. In addition, she is witty and is often the life of the party.

Veronica is a real dreamer, she often has her head in the clouds. But the owners of this name almost never manage to realize their dreams of a beautiful life.

This name is very revered in the Catholic Church, but Veronica’s name day is celebrated on a different day according to the Catholic church calendar.

Veronica and work

Being in the spotlight is Veronica's favorite job. The most suitable professions are those where you need to communicate a lot and impress others. For example, the profession of a journalist, presenter or actress. Pleasant appearance will allow a girl with this name to be a model or model.

home and family

Home and family have not interested Veronica at all for many years. There is simply no room left for this in her world. Therefore, Nika gets married later than many of her peers. Initially, it is difficult for her to build a relationship with a man, because the girl does not know how to adapt and negotiate. However, if a man has enough patience, family life will be long and strong.

Veronica's Secrets

Girls with this name also have dark sides. For example, prudence. Veronica knows how to use people. And he does it so masterfully that it is simply impossible to guess. Therefore, when communicating with her, you need to be careful. Another secret is lack of professionalism. The girl is not inclined to study and is often lazy. Therefore, you should not give her painstaking work.

Saint Veronica

Veronica's name day is usually celebrated on the day of remembrance of Saint Veronica the Righteous. Her actions, by the way, led to the fact that today she is the patroness of all photographers and photography in general. The legend says: when Jesus Christ made his painful journey to Calvary, already condemned to death, Veronica followed in the crowd accompanying the procession. When Jesus fell under the weight of the cross, Veronica, who took pity on him, gave the Savior water and wiped the sweat from His face. Later, when Veronica returned home, she saw that the holy face remained on the fabric. The miraculous image was transported to Rome, and all Christians began to venerate Saint Veronica.

Veronica's name day according to the church calendar

You already know that St. Veronica’s Memorial Day is usually celebrated on July 25th. But there are other Veronicas in the calendar who are also revered. These are the martyr Veronica, venerated on July 30, and the martyr Virinea (Veronica) of Edessa, who is remembered on October 17.

It is worth noting that you can only celebrate once a year. This also applies to those with the name Veronica. According to the Orthodox month, name days should be chosen as close as possible to the date of birth. The celebration of this day is different from the usual birthday. It is best to invite relatives and close friends on this day. Lighted candles and traditional foods will help set the mood for a modest and spiritual family celebration.

Veronica's birthday - what to give?

Veronica is a cheerful and bright girl. Gifts for her should be unusual. As a present, you can give her a puppy or kitten. A portrait made by yourself is also suitable. Veronica will appreciate the book with the lives of the saints.

Girls who like to do needlework should be presented with an embroidery kit - with beads, satin stitch, and ribbons. And to make the gift suitable for a name day, you can choose icons for embroidery. Another wonderful gift for Veronica’s name day is a stylishly designed etymology and history of the name.

What does the name Veronica mean?


The meaning of the name Veronica

(ancient Greek - “bringing victory”)

The meaning of the name Veronica
In childhood, they are timid, shy and indecisive, prone to colds. With age, traits such as irritability and especially stubbornness become noticeable in the temperament of these sensitive little ones. In addition, some of them are allergic to odors and can faint even from the sight of blood.

Veronica has a maternal temperament, although in appearance she is very similar to her father. He prefers male society to female society and is married more than once; She usually gives birth to girls. Veronica is a sociable and lively, one might say, sparkling lady and retains her liveliness until old age.

She is very amorous and enjoys stunning success with men. But the instantly flared up feeling can just as quickly disappear from her, and then she will break all ties with her former lover without any regret. Veronica's unattractive trait is stubbornness (she is especially temperamental for Veroniques born in winter), and often she acts simply to spite someone. Favorite colors are red, purple and black.

Daniil Bashmakov

Veronica comes from the Greek Pherenike, which literally translates as “bringer of victory.” The name was transformed under the influence of the legend of Saint Veronica, who offered Jesus a cloth to wipe his face when he went to be crucified.

Akst Anna

Veronica - bringer of victory (ancient Greek), comes from the Greek name Berenike: “fero” - to bring, “nike” - victory. In Latin, this name means true, authentic image. This is due to the legend of how a young woman, Veronica, emerged from the crowd, took her handkerchief and wiped away the blood and sweat of Christ carrying the cross to Calvary. The true face of Christ was miraculously imprinted on the board. In the 20th century the name was quite common.

Main features: liveliness, spontaneity.

Diminutive forms: Veronica, Verunya, Ronya, Nika. Nikasha.

Zodiac name: Leo. Planet: Sun. Name color: black. Talisman stone: onyx. Favorable plant: cypress, veronica. Patron of the name: tiger. Lucky day: Sunday. Happy time of year: summer.

Veronica means "bringing victory", "victorious". It comes from the female name Ferenike, which in turn comes from the name Berenice - the name that was borne by representatives of the royal year in ancient times.

There is an analogue of the name in the Bible - this was the name of the woman who wiped the sweat from the face of Jesus when he was led to execution, as a result of which, according to legend, a “true image” of Jesus remained on a piece of cloth - “icona vera”. Therefore, the name Veronica can also mean a pure, true, real image.
The name Veronica is popular in England, Romania, Italy, and the Czech Republic.

Until the 60s, the name Veronika was almost never used in Russia, and from the 60s to the 80s it was very rare. In the 80s, this name became popular, and in the 90s, a Brazilian TV series starring Veronica Castro swept across the country - and a rapid growth in popularity began, which has only been growing and growing since then. Today Veronica is in the second ten most popular names in Russia.

Name abbreviations - Vera, Verunya, Ronya, Nika.

Veronica's Angel Day: The name Veronica celebrates her name day once a year: July 25th. This is the day of Saint Veronica, healed by Jesus Christ.

The character of a girl named Veronica is reminiscent of a bright sunny spring day - when there is so much positivity around that everything that happens has little effect on the mood.

Louise Veronica Ciccone

Patrons of the name Veronica

  • Zodiac – Leo
  • Planet – Sun
  • Black color
  • Happy time of year- Summer
  • Treasured plant– Veronica, Cypress
  • Patron – Tiger
  • Talisman stone – Onyx

Veronica's childhood

Little Veronica is rarely modest, indecisive and shy; more often she is an active, sociable, energetic and creative child. Dancing, performances, communication and endless games with peers are her element. She enjoys going to a sports or dance section, and may show interest in drawing, designing and even writing poetry - just to be in the thick of things. She does not perform particularly well at school, despite her good memory - social life, exciting school events and informal communication are more important to her.


Discipline, order and composure - all this is not about Veronica. She likes to talk about work more than actually work. She makes an excellent worker - but only if the work is creative, interesting and related to communication. In this case, a creative, proactive approach brings success to Veronica. During adolescence, it is very important to gently and unobtrusively instill in a girl understanding and respect for others, otherwise she will grow into a person who does not notice anyone around her except herself.

Character of the name Veronica

Adult Veronica has no trace of youthful shyness and indecisiveness. The older she gets, the faster she turns into an eccentric and independent woman, noisy, bright and very sociable. She is always in the center of attention and in the thick of things. Entertainment can be anything - theaters, clubs, parties, exhibitions - the main thing is that they exist, because all she wants is to get the most out of life. Veronica is always surrounded by fans and friends; gossip and easy communication are her element. She has charm and grace, she is simply created for “going out.” She is a big dreamer and fantasist, she loves to make plans, she can lie with or without reason, she is ready to spend hours hatching unrealizable, almost fantastic plans in advance. Narcissism, self-confidence and star fever are her punishment, especially in her youth, but this is partly smoothed over by her naturalness, humor and easy character.

Love, family and marriage

Veronica means she is an amorous person and is not particularly serious in relationships with men. She always has enough suitors, suitors and admirers; she knows how to manipulate them and keep them at a distance. She prefers men who are serious, fairly wealthy, strong and successful. Veronica usually gets married early, and has a hard time adapting to family life - she prefers trips, clubs, entertainment, and visiting guests. Having resigned herself, Veronica can create a wonderful family comfort, but still the main part of the worries will lie with her husband.