I entered the university what to do next. What to do when you don't know what to do? Interesting tips and effective methods. listen to yourself

There are situations when graduates do not succeed in going to college, for various reasons. It is very difficult for them to decide how to behave in this situation. Often, parents do not have the opportunity to help with practical advice, because they themselves are sometimes at a loss. Without succumbing to emotions, we will analyze this situation in cold blood.

University according to Brazilians

University of Coimbra. Although the public, students have to pay tuition fees. Tuition fees, as the fees paid by students are known, vary by course and by university. Not at all what we have for this word in Portuguese, right? Institutions website to obtain additional information. Some universities offer scholarships or economic aid to those who achieve the highest ranking in the selection process. Luis Torquato entered Bair Sauna University with a note from Enem to take a course in Cultural Sciences.

In this case, there can be two types of graduates-losers: when a graduate of the 9th grade unsuccessfully tried to enter a secondary specialized institution, and when a graduate of the 11th grade did not enter.

What to do if you didn't go to college after 9th grade

Here, as they say, there are three options for such a graduate:
1. Continue your studies in the 10th grade of your school, although at first you will have to endure some malicious hints and views, so to speak, of ill-wishers. However, this is not fatal at all, and over time, classmates' pushes will come to naught. By the way, this is the best option.
2. Go to study courses to master any desired work specialty that may be useful in the future and at the same time replenish the knowledge that is needed in order to enter college on the second attempt.
3. Go to work, since now there are many jobs that do not require qualifications that will help you overcome a difficult year and earn some money. However, even in this case, the chances for future admission to college in the chosen specialty increase. He has the opportunity to take preparatory courses in this college before entering.

It was synonymous with winning the lottery for me. My advice to those who choose to come here is that they don't focus on the entire exam, but rather on the areas required by the chosen course, because that's how selection works, says Louise. Luis Torquato in one of his videos for the channel.

Regarding university life, Luisa explains: The Portuguese public universities in terms of structure, both physical and teaching, are equal or can be considered superior to the private universities in Brazil. The values ​​themselves for foreigners are usually a little higher than for people here. However, if you balance everything you spend and the lifestyle you lead, you will have proof that the cost will be the same as a good life in major Brazilian cities, only with incomparable quality, the student recalls.

No matter how the situation develops for a graduate after the 9th grade, he has a choice of what to do, and here it is an important question that this choice be supported and approved by relatives and friends.

What to do if you didn't go to college after 11th grade

The above points 2 and 3 are also relevant for a 11th grade graduate.

In addition, if this graduate is a young man, he has the opportunity to go to serve in the army, where you can also get the desired civilian profession. Moreover, after the army, he has the opportunity to extend his service under the contract, enter educational establishments police and civil protection of the population, he can go to work in security firms, etc.

Ana Spinelli also decided to study in Portugal. I was at this stage of entering college and decided what to do with my life. She has been studying for two years in Coimbra, the first Portuguese university to make an agreement with Brazil. The student has started his journey, but soon intends to switch to it. "My parents' assessment at the time was that the expense of staying in São Paulo would not have been worth it."

Ana Spinelli in one of the most memorable facades of the University of Coimbra, in Portugal. The adaptation on Portuguese soil was calm, despite early problems. The first two months were more difficult. The teachers were very patient and attentive. The concentration of Brazilians at the university was also impressive. When Ana arrived there, they made up almost 10% of the university's student body. She appreciates this experience. Contact with other cultures makes us accumulate incredible baggage.

However, there are, as they say, undercurrents. Army service is not always beneficial - a lot depends on the military unit where he served, the commanders and officers to whom he was subordinate, etc. And will there be an opportunity for him to prepare for re-entering college if he nevertheless firmly decided to follow the path of obtaining a chosen profession in college? The question, apparently, is rhetorical.

We can see very big personal and academic growth, he concludes. They even appear on the university's website as a reading recommendation for Brazilians who are interested in studying in Portugal. The idea came when we realized that there was no official information about the documentation.

From our own experience, we saw an opportunity to create something so that people can find information in one place from the experience, and not from the collection of information that is distributed on the Internet, says Fabio. Fabio in one of the most photographed places in the university.

It is much easier for graduates of the 11th grade for girls - they have a lot of options for taking various courses, getting a job that does not require specialties, etc.

By the way, all obstacles can be overcome if there is a desire to learn, the main thing is not to get upset and strive to achieve the intended goal.

Perhaps you will be interested.

The two were in Portugal for almost three years. They are currently pursuing a PhD in Communication Sciences from the Beir Salon University in Kovilha. Everything that was conquered as baggage was also noted. The study abroad experience will be closely linked to a willingness to explore and integrate with new cultures and communities. Who comes to really live in a new world, share experiences and wish to seek knowledge, we recommend eyes closed Tamela emphasizes.

Fabio and Tamela on one of the streets that give access to the monastery of St. Anthony, where the residences at the university and the parish priest are located. University of Coimbra University of the Algarve Polytechnic Institute of Leiria Polytechnic Institute of Beja Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre. Yes, any registration in the National Diploma made on the Registration Portal before September 30th is possible. Namely: sports and university diplomas are not included in the calculation of the amount payable in 3 installments.

There are lucky ones who know exactly what they want and are firmly moving towards the intended goal. For them, the news that they were not accepted for the first year of the chosen university is a very serious blow.

What should I do if I didn't go to university? How to continue to live, because everything that has been going for so long is collapsing? How to survive this moment? How do you tell your parents that you didn't enroll? What to do next? These questions momentarily flash through the head of every applicant who did not see his name in the list of applicants.

They are payable from the first expiration of the term. What are the payment terms for 3 times? Students who have an appointment in July can choose to pay in three installments with the first payment on the spot by credit card, check or money order, and two other direct debit terms; all other students will be able to pay 3 times online credit card. However, it is not possible to pay 3 checks 3 times. If you still send 3 checks, three checks will be cashed at the same time. After 3 unsuccessful attempts on the same day, the online payment is blocked.

In fact, yes, for a person who has chosen the only way for himself, this is really a problem. He did not work out his next steps in case of failure. He did not apply to other educational institutions, because he was confident in his abilities. At school, everything worked out for him, he purposefully walked towards the intended goal. And suddenly everything turned upside down. You need to look for new ways to approach your dream.

Reconnect the next day to pay by verifying your account provision and the validity of your card. What to do when the message "Not in good standing with the accounting agency" is displayed? This message is displayed if you have an outstanding payment for one of your previous registrations in Lyon.

In this case, please contact Ms. Howda Creed at the following address. No, the verification is checked during the registration verification in accordance with the rules of public accounting. Yes, this amount is included in the registration fee. An exemption from preventive medicine is granted if you have already paid this fee for the same academic year in another institution. Once your file is completed, it will be verified by the enrollment center and then by the university's accounting agency. No, according to the public account management regulations.

Do not lose heart and consider yourself a loser. Just unlucky, there was someone who was a little better prepared than you. It is necessary to draw the correct conclusion from this lesson - somewhere they did not finish their studies a little and there were not enough points in the Unified State Examination. Look at the situation from the other side. Consider your non-delivery as an opening new opportunity. Perhaps you chose the wrong path, and fate gave you a chance to think about the right choice for another year ...

Since Wednesday, July 5, since you were admitted to Lyon. To re-enroll students, please make sure you receive the test results. If you are interested in retraining, you must follow this procedure at the diploma secretariat before entering the enrollment portal. It depends on the degree of registration. If you register with another master on September 30th.

Attention: due to summer holidays the registration portal will be closed from 28 July to 20 August. Once you agree to your training, you may be given additional time to find a host company and sign a contract. Contract. Attention: it is necessary to distinguish between the social coverage of the complementary.

Young people can join the army, improve their physical form and think about the future. Not only is the army a great school of life, it's also a free "fitness club". After all, special attention is paid to sports in the army. In your free time, you can analyze your past mistakes and come to the new academic year more morally prepared. In addition, many educational institutions accept children who have served in the army for 1 course out of competition. Why not an exit? And you will repay the debt to the Motherland, and you will not waste time in vain. In addition, today they serve one year, this is just the period that must be waited until the next entry.

Depending on the information you provided in the enrollment portal, you will or will not belong with student welfare. Affiliation is free if you are under 20 during the academic year or if you are a social criteria student.

An additional guarantee allows you to cover medical expenses in the event of illness that remain your responsibility after reimbursement of the “social security” share. Make sure you are not covered by a parent or other organization before choosing one when you register at the university.

What to do if a girl did not enter the university? Or did the guy fail the exam, who, for health reasons, is not fit for military service? You have to go to work and devote your free time to studying the material of the school curriculum. Indeed, in the current situation, if you did not enter a university or another university, it means that the results of passing the exam are not good enough for you. You can better prepare and retake the exam next year to get a higher score.

Is it possible? Yes, if you can present at the time of enrollment an employment contract for an academic year with a minimum of 150 hours of work per quarter. No, only contracts covering the academic year are eligible. You must be connected to the student social security scheme. You will be connected to the student social security scheme.

Choice of diploma of registration

The university will reimburse you for the registration fees for the national diploma and social security contribution. What's happened higher education? Whether a degree created by a university to meet specific needs or to acquire additional knowledge.

In order not to lose the knowledge you already have until next year, you need to practice. There are several ways to gain knowledge: study on your own, enroll in courses, go to a tutor, find online classes. The first method is the cheapest, but also the most inconvenient. Only people who know how to clearly plan their schedule can use it. If you do not have this “talent”, then you have only two options: group lessons or private lessons. Lessons in groups are cheaper, and lessons with a tutor are more effective. If you can afford it, then go to the teacher. Alternatively, you can study with a private teacher on the Internet. It is much cheaper than in real life, but no less effective, because classes are held only with you.

Before applying for a university degree in addition to a national-level bachelor's or master's degree, make sure the schedule is compatible between the two degrees. Take the time to click on the level of study and area of ​​study that matches your degree. If the diploma does not appear, there may be several reasons for this problem.

You can edit certificates for the current year and for the previous year. Upon completion of your registration, you will be able to access your student intranet. This space will allow you to access the Internet. Your timetable in different school procedures, the release of school certificates, your exam, the timetable for your transcript of your certificate of achievement. Here's what you need to know about ranking and scrolling!

And, of course, for starters, you should have a good rest, gain strength, and only after that start studying the material. At the same time, you need to look for a job. You can contact the Employment Center, or you can look for a job on your own. For this, all means are good: contact your acquaintances, send out resumes to various organizations, go to interviews in large companies, pay attention to ads in newspapers and on bulletin boards on the Internet.

Release what you need to know about sliding and preferences

However, while it is already possible, you should wait until the results are published on September 29th and then on October 3rd to see if you entered the medicine in the first picture. Is there something wrong with you? Let's avoid any doubt! Did you find something wrong with your medical test? Here are the most frequently reported messages and what to do.

In this case, if you always want to register in Medicine, you will need to register within 4 working days at the designated faculty in accordance with the registration procedures, subject to delisting. If you are booked, you have a place in Medicine at the university, not your first choice. In this case, you have two options: enroll for 4 days in the department you were assigned to, or wait for the slides to try and see if you can get a place at your first choice university. In this second case, you must confirm your interest in registering within 5 days of the ranking being published, unless you wish to be automatically excluded. If you're fine, you don't have a place in medicine yet and you'll have to wait for the sliders. In any case, you must confirm your interest in registering within 5 days, except for the rating. If you are assigned, you have a place in medicine at your first choice college. . Didn't you understand the minimum score required to get a place in medicine?

You can, of course, hang yourself, a loved one, around the neck of your parents. But what will this option give you? Only that in a year you will become lazy to such an extent that you no longer want to enter, work, or study. It won't be easy for you! Have pity on the parents, every penny is so difficult for them.

Look for a job and you will definitely find it. Just lower the desired bar a little, you should not immediately count on the vacancy of a leader or minister. Start in a small position and show your abilities to management. Perhaps things will go so well for you that next year you will be able to enter the university in any case, either on a budget or in a paid department.

The first slider on the list will be published on Tuesday, October 11th, and will continue from the next slider each Tuesday until all seats available in Medicine have been effectively allocated. The rolls are necessary because not all those who receive a place in Medicine from October 3 will continue to enroll in the course of study, either because they refuse or because they do not meet the deadlines indicated in the previous paragraph. Scrolling is a modern ranking: even in this case, you will find assigned, reserved and relevant entries.

The main thing to understand: if you didn’t go to university, then this is not the biggest loss in life. It's not a loss at all. This is the acquisition of new opportunities and new achievements. And study ... a year will wait for you.