How to tell if a girl is pregnant. methods for diagnosing early pregnancy. Natural signs and ways to find out about pregnancy

In the first days? some ask with obvious hope, while others ask with undisguised fear. Whatever the motives of women, they both need to find out whether pregnancy has occurred. But how can you find out if there are still a few days left before your next menstruation, and there is still no point in doing a pregnancy test? And how early can you find out that conception has occurred?

Reproduction specialists assure that one can tell one hundred percent whether a woman is pregnant using only proven methods - ultrasound diagnostics, a woman’s blood test for quantitative indicators of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin. All the rest, according to them, cannot be considered one hundred percent. Even pregnancy tests, which are freely available in pharmacies and used at home, sometimes make mistakes.

However, even the best ultrasound machine will not “see” the pregnancy until a certain time. Meanwhile, the woman may already begin to experience some new sensations. Her body begins to change from the first minutes after conception; new mechanisms are launched in it that contribute to the consolidation of pregnancy and its successful development. And yet, no matter what doctors say, there are certain signs that help determine (or at least begin to guess) the fact of pregnancy already in the first days after conception.

Naturally, when we say “the first days,” this does not mean at all that we are talking about the first or second day after unprotected sexual intercourse. But within a week or a week and a half, the first messengers will certainly make themselves known.

So how to determine pregnancy in the first days? Listen to yourself. And take a closer look.

If one day you notice a small spot of bloody discharge on your underwear (they can be almost bloodless, yellowish), and your next period is still far away, you may be pregnant. This happens when an egg implants into the wall of the uterus. But for many women, this procedure occurs “dry”, which, like the first case, is a variant of the norm. By the way, if you have cervical erosion, then pinkish or yellowish discharge is also possible if pregnancy has occurred.

As we know, an increase in a woman’s body is a sign of upcoming or completed ovulation. But a sharp decrease in basal temperature, also called implantation retraction, indicates that conception has occurred. But a sharp decrease in temperature occurs within one day, and therefore only those women who daily and conscientiously monitor their basal temperature for a long period of time will be able to track this sign. In this case, the woman’s constant basal temperature in the first days of pregnancy will be “above 37”.

An increased sense of smell, an aversion to certain smells, and not yet pronounced nausea are sure signs of pregnancy. They are even called classic. These symptoms are experienced even by women who have never vomited during their entire pregnancy. But vomiting in the first days of pregnancy is a very common occurrence. It is often accompanied by a significant decrease in appetite, changes in taste and increased salivation.

The breast of a woman in which she was born new life, becomes more sensitive. Swollen mammary glands are a common, but not always unambiguous, sign of pregnancy, which appears within 6-7 days after conception. Ambiguous - because many women's breasts swell and ache a few days before the onset of their next menstruation. But breast soreness during pregnancy does not go away in 2-3 days. The chest, on the contrary, increases even more and reacts to even the slightest touch. By the way, the fact that a woman will become a mother is indicated by darkened areolas around the nipples. Their lightening does not even occur after childbirth, but a certain time after the end of lactation.

The feeling of heaviness felt on the “lower floor,” or rather, in the pelvic area, is another sign that helps determine pregnancy in the first days. The fact is that a woman’s body, if pregnancy has taken place, directs all its resources to the area where colossal work needs to be done. Now the most important task for him is to create the most favorable conditions for the development and preservation of new life. Blood flow to the pelvic organs now increases, and the uterus begins to grow. Thus, women feel “something is wrong,” but until a certain moment they cannot understand what exactly is happening to them. Some women, especially those who have already given birth, may experience an unpleasant symptom - hemorrhoids. Its occurrence is associated with the same increased blood flow.

Many pregnant women in the first or second week may feel an incomprehensible tingling in the uterus and “lumbago” in the perineum. The feeling of pain can be so sudden and strong that women are seriously frightened. But doctors explain this by physiological changes occurring in a woman’s body. Lower back pain also often indicates that a woman is pregnant.

Quite often, an indicator that a woman is pregnant is a strong feeling of drowsiness and slight malaise. Some may even assume that they are starting to get sick. Increased fatigue is a completely natural phenomenon in the first days and even weeks of pregnancy. The body is being rebuilt, the immune system “falls” a little. The hormone progesterone, produced in larger volumes than usual, depresses the psyche and provokes feelings of depression, drowsiness and even irritability. In addition, progesterone contributes to the retention of fluid and salts in the body, which, in turn, can lead to swelling of the hands.

If you cannot determine it, then you can at least suspect pregnancy in the first days if a woman urinates more often. In this case, urination is not accompanied by pain or burning. As a rule, such a symptom of pregnancy as frequent urination goes away on its own by approximately four months. And hormones are also “to blame” for this, which are now produced in a completely different way in a woman’s body.

Not always, but often you can determine pregnancy in the first days by watching a woman’s sleep. Restless sleep, feeling “broken” in the morning, falling asleep early - almost all pregnant women know what this is like from their own experience.

If a woman simultaneously experiences at least two or three of the signs described above, the probability that she is pregnant is about 75%. This means that you need to contact a specialist to accurately determine the fact of pregnancy and, if the answer is positive, start a new life.

Especially for Olga Rizak

Difficulties in relationships

Children and Parents

What to do if a girl gets pregnant

We all understand perfectly well that passionate relationships lead to sex, which sometimes is not as safe as we would like. And in addition to the possible diseases that you can get from a girl, you can also reward her with a child. And everything will be fine if you love this girl, want to marry her and can ensure the coexistence of the family. You just need to be happy for such happiness and start praising your girlfriend for being such a smart girl. But if everything is different, then this article is for you.

Of course, you can argue that you should have been more careful when making love, but this will not help matters much at the moment.

It’s better to take a short break and clearly decide on the plan of action that needs to be taken so as not to ruin either your future or the future of your girlfriend. Since now on the Internet you can find many different recommendations from “experienced givers” and “healers” who advise miraculous methods, methods and techniques that can not only get rid of pregnancy, but also from health, this article will reflect exclusively common sense and the right course of action. No initiative or risky decisions!

The girl got pregnant, and you are still young

Many guys, after a girl gets pregnant from them, simply make a broad gesture with their hands and say: “It’s your own fault, handle the situation yourself.” On the one hand, this is one of the possible temporary solutions and a way to put pressure on the girl to take pills or have an abortion. On the other hand, if a girl does something to herself, then all the blame will be on you. If the girl leaves the child, then you will have to pay child support. Since even if you refuse, she can obtain recognition of your paternity through the court. In other words, running away is not an option to solve this problem.

If you want to convince your girlfriend to take any medications or pills for pregnancy, ideally you should first go to a gynecologist so that she gives permission to use certain medications and also makes the correct diagnosis in your case. If for some reason you are not going to do this, then contact exclusively city pharmacies, where you will be offered at least certified drugs.

If you are sure that the girl is pregnant, and the time for taking medications has been missed, then you should surrender to the mercy of your parents. Since only they will be able to make an informed decision in this situation. In a normal clinic you will not be allowed to have an abortion without the consent of your parents, but in an illegal one you risk the girl’s life and her ability to have children. And no one really needs this.

The girl got pregnant, and you don’t want such responsibility

If your girlfriend becomes pregnant and the entire responsibility of the decision already lies on your shoulders, then you have only two options: termination of the pregnancy or full (partial) raising and providing for the child. And no matter how much you want to convince a girl to terminate her pregnancy and return to a happy and carefree life, if she wants this child, then you will not be able to influence her decision. Also, if you start putting pressure on your girlfriend, she may “see your true colors and break up.” Naturally, then you will not see your child, and only deductions await you from your wages every month in the form of alimony.

In other words, either you offer to give the girl an abortion and, in most cases, you will put an end to your relationship with her, and will also remain in the dark about her decision to keep the child. Or you take responsibility and become a respectable family man.

Mistresses and pregnancy

Quite often you can come across women who, for the sake of their future, deliberately become pregnant by men. After all, they understand perfectly well that in this case they either get this man for themselves, or receive financial funding from him, which can be spent not only on the child, but also on themselves.

And know that if your mistress begins to resist pregnancy in every possible way or pretends to be a fool in love or just a fool, then she has planned her pregnancy from you in advance. And no matter how you try to convince her to hide this fact, sooner or later your wife will see the alimony form and understand everything. And then either divorce, or loneliness, or living together with a mistress. There are no tricky methods or solutions in this case.

The best solution to this problem

No matter how scary it may be, in this case the best solution is to take responsibility for your child. Since your child did not choose where, how and when to be born. No matter how scared you are, he will be your favorite child and the meaning of life.


Features and significance of early signs of pregnancy.

Every girl who is sexually active should know the SIGNS of PREGNANCY. Having noticed signs of pregnancy in the early stages, a woman will be able to either decide whether to continue or terminate the pregnancy. Knowing the main signs of pregnancy, you need to see a doctor as early as possible. An early visit to the doctor will, in any case, be beneficial. The expectant mother will be able to avoid many problems associated with pregnancy and understand for herself what is a sign of pregnancy, i.e. normal, and which condition requires emergency medical attention. Signs of pregnancy in a woman in the early stages are subjective, that is, they are present in one woman and not in another. So, let's move on to describing the main signs of pregnancy.

Delayed menstruation is the main sign of pregnancy.

In order to notice this early sign of pregnancy as early as possible, you should always carefully monitor your menstrual cycle. Every woman who takes responsibility for her health has a special calendar in which she marks her critical days. But a delay in menstruation is not always a sign of pregnancy in the early stages. Irregular periods occur in many women. There can be a lot of reasons for this - starting from hypothermia and nervous work, and ending with serious hormonal disorders.

Let's try to briefly consider the physiology of this sign of pregnancy. Starting from puberty, from the age of 12-14, girls experience vaginal bleeding every month. Without such a “trouble,” pregnancy would have become impossible. Teens' first periods are often irregular. In the first year or two after menarche (first menstruation) this is normal, but later you should consult a doctor about this problem. The normal menstrual cycle consists of 28 – 35 days. Its shortening or lengthening should also not go unnoticed.

Some absolutely healthy women experience menstrual irregularities. Without knowing the exact duration of your cycle, it will be difficult to notice signs of pregnancy.

An increase in basal temperature as a sign of pregnancy in the early stages.

Many women at least once in their lives are faced with the need to measure their basal temperature. The main purpose of the measurements is to determine the day of ovulation, i.e. the period when conception is most likely. It is necessary to measure basal temperature every day, starting from the 5-6th day of the menstrual cycle. A sharp jump in the direction of increasing basal temperature indicates ovulation. Some ladies even use this method as contraception. Although this is not particularly reliable. An increase in basal temperature during the period of delayed menstruation can be regarded as one of the signs of pregnancy.

So, if you are experiencing some signs of pregnancy, then try measuring your basal temperature. The basal temperature in the rectum is measured using an ordinary thermometer. A prerequisite is that it must be measured in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. If the thermometer shows a temperature of 37 degrees or higher, then there is every reason to suspect one of the signs of pregnancy.

Increased frequency of urination as a relative sign of pregnancy.

So, you are experiencing a delay in menstruation and an increase in basal temperature - the main signs of pregnancy. It's been 1-2 weeks now, but my period still hasn't arrived. But the urge to urinate became very frequent. If you do not have cystitis, then this is also a sign of pregnancy in the early stages. Every day, a woman’s uterus increases in volume more and more and begins to put pressure on the bladder, as a result of which the woman begins to want to go to the toilet “in a small way” more often. In addition, the hormonal levels in the body change, and this can also cause the urge to urinate more frequently.

So, how to distinguish cystitis from frequent urination as a sign of pregnancy? Cystitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Cystitis mainly affects women of childbearing age. The reason for its occurrence is the entry of bacterial infection pathogens into the genitourinary system. And this is most often a consequence of hypothermia. Because when hypothermia occurs, it is much more difficult for the body, especially an unhardened one, to fight any infections.

Cystitis has a main difference from physiologically caused increased frequency of urination, that is, a common sign of pregnancy. This is a pain during urination and aching pain in the lumbar region. An accurate diagnosis can be made by taking a general urine test. By the way, in pregnant women, exacerbations of cystitis occur twice as often as in women who are not expecting a child.

Nausea and vomiting are one of the signs of pregnancy in the early stages.

Many women, precisely because of this sign of pregnancy, begin to suspect that they will soon become a mother. Indeed, toxicosis is commonplace for expectant mothers. Interestingly, the exact causes of toxicosis have not yet been clarified. There are three main theories. The first is that intoxication occurs in the body of the expectant mother. And in this simple way the body tries to get rid of harmful substances. The second theory is that the woman’s body reacts in this way to a “foreign body,” that is, to the fetus. And the third theory of the occurrence of toxicosis is psychological. Some researchers believe that toxicosis occurs more often in women who are not psychologically ready to become a mother. But, be that as it may, toxicosis was and remains one of the main signs of pregnancy in the early stages.

But sometimes, unfortunately, women mistake poisoning and intestinal infection for toxicosis. There are also frequent cases of so-called psychological toxicosis. That is, a woman notices signs of a non-existent pregnancy. This often happens in women who do not become pregnant for a long time; or those who are afraid of pregnancy like hell. Noticing a delay in the onset of menstruation, they become so immersed in an imaginary “pregnant” state that they actually begin to feel the presence of signs of pregnancy. Although in reality there is no pregnancy.

Pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen as a sign of pregnancy.

Indeed, some women experience this sign of pregnancy in the early stages. But more often such pain is caused by intense physical exertion or exacerbation of cystitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder) or pyelonephritis (kidney disease). Lower back pain can become not only a sign of pregnancy in the early stages, but also a symptom of a threatened miscarriage (threatened miscarriage). The same can be said about pain in the lower abdomen. If this is regarded as a sign of pregnancy, then most likely there is a threat of its termination.

Unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands are a sign of early pregnancy.

Breast engorgement is familiar to many women. This malaise occurs especially often in the last week of the menstrual cycle. The most common cause is mastopathy, a disease of the mammary glands that accompanies most young and middle-aged women. But engorgement of the mammary glands is also one of the signs of pregnancy. From the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman’s mammary glands begin to prepare for lactation (breastfeeding), and the woman feels this as breast tenderness. Often, unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands are accompanied by yellowish discharge from the nipples. This is colostrum. If a woman is pregnant, then this should be regarded as a sign of pregnancy; if not, then this condition may require consultation with a mammologist.

Increased appetite is an important sign of pregnancy.

A pregnant woman should eat for two. Probably every woman knows about this. Although this is not entirely correct. A pregnant woman should consume more vital nutrients and vitamins - this is true. To the signs of pregnancy early This may also include increased appetite in women. In this way, her body tries to compensate for the deficiency of nutrients necessary for the normal gestation and development of the child.

Unusually fatigue is a sign of pregnancy.

The exact nature of this phenomenon is not clear. But we should assume that this is due to hormonal changes in the woman’s body. In addition, subconsciously, a woman who notices signs of pregnancy tries to protect herself and her baby as much as possible from possible negative, damaging factors. In this way, the female body tries to protect itself. During pregnancy, a lot of energy is spent on the pregnancy itself, and then there’s physical exercise! So, the familiar signs of pregnancy protect the expectant mother and her baby.

Sooner or later, every girl asks herself the question: how can I find out if I’m pregnant? It doesn’t matter whether the pregnancy is wanted or unwanted, because in both cases you want to be aware of your “interesting situation” as early as possible. So, we'll tell you how to find out that you're pregnant in a brief overview of the most common methods.

Ways to find out if you are pregnant or not

The easiest way to find out at home that you are pregnant is to buy an express test, which is sold at any pharmacy. This is not only the simplest approach to the question, but also the cheapest, because budget tests cost no more than 20-30 rubles. To do this test, you need to collect your morning urine sample in a reservoir, place a test strip in it and wait a few minutes. One stripe means the baby is in no hurry, two stripes means the baby is already under your heart. Whether you are happy or not is your choice.

How can you find out without a test that you are pregnant?

To do this you need:

  1. Take a laboratory blood test to determine (human chorionic gonadotropin) - the main hormone of pregnancy (this can be done with a minimum delay and even before it).
  2. Listen to your body, because it will probably give signals about a new life that has arisen in it.

How to find out that a woman is pregnant by indirect signs:

  • firstly, the menstrual cycle will fail (the so-called “delay”);
  • secondly, strange discharge in the form of a yellowish or brownish mark on the underwear may bother you (this is called “implantation bleeding”);
  • thirdly, the basal temperature, measured in the rectum, will increase after fertilization and will remain at 38 degrees for some time;
  • fourthly, frequent urge to urinate, gas formation, nausea, vomiting, taste disturbances or excessive olfactory sensitivity may occur;
  • fifthly, the woman begins to be bothered by chronic fatigue, a feeling of weakness, Bad mood;
  • sixth, as a rule, breast sensitivity increases, nipples hurt, breasts swell;
  • seventh, pain may occur in the lumbar region and uterus, which, if intense, should be a reason to consult a doctor.

Sometimes girls ask how to find out if they are pregnant with twins. The answer is simple: you need to undergo an ultrasound examination (ultrasound). Only this method will help answer this question guaranteed to be accurate. Preliminarily suspecting a multiple pregnancy will help if the hCG norm for the expected period is several times higher, based on the results of a laboratory blood test.

When can you find out that you are pregnant?

Pregnancy cannot be established immediately after. A certain amount of time must pass for the fertilized egg to implant into the uterine cavity. Only after this a new period begins for the female body. It takes approximately 7-10 days to move through the fallopian tubes and penetrate the endometrium. Already 3-5 days after implantation, a blood test can show the presence of an embryo. It is almost impossible for a woman to find out before the delay that she is pregnant based on the results of a simple “home” test, since its results are reliable only from the first day of the delay of the next period. This is due to the fact that the concentration of hCG in the blood is much greater than its concentration in the urine. Ultrasound becomes informative from the fifth week of pregnancy.

A woman needs to note any changes that happen to her, since she will only be able to find out that she is pregnant before her period by being attentive to herself.

Men often wonder how to find out if his girlfriend is pregnant. They can also be advised to pay attention to her mood, well-being and behavior, but it is best to get tested together or buy a rapid test.

How to find out that a girl is pregnant? The best, surest way is to ask her directly. She will probably answer you frankly, because why would she hide such a joyful fact?

But we won’t delve into the reasons why your girlfriend doesn’t tell you whether she’s pregnant or not, but let’s find out what other signs there are that indicate her situation. Although they are subjective, if at least a couple of signs are present, most likely your loved one is pregnant.

Delayed menstruation

This method is the most accurate, although not one hundred percent. Menstruation is just that, menstruation occurs approximately once a month. Although this cycle can shift in both directions (from 28 to 35 days). Girls usually monitor their menstrual cycle, but it will be more difficult for you. But if your missus sends you to the store for pads, and not daily ones, but some kind of “maxi” with 6 drops, then she probably had an accident. You shouldn't look into the basket with dirty laundry, but you can look with one eye - in the hope of finding pad in the blood, especially if you found a piece of paper from it near the sink.

Nausea, vomiting

Toxicosis- a completely common phenomenon for pregnant women. He does not constantly bother the girl, but from time to time. If your girlfriend quickly gets motion sickness even after a ten-minute ride, when this has not been observed before, this may indicate pregnancy. Once again you can be convinced that you are right if your loved one suddenly begins to refuse her favorite food. Although there is a possibility that the girl simply got food poisoning.

Abdominal, lower back, chest pain

She may complain about pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. This is another sign of pregnancy. In addition, she may experience discomfort in the chest. While having sex, do you notice that your significant other pulls your hands away from her breasts? Or have you noticed a yellowish discharge on her nipples or bra? This may also be evidence of the imminent appearance of offspring.

The girl eats more

Your beloved has been eating for two lately? This is quite understandable in pregnant women.– they eat more so that there are enough nutrients and vitamins not only for themselves, but also for the fetus growing in the stomach. In addition, strange eating habits may appear.. And the point here is not only and not so much in the addiction to salty foods, for example, pickled cucumbers. So, you can witness how your life partner snacks on soup with sweet gingerbread or something like that.

Runs to the toilet more often

A pregnant woman's uterus enlarges and begins to put pressure on the bladder. Hence the frequent urge to urinate. This is also an indirect sign of an interesting situation.

Gets tired quickly

Indicates pregnancy and fatigue of the girl, especially if she hasn’t gotten tired so quickly before, and even if other signs are still observed.

Do not be alarmed by such news as the pregnancy of your beloved girl. Men often associate this event with the end of a free life and constant slave labor for the benefit of their wife and child. But you will soon become a dad - isn’t this a reason to rejoice at the imminent addition to your family?