How to cheer up a friend. Universal phrases, methods and tips. How to cheer a man up in various difficult situations.

Since childhood, the antagonism between life and death evokes in a person a whole palette of diverse emotions that cannot be explained. The feelings that people experience when they have lost their soul mate cannot be expressed in words. Depressed state and endless depression, shock, stress and apathy for the future - grief cannot be gotten rid of overnight, but it can be shared with true friends.

At the moment of loss and separation, we become the most vulnerable, so the support of close friends and relatives is especially valuable. However, how exactly can you help in such a situation? How to comfort someone with words? What phrases will help you cope with loss?

Hopes in the will of God and hints about the continuation of life after death help to console only a “deeply” believing person. In most cases, such phrases only intensify the feeling of loss, bringing awareness of the loss closer

Classification of stress: finding the right words for comfort

To answer the above questions, you need to consider options for the development of the situation. Traditionally, psychologists classify the state of a person experiencing the loss of a close friend or separation from a spouse into 4 stages:

    Behavior: the duration of this phase ranges from 5 seconds to 2–3 weeks; a person refuses to believe in the events taking place, convinces himself of the opposite outcome; There is a lack of appetite and mobility in the grieving person.

    Actions: do not leave the person alone with “screaming” loneliness; share the bitterness of loss; try to distract the sufferer with light stories about a departed relative or friend; remember it in the past tense, programming your consciousness for the completion of the event.

    1. Suffering.

    Behavior: this time period lasts 6–7 weeks; during such a period, a person who is experiencing the death of a friend or relative is characterized by a lack of concentration and apathy towards the events taking place; during this period of disorder, people can visualize the “gone”; some experience intense feelings of guilt or fear, projecting impending loneliness.

    Actions: do not be intrusive, let the person be alone with own thoughts; if he wants to get angry or cry, then just don’t interfere; provide the grieving person with sufficient water; make sure he eats; invite him to take a walk, spend time outside.

    1. Awareness.

    Behavior: this condition begins in most people no earlier than a year later; attacks of panic and fear occur less frequently; sleep and appetite are restored; a person learns to plan the future taking into account past events; this phase is characterized by coming to terms with loss soul mate.

    Actions: at this stage there is no need to remind about the bitterness of loss; try to spend more time with the person, involving him in social areas of life.

    1. Recovery.

    Behavior: after completing the stage of accepting the situation that has happened, a person’s consciousness automatically “transitions” to the recovery phase; after 1–1.5 years, grief is replaced by a feeling of sadness, which accompanies life, but does not interfere with development in social activities.

    Actions: during this time period, it is important to support the endeavors of a person who has experienced the bitterness of loss; send to the right side; help implement plans; dream with him, designing a bright future today.

    According to the above tips, you will be able to properly support loved one, choosing the right words. Don’t forget to project your recommendations onto the current situation so that, if necessary, you can promptly adjust the advice provided.

    At the moment of experiencing grief, phrases about a bright future and possible prospects are powerful “irritants” that delay the recovery phase, increasing the feeling of loss

    To support a person who is learning to live without a soulmate, it is important to follow simple rules that alleviate suffering:

    • Keep conversations about the departed person in a positive manner, but do not remember him yourself when starting a dialogue.
    • Don’t ask unnecessary questions so as not to accidentally “touch” a sore subject.
    • Listen carefully and do not interrupt the interlocutor who is experiencing the bitterness of loss.
    • Instead of “warm” phrases of support, it is enough to hug the person tightly, making him feel that he is not alone.
    • Do not compare the event that happened with other situations that happened earlier.
    • If a friend or relative experiences the betrayal of a spouse, then do not remember him, do not sharpen the “bare” consciousness, increasing anger and pain in the soul.
    • To contain your emotions without increasing your friend’s feelings, call rather than meet in person.
    • Before talking, project the situation that happened on yourself, understanding your friend or friend.
    • Don't take responsibility by giving useful tips– the recommendations are inappropriate, and you will remain to blame.
    • Offer help in the abstract, leaving the choice to the interlocutor.
    • Be patient - only time helps to cope with the pain of loss.

    In answer to the question of how to comfort a person with words, psychologists agree that the traditional phrase is optimal: “I will always be there.” The main thing is to adhere to such a statement in practice.

    How to cheer someone up.

    1. Hug the person

    One of the most the best ways to cheer a person up - to hug him. When your friend or someone close to you gives up, it is very important to give warmth and show your understanding. If a person doesn't like being hugged, then just tell him that you are always ready to listen and give advice.

    2. Give a gift

    Another way to cheer someone up is to give them a gift. I'm not talking about a designer bag or expensive perfume, give your friend some favorite item that will cheer her up and make her smile.

    3. Invite for a walk

    If your friend is not in the mood, invite her for a walk. Take a walk in the park or just walk around the city. A beautiful landscape will help lift both of your spirits. Walk on fresh air- most good way come to your senses and cheer up.

    4. Offer your help

    One of the best ways to encourage someone is to offer your help. You can babysit the children or go to the store to buy groceries. If your friend is constantly busy and doesn't have time to relax, trust me, she will appreciate any help you can give. If your friend, for example, needs to wash her car and she's worried that she doesn't have enough time to do it, surprise her by washing her car.

    5. Say kind words

    This is perhaps the most effective way. We often forget the power of kind, positive words. When something bad happens, we are surrounded by everything negative, we lose heart, and do not notice what is happening around us. Tell good words, compliment or praise your work. Every person has good qualities, which you should point out.

    6. Encourage and inspire

    If your friend, for example, loves to dance, sing, or knit, encourage her to do what she loves. When we lose heart, we often forget about our favorite hobby or favorite sport. Remind your friend of her favorite activity and do everything together.

    7. Show your love

    Another very effective way is to show your love to a person who has lost heart. Send a letter or funny flyer with warm, inspiring words. Show your friend that you are always there for her and what your friendship means to you.

    8. Call

    Another way to cheer someone up is to call them. Even if your friend doesn't pick up the phone, write an encouraging message. When we feel discouraged, we withdraw into ourselves, even if we feel lonely. Show your friend that you are thinking about her, worried about her, and that you are always there for her.

    9. Just be there

    We live such an active rhythm of life that sometimes we forget to call or meet with a friend. Perhaps at some point she really needs you, but she cannot reach you. Go to a friend's house for a visit, or at work during lunch, write, call, show her that you are always there and ready to listen to her at any moment.

    1. Changes in thoughts lead to changes in life
    2. Every day is the best day of the year
    3. Make your day your best friend
    4. Being happy is a habit - the choice is yours
    1. Every problem has an opportunity hidden within it that is so powerful that it literally eclipses the problem.
    2. Success stories are stories of turning a problem into an opportunity.
    3. A person can change his future - this is greatest discovery of all times
    4. Optimism is the most important human character trait - optimism allows you to develop ideas, improve the situation, create perspective
    5. Happiness has a lot to do with feelings - believe that this day was created for noble purposes
    6. Feel joyful in the hills, fields, earth and sky
    7. Lameness may hinder your legs, but your will is always greater than your legs
    8. In the morning, when I open my eyes, I tell myself: there is no event that will make me unhappy today
    9. A person becomes who he thinks he is
    10. Greet the morning with a smile, look at the new day as a special gift
    11. If a person truly wants to live, medicine is powerless!
    • Men don't always understand the word "no", especially if the "no" comes from a woman.
    • If a woman says “no”, it means “yes”, only a little later.
    • All jeans are first beautiful and then comfortable.
    • Spam is God's punishment for our prayers to it.
    • Bill is gay! Shhh...
    • Love is what makes you smile even when you are tired.

    If I think logically, it's proof that I'm not crazy, not proof that I'm right.

    • It's hard to argue with a naked woman.
    • A man deals with a woman like a chemist with his laboratory: he observes in her processes incomprehensible to him, which he himself carried out in her.
    • I know of no more inspiring force than a person's persistent desire to improve their life.
    • You say “Why?”, and I dream and say “Why not?”
    • The worst crime we can commit is indifference.


    • Life is a dictation, try writing an essay!
    • If the boss is wrong, then he is not the boss!

    • Refuse everything except the best!
    • To live well, be lazy!
    • To ensure that words do not diverge from deeds, you need to remain silent.
    • The past is in the past, live in the present.
    • The beast called “I” behaves actively.
    • Time heals everything. which cripples.

    Each of us feels sad sometimes. The day is not going well, everything is falling out of hand, or a bad streak has come. At such moments, encouraging phrases can lift the mood a little. And sometimes we ourselves see people who need it. But it’s not always possible to quickly find the right words. Well, it won't hurt to remember a few phrases. This might come in handy someday.

    For motivation

    Encouraging phrases often help to perk up. A person needs motivation to do something. If you give up, you don’t want to touch work and your only desire is to lie on the bed in front of the TV and wrap yourself in a blanket, it’s time to remember the thoughtful phrases of famous people.

    Nick Vujicic, an Australian writer, said: “When faced with difficulties, you cannot give up and run away. You need to assess the situation, start looking for a solution and not lose faith that everything that happens is for the better. Patience is the key to victory."

    American philosopher Richard Bach is known for a shorter, but no less true, phrase. He argued that there should be no boundaries for people.

    And the 25th President of the United States assured that as soon as a person believes that he can do anything, half the way has already been passed.

    For determination

    Encouraging phrases often help you get down to business. William Clement Stone, businessman and author of self-help books, said that a clear goal is the first step to any achievement. Christopher Columbus, who discovered America, liked to assure that a person would never cross the ocean if he was afraid of losing sight of the shore.

    Farrah Gray, a famous businessman, investor and journalist, said that you should not be afraid to pursue your dreams. Otherwise, there is a high risk of being hired to fulfill someone else's desires. And William James, an American philosopher and psychologist of the 19th century, was sure that in the human subconscious there is hidden a force that can turn the whole world upside down. Encouraging phrases like this inspire thoughtful thought and action, and that's worth recognizing.

    To set the mood

    Words really can mean a lot. And it’s quite possible to cheer someone up with a phrase on a working day, even if it hasn’t gone well in the morning. Norma Jeane Monterson (better known as Marilyn Monroe) once said these words: “Smile. After all, life is the most beautiful thing in the world. And there are plenty of reasons to smile.” After such words, you involuntarily think and realize that the actress was right.

    But sometimes the sayings of celebrities sound like preaching. In this case, humorous phrases will come to the rescue. There is nothing better to cheer someone up. You can say: “If things can’t get any worse, then it’s time to start enjoying the prospect!” This expression will at least make a person smile. We can also say that a positive plus is always found, even in the most negative minus. And this, by the way, is a fact.

    It is important to know

    Sometimes our loved ones have problems in life. The mood rushes into the abyss, and it becomes painful to look at a loved one. And it is difficult to find the right expression that could demonstrate one’s attitude and feelings towards the situation. Girls are especially often interested in how to encourage a man with words. Phrases cannot be universal; everything depends on a particular situation. But in any case, declarations of love will at least slightly lift the mood. They are never superfluous.

    When a person feels bad, the best thing a loved one can do is to demonstrate their feelings and thereby show care.

    Funny expressions

    Continuing the theme of humor, we can note other positive phrases. In some situations, you can cheer up a loved one with the following expression: “The hardest thing in this life is the blue whale. And the rest is nonsense! Another person will definitely smile after this phrase: “When your affairs are going badly, it’s better not to go with them.”

    Is a person gnawed by conscience for a hectic vacation and doing nothing? It happens. Then this instructive but cheerful phrase for him: “Time spent with pleasure is not considered lost.”

    These words can also be included in the category of smart but positive expressions: “The best life teacher- this is an experience. True, he charges a little dearly, but he explains it clearly.” You can't argue with that.

    Motivation in a foreign language

    Finally, it is worth noting the encouraging phrases in English. They are more concise than ours. Perhaps everyone knows the phrase “Why not?” And it translates like this: “Why not?” But really! Why not? Many people who make this or that decision can be prompted to action by this very phrase. Because in context it translates as: “What do you actually have to lose?” And to follow up this phrase you can send: “It"s worth a shot!” Which translates to: “It’s worth it!”

    Americans also often say the following phrase: “What are you waiting for?” Translated, it means: “What are you waiting for?” And the phrase “What do you have to lose?”, by the way, is translated as: “What do you have to lose?” It should be noted that many foreign expressions aimed at motivating the interlocutor are constructed in interrogative form. Why? Because a sad/doubting person, having received a question from his interlocutor, subconsciously begins to think and find the right solution to a particular situation. And he understands that his opponent is right.

    But there are also more artistic expressions. For example, these: “Never give up!” (never give up), “It"s totally up to you!” (it all depends on you), “Follow your dreams” (follow your dreams), etc. Finding the right words for a downcast friend can indeed be difficult, but by expanding your stock of expressions, it will be easier to do.

    All people experience depression sometimes. For some this is due to problems or overstrain at work, for others it is due to a misunderstanding in the family or with loved ones. A depressed person brings suffering not only to himself, but also to his loved ones. This condition is equally common in both women and men. Many people do not know that sometimes a simple conversation with a certain inclination can help cheer up a loved one and bring him out of depression. To do this, you just need to know some phrases.

    What phrases can you say to a depressed person and what not?

    « Other people have more serious problems, but they do not lose heart and make every effort to solve them" A depressed person perceives such words as a reproach. It looks as if he or she is making up problems for themselves and getting sick on purpose. Phrases about how others have it even worse, but they cope are like a dagger in the heart. Such words should absolutely not be spoken to a person suffering from mental illness. To cheer up your loved one, it is better to sympathize with him and offer your help.

    « I understand perfectly how you feel, I have them too sometimes depressive states " This is another common mistake. Very often, a decrease in mood is considered to be depression. This is not entirely true. Depression is a fairly serious mental disorder, which often has a long, chronic course, causing mental suffering to a person. Therefore, you need to feel sorry for the person, say how strong he is, that he is trying to get rid of such a serious illness.

    « Forget all the bad things, life goes on" For a person who is depressed, such words can lead to thoughts of suicide, as it seems to him that he is superfluous in this world. On the contrary, he needs to be reminded that his life is full of good things - living and healthy parents, loving wife or husband, children, favorite job, friends. For this, a person must live and fight depression. It is also necessary to offer assistance in this matter.

    « You are an egoist for whom only your illness exists" Such words are often said to loved ones to cheer them up. This is fundamentally wrong. At this time, a person already accuses himself of all sins, so he takes any other reproaches very seriously and this can lead to bad consequences.

    « Life isn't always fair, you have to accept that." For an ordinary person, such a phrase does not mean anything special, but for someone suffering from depression it is an additional negative. To really help him, you need to directly ask what you can do for him.

    Some people want to forget about their problems with the help of alcoholic drinks. But they will only help at the beginning. When alcohol stops working, the person will feel even worse.

    In a state of depression, a person does not want to do anything or go anywhere. And there is no need to suggest this. To truly support your loved one, you need to surround him with your attention.

    What can be done?

    The first step is to offer your help so that the person really understands that they want to help him and that someone needs him. It is necessary to show sincerity and not be shy to show your emotions.

    A depressed person should be asked whether he has seen a doctor, what treatment he was prescribed, and whether he is being treated according to this regimen. If the answer to at least one of these questions is negative, you should strongly advise your loved one to see a doctor and regularly take medications, if prescribed. When talking to a person, you don’t need to be distracted by anything. You can talk on the phone or with other people later. Also, when speaking, you need to look the person in the eyes.

    He needs to be allowed to cry. When he lets his emotions out, he will immediately feel a little better. You should tell your loved one that you will always support him, at any time and in any situation.

    The person calms down when touched. It wouldn't hurt to hug him. In addition, you can help him clean the house or cook food, since people suffering from depression find such seemingly simple tasks difficult.

    A small, lucky gift will definitely lift a person’s spirits and make him smile. And it doesn't have to be anything expensive. Sometimes all you need to do is bake his favorite cookies or cook his favorite dish.

    It wouldn’t hurt to invite a friend or girlfriend to go somewhere. For example, to the cinema or restaurant. This will help you forget a little about the negativity.

    In addition, you can go to some interesting place. Traveling will help you distract yourself and forget about your problems. When choosing a vacation spot, you need to focus on the person’s priorities in this direction.