Horoscope for December Capricorn Mile.

The first month of winter begins for Capricorns on a romantic note, because until December 7, 2016, Venus, the planet of love and harmony, is in your sign. This position of Venus hints at pleasant events in your personal life.

On December 3, 2016, Mercury moves into your sign, its influence promises a revitalization of the romantic atmosphere, ease of communication, flirting and new acquaintances. At this time, you have a tendency to express your feelings vividly. Leave behind the inherent restraint of Capricorns, let your style of communication with your lover be relaxed.

The subsequent period, when the planet of love moves into your house of money, promises less romance. Practical aspects of the relationship will attract attention: money matters, shopping, work, etc. Perhaps, together with your significant other, you will take care of repairs or issues related to real estate, or help relatives. However, the time is also not bad, because Venus in the house of money foretells profit that will come through love and personal relationships. Maybe you will receive a valuable gift from a loved one or spouse.

For Capricorn's family life, the period promises to be quite calm, when relationships do not cause trouble. Although some may feel that they do not receive enough attention from their spouse, or that they are constantly busy with their own affairs.

On December 19, 2016, the Mercury retrograde cycle begins in Capricorn. The influence of a planet in retrograde motion does not imply the emergence of anything new. On the contrary, the circumstances of the past return, they can affect both positively and negatively. In love and family, problems are possible due to unresolved issues in the past, especially in the last days of the month. The stars advise you not to make drastic decisions during this period, because not all circumstances are seen objectively. There are chances that everything will end well, or the so-called bad ending will end up in your favor.

Capricorn career and finance horoscope for December 2016

Your mind is occupied with grandiose projects, and in addition, you are lucky in finding supporters and patrons who will help you realize your career plans.

The planet of luck, Jupiter, is in your house of career, and Mercury remains in Capricorn almost the entire month, so ideas do not come in vain. However, you need to work hard to make your dreams come true. Then other people, seeing your enthusiasm, will support you, and you can take steps in the right direction. Useful connections, participation in collective projects and events will contribute to the growth of your social and professional status.

This is a promising period in terms of money. Now you are not interested in fame, prestige and honors, you strive for success expressed in material form. Capricorn's house of money has Venus and Mars, so finances are a strong source of motivation, but also a source of stress. You should be careful in financial matters, avoid risks and adventures. Fortunately, Jupiter is on your side, its beneficial influence can compensate for difficulties and turn the wheel of Fortune in your direction.


In the first two decades of December 2016, representatives of your sign will be in good physical shape. But you should remember that this is winter time, so it is better not to waste energy in vain. Physical activity is welcome, but try to organize your life wisely so that there is no useless fuss in it. In the last decade, the influence of retrograde Mercury may have an undesirable effect; you need to closely monitor your health and take measures to strengthen your body.

Express your individuality in a creative way: write, draw, sing, dance!

In the workplace, Capricorns should expect an important event in December 2016. This could be a move to another job, for example, or something similar. Initially, it will seem to you that such changes will not benefit you; moreover, those around you will think the same thing. And you, having picked up the general opinion, will begin to be heartbroken, although in fact there will be no reason for this at all. You just have to wait a little, and the numerous advantages of your new position will begin to open up, of which there will be much more than before.

But Capricorns should be more attentive to the financial aspect, since now there is a big risk of losing a large amount of money. If you work for yourself, it is advisable to hold off on investments, especially new, untested ones. Fate will repeatedly tempt you, “slipping” deals that seem profitable at first glance, promising huge profits. But you shouldn’t buy into this, even if people who have worked with you for a long time and have earned your trust will guarantee your success. It is desirable for all Capricorns to expand their horizons and stop concentrating on one thing.

Horoscope for December 2016 for Capricorns: take my example

Horoscope for December 2016 for Capricorns


December 2016 is a real triumph for Capricorns. Capricorns can do a lot of necessary, important and useful things in December
The horoscope for December 2016 suggests that Capricorn need not look for a role model. As of December, Capricorns are an example themselves, so you know.
And one more thing: Capricorns in December 2016 just need to believe in themselves. You deserve it, dear representatives of the Capricorn sign. Capricorns, of course, can continue to be modest in December. But December is not the right month for this.

Instead, it would be better to get down to business in December, dear Capricorns! Otherwise, you will waste December - one of the most favorable periods for the Capricorn sign in the entire 2016. It’s better to achieve success in December and become a standard for others. How's that for a December challenge, eh Capricorns?
According to the horoscope for December, now Capricorn does not need to convince anyone of anything. Let Capricorn in December 2016 do as he knows. And then, why do Capricorns need to be responsible for other people’s mistakes? You don’t even recognize your own. And not only in December

  • Favorable days for December 2016 – December 1, 2, 5, 9, 10, 18, 24, 30.
  • Unfavorable days in December 2016 – December 2, 4, 7, 14, 21, 22, 27, 29.
  • Neither here nor there days of December 2016: all other days of December

Horoscope for Capricorn men for December 2016

At the beginning of December, Capricorn men are more interested in other people than in their permanent partner. Because of this, Capricorns can quarrel to death on December 3-8. Friends will make peace between you. The main thing is that there is something to reconcile (besides the joys of bed).
Let your Capricorn leave (at least for December!) his car without attention. Otherwise, this is exactly what all his Capricorn money will be spent on. Repair, insurance, etc. It’s a gift that the inner huckster (characteristic of all representatives of the Capricorn sign) will make money on December 13-25, and on December 24 the Capricorn man will be held responsible for other people’s money. With work in December, everything will improve so much for Capricorns that at the beginning of December they can relax, and on December 9, Capricorn can beg for a promotion.

Horoscope for Capricorn - women for December 2016

In December 2016, Capricorn women will achieve everything with a wink there, a push here, a charm there. If only Capricorn women would not be too clever in the month of December, and everyone would be happy. On December 3-7, Capricorn women will receive absolutely everything. You just need to remember that Capricorn’s companion is not a rival, but a partner (you don’t want to celebrate the end of December and the New Year alone!). In this regard, the most difficult are December 3-8, 2016. For Capricorn women, the horoscope for December 2016 advises, on December 13-16, they need to resolve work issues. And on December 17-20, 2016, your reputation in the office will increase. The tense situation at home for Capricorn women will only subside by the end of December 2016; Capricorns themselves are to blame: you chose a career for December!

Finance and career horoscope for Capricorns for December 2016

The career horoscope for December 2016 recommends that Capricorn follow protocol in everything. It is very important that in December 2016 Capricorns adhere 100 percent to their job descriptions and the plan for their implementation. No, initiative as of December 2016 for the zodiac sign Capricorn is typical evil.
Keep in mind that the slightest step aside by Capricorn at work (subordination counts!) and, as the career horoscope for December 2016 says, Capricorn will immediately receive a pumpkin. On the other hand, this means Capricorn can prepare for it with all his might. Sign contracts and agreements. If suddenly it doesn’t work out, dear natives of the Capricorn sign, put it aside and forget. This is clearly not yours.
Also, according to the horoscope for December, representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign should moderate their own obsession and change their point of view towards intrusive requests (both from colleagues and superiors!) The stars are aware that you are tired. 2017 will put everything in its place.

Love horoscope for Capricorns for December 2016

The love horoscope for December 2016 does not promise anything important for Capricorn. You'll have to adapt to the circumstances. Well, Capricorn doesn’t like it, so what! Let him close his mouth, otherwise he’ll freak out. He climbs on the wall, even if the partner points out obvious shortcomings (for example, Capricorn forgot the date of the anniversary. And it is just in December). The slightest reason - and you're done! Capricorns will go crazy.
Everything will work out only if no one tells Capricorn in December 2016. And yes, he doesn’t intend to cook a festive dinner either. In December, all he cares about is money and his career. What the hell, materialistic brute! The New Year can be ruined in the same way.
The only thing that can distract Capricorn in December 2016 is raising a child. But not for long. It is enough to enroll a child in a club. But that's all!

Of course, all of the above applies only to “typical” zodiac signs. If you need a personal horoscope for Capricorns -.

In the last month of the year, it is customary to take stock and complete all the work that has been started. For Capricorn women, this is especially true in December 2016. Pay off all debts and get rid of unnecessary things to celebrate the New Year free from old obligations and ready for changes in life.

Listen to yourself

Practical and rational Capricorns sometimes find it difficult to detach themselves from the outside world. But it's worth a try. Relax and listen to yourself, your desires and needs. An inner voice will tell you how to solve problems.

Finish everything you start

It’s not worth starting new things and taking on new projects at work. But it’s imperative to put things in order, both in your head and in your home. Don’t take anything unnecessary with you into the New Year: be it acquaintances or things. Give away for free, throw away, say goodbye without regret. There needs to be room in your life for change.

You shouldn’t plunge headlong into an avalanche of new feelings, especially at the end of the month. Take this time for yourself. Courses, trainings, books - everything that will help you get to know yourself is perfect for Capricorn in December.

The desire to love and be loved can be stronger than ever. But don't let yourself become fixated only on your partner and the relationship. Idealizing anything is always fraught with dangerous consequences.

December is the best time for Capricorns to improve family relationships and find harmony. Communicate and spend more time with your husband and children. A walk together or going to the movies will allow you to bond even more. Or find a compromise in a broken relationship.

Money and work

To avoid monetary losses and unjustified financial expenses, try to complete all business and transactions and buy New Year's gifts before December 19th. The first half of the month is most favorable for finishing what you started.

Health and beauty

Forget about excesses in everything: food, food, alcohol. There is no need to give in to pre-holiday temptations. Walk more, spend time actively. Keep yourself on your toes. If you can’t go to the gym, then at least do morning exercises. A Russian bath will help cleanse your body and mind.

The topic of health is relevant to everyone, but Capricorns should prepare especially carefully in the coming year. Going to a beauty salon, a relaxing massage, a sauna will help you relax, put your thoughts and feelings in order.

Favorable and unfavorable days

The first two decades of the month can be devoted to finishing things up and pre-holiday chores. It is better to devote the last decade to yourself. This is the best time for reflection.

And here 1 , 3 , 6 , 10 , 15 And December 19th you can safely solve business problems, go shopping, make decisions. The stars are smiling at Capricorns these days.

So, in order to celebrate the New Year in full combat readiness: with clear thoughts, inner harmony, a clear understanding of goals, trust only yourself, your inner voice. Then happiness and dizzying victories will not keep you waiting long in 2017!

In December 2016, Capricorns will try to protect themselves from the daily routine in any way. You yourself will not be able to explain why right now, at the end of the year, you so passionately wanted to bring maximum variety into your life. You will try to use this “creativity” that is unusual for you in all areas of life without exception. It is for this reason that a very exotic sculpture will appear within the walls of your office in December, your old “six” will be airbrushed, and your significant other will be instructed to change her wardrobe and hairstyle as soon as possible. It’s a paradox, but you will treat yourself and your habits more conservatively! If for several years in a row a stormy New Year's corporate party deprived your family of your presence for a couple of days, then this year the situation is unlikely to change...

In December 2016, both elderly people and representatives of the younger generation will feel free and at ease next to you. You will be able to find a surprisingly correct, tactful approach to each of them, which will be another reason for you to be frankly proud of yourself. Why would you want to surround yourself with children and pensioners at the beginning of this winter? For the simple reason that being around people who are not burdened with finding a source of stable income, you will breathe much easier than communicating with peers. The financial side of your life and everything that somehow reminds you of money will become your “Achilles heel” in December 2016. You will be well aware that avoiding financial difficulties is not a solution to the problem, but, alas, you will not be able to eliminate this personal “economic crisis”.

Lonely Capricorns in December 2016 should not blindly believe everyone who declares “You are charming and irresistible!” Of course, it is very pleasant to hear flattering reviews addressed to you, but before taking them at face value, you should still clarify whether your admirer is harboring any “malicious” plans? At the beginning of winter, your risk of meeting a gigolo or a woman who is accustomed to “cheating” suitors for money increases significantly (choose the option that is relevant to your gender). Try to carefully evaluate everyone with whom fate brings you together in December 2016. And an even more correct option is to temporarily postpone the search for your soulmate or conduct it only among those people with whom you have known for a long time and quite well.

In December 2016, family Capricorns will spend a lot of effort on reforming their home structure. First, you will try to change the interior and furnishings of your personal living space. When this mini-repair comes to an end, it will be time for a change for your other half. It is possible that you will force her to sign up for the gym, directly pointing out that you married a much slimmer and fit person. Perhaps the plan for your home reforms will concern intimacy (in this matter, excessive pressure will clearly harm you, and therefore try to act as tactfully as possible).

For Capricorns' careers, December 2016 will be calm and smooth. Neither you, nor your boss, nor any of your colleagues will even try to introduce innovations into the New Year's work plan. More and more often, your company will hear such calls: “stop working, it’s time to discuss the corporate event and decide where we are holding it!” It is clear that planning celebrations will prevent you from achieving any major professional success. But performing your official duty in such a lively and upbeat environment will be much more pleasant than usual.

Attention, the Capricorn horoscope for the month of December 2016 has been published in a shortened form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming 2016, the Red Monkey should make a personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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Horoscope 2016 Monkeys.