Chinese horoscope Libra rabbit on.

The Yellow Earth Dog never offends the small and defenseless; on the contrary, it stands behind them like a wall, driving away ill-wishers with a loud bark. The horoscope for Rabbits (Cats) says that the Dog will keep its ear to the ground so that all sorts of problems do not slip into your life. You are very quick and nimble, it is not so easy to keep up with them, so all competitors will be left far behind. And all doors will open before you.

Detailed forecast for the coming year for those born under the sign of the Rabbit according to the eastern calendar.

  • Any organization will roll out red carpets for you, hoping that you will join their ranks. So, if you want to change your job, now is the best time. But if you are happy with everything where you are working now, then stay where you are. Success and a good salary await you here too.
  • Matters of the heart strive for the “excellent” mark. It’s impossible not to fall in love with such a cute creature as the Rabbit (and also the Cat). Your fans will shower you with expensive gifts.
  • As the horoscope for Rabbit for 2018 says, a woman of this sign will only fall in love with someone who will not give you such expensive gifts, but his eyes will sparkle with such tenderness that you will not need anyone else. Rings and a vacation in the Maldives are lucrative, but you can’t buy love.
  • Let's look further at the horoscope for the Rabbit for 2018, a man of this sign will be able to travel for himself and earn money, as well as for a car, an apartment and a dacha with a plot. The Yellow Dog is very generous with gifts this year.
  • But be careful, scammers, knowing your kindness, can take advantage of it. Try not to lend large sums, and keep your money somewhere away from prying eyes. For example, in a safe with a combination lock, or better yet, in a safe deposit box.

If you look at the eastern horoscope in detail, you will find that it contains 60 signs, not 12. The fact is that in addition to the correspondence of certain years to animals, the Chinese calendar contains a correspondence of years to the elements. According to Asians, there are 5 of them:

The year of each animal necessarily corresponds to one of these elements. To get a personalized prediction for next year, find your birth year in the list below. If you didn't know which element you belong to according to the Chinese calendar, now you can find out.

Horoscope for the Fire Rabbit (born 1927 and 1987)

You can officially call the year of the Dog 2018 the year of profitable deals; the horoscope for the Rabbit promises you great benefits. From partner to partner, from client to client Rabbits run so fast that their paws burn. But quarterly reports and other paperwork are off the table, because this job is not for you.

Your strong point is working with people. And leadership is in your blood, so as soon as you finish signing important documents, get comfortable in a leather chair. The Yellow Earth Dog has already prepared everything for you: tea, cookies and a wonderful team.

The horoscope for the Cat for 2018 warns you; a woman of this sign may experience great love unexpectedly. This will be the kind of meeting that you will tell your relatives about while sitting at the festive table. The main thing is not to rush too much on the streets, otherwise you will run past your destiny.

For the family Rabbit-Cats, the Yellow Dog has prepared something special. More precisely, someone special. Yes, your assumption is correct, you will have a replenishment. Arrange the children's room as soon as possible, otherwise after the birth of the baby you will only be busy admiring your baby.

Despite the fact that a lot of money will be spent on diapers and undershirts, this will not complicate your financial situation at all. The Dog probably replaced your regular wallet with a self-assembled wallet, because the money will always be in it.

The Rabbit's 2018 horoscope tells you that the new year is perfect for a change of scenery. You will probably think about a new apartment, because with the arrival of your baby, your nest will become cramped, but please don’t rush.

A new home is a serious purchase. Think it over carefully. Make sure that schools and kindergartens, parks and shopping centers are nearby, because you love convenience. But as soon as you find a suitable option, then pack your things.

The Cat's horoscope for 2018 promises you a lot of happiness in the coming year. The Yellow Earth Dog barks in agreement; she will try hard to make the Rabbits less nervous and enjoy life more. All work processes in the new year will go smoothly, without a hitch.

At first it will be unusual for you, because you are accustomed to attacks from competitors. But they are busy with other things. They are trying to unravel your secret, with the help of which you win people over. And this secret is honesty and friendliness. Business partners feel that you can be trusted. And the bosses are puffed up with pride because you work for their company.

Oceans of love and lakes of tenderness are located on the path of the Water Rabbits. Your family will support you in any situation and will do everything to make you happy. You can relax a little and allow yourself to be lazy for a couple of days. Your life partner will cope with home life without your intervention. You can take up floriculture or even knitting. And what? It’s good for the soul and keeps your feet warm.

The horoscope for the Cat for 2018 warns you; a man of this sign may experience some health difficulties, but all problems are due to nerves. Therefore, the stars advise to relax more, go to art exhibitions and theaters, read books and watch funny films.

Drink chamomile tea at night and do exercises in the morning to strengthen and restore your health. And it wouldn’t hurt to organize a vacation by the sea. Water is your element. Here all ailments will immediately disappear.

Don’t worry about money, you’re in complete order with this matter. Gold coins jingle in your pockets, and bags with large bills are guarded by a Yellow Earth Dog. But she gets bored sitting at the safe alone, and sometimes she may leave her post. Meanwhile, scammers can put their little hands on your money. Therefore, it is in your interests to bring a four-legged friend into your home, who will not only be good company for the Yellow Dog, but will also become a member of your family for many years.

Horoscope for Wood Rabbit (born 1975)

In 2018, the talents of the Wooden Rabbits will finally find their audience. Creative skills, which for some reason you are shy of, will be useful to you in your work. The stars don’t yet know whether this will be a new position or just an interesting task for a corporate event, but there is no doubt that this will change your life.

In the year of the Dog 2018, the horoscope for the Cat says that you will enjoy your work more than ever. Don't be afraid to open up, the Yellow Earth Dog is a true connoisseur of art, and she will stand by your side to the last.

You won't have to be bored or sad in the new year. Suitors are already banging on your door, inviting you to take a walk under the moonlight. You may encounter jealousy during the year and even have to fight for your love, but so much the better. Wooden rabbits are dreamy and romantic, and love puzzles will only motivate you.

Moreover, you don’t have much to worry about, the Yellow Dog has already agreed on everything with Cupid, and your chosen one will definitely be at your feet. As soon as your dream is fulfilled, do not sit still, but take your betrothed straight to the registry office. Marriages created in the year of the Yellow Dog are always very strong and happy.

But you will have to learn to save. Not because the crisis will affect you, but because at the end of the year you may need to make a large purchase, and in order to purchase something, as you know, you need money. No, the Dog will not allow you to eat only carrot tops. There will be enough money for fresh cabbage, for a personal car, and for a vacation somewhere abroad.

Horoscope for Earth Rabbit (born 1939 and 1999)

The horoscope for 2018, Cat of the Earth element, says that things will turn out great, but there is one “but”. Don't be dependent on other people's opinions. You have a well-developed intuition, use it, and carefully sort out numerous pieces of advice, and take only a few of them into account.

Work only with trusted people; you probably already have a good client base. If you are faced with a serious transaction, check various little things several times, carefully read all the fine print and get some kind of talisman for good luck. Of course, the Yellow Dog always looks after those born under its element, but you will also have to control the situation at least a little.

If in the future your children or grandchildren ask you to tell them a fairy tale about beautiful and pure love, feel free to tell them your story that will happen to you in 2018. Soon the Yellow Earth Dog will help you find your destiny. Only in your fairy tale everything is a little different. You will choose, and you will have to focus not on the shoe, but on the inner voice. It will help you spot in the crowd the person with whom you are destined to connect your life.

The financial soil is blooming and fragrant. Banknotes grow on trees and fall at your feet. Yes, you will have to work a little to collect all the harvest in bags and drag them to the right place, but you are unlikely to have problems with this.

Horoscope for the Metal Rabbit (born 1951 and 2011)

The winds of change are already blowing in your direction, and as 2018 arrives, you will realize that something big is waiting for you. This is not surprising, because you do not like to sit in one place and are always rushing somewhere. The Yellow Earth Dog runs next to you, guiding you and telling you how to overcome obstacles.

But there will be obstacles, because you are not in a hurry to get somewhere, but to the top of the career ladder. It’s good that you have such a wise advisor; together with her you will get to the finish line faster than others will have time to understand what is happening.

Family Rabbit-Cats will begin a happy life. Everyday problems will be solved together, and free time with loved ones will be rich and varied. Visits, walks around the city at night and long conversations over dinner - these are just the simplest pleasures that the Yellow Dog will arrange for you, and what can we say about travel and expensive gifts with which your household will delight you.

You don't have to wait for problems with money. With finances in 2018, not only will everything be in order, you will have them in abundance. You can give your old fur coat to be eaten by moths, and buy yourself a new one, and more than one. But do not forget that the Dog loves universal balance. You bought yourself a fur coat, treat it with a new booth.

If you have any questions or need help in your current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

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The Rabbit is a very lucky sign of the eastern horoscope. These people are smart and know how to behave in society. They are moderately modest, they know their worth and do not allow themselves to be offended. Outwardly, Rabbits are very soft-bodied, but in fact they have an inner core. They have refined taste and manners, are very hospitable and are happy to open the doors of their home to new acquaintances. Despite the fact that the Rabbit is not boastful, he happily accepts compliments.

It is very difficult to anger a rabbit; he skillfully balances even in stalemate situations and easily gets away with it. Thanks to a high level of self-preservation, he easily taxis in catastrophic moments and copes with any problems. Usually, people of this sign are owners, they are very jealous of their soulmate. They monitor the activities of their chosen ones and do not hesitate to read personal SMS in their spouse’s phone. At the same time, the Rabbit loves his family infinitely and devotes himself completely to it. Usually such people have many children, since they have a special weakness for them.

What awaits Rabbit representatives in 2018

The 2018 horoscope for the Rabbit promises an abundance of opportunities. If representatives of the symbol catch the signs from above, then success will surely await them in all their endeavors. You need to carefully read every acquaintance, every step and push that can turn your life upside down. Those Rabbits who prefer to stay away from what fate has in store for them may not catch luck by the tail. Only enterprise and direct participation in events will take the Rabbit to the crest.

This year will be very promising in many ways. You will need to define a clear strategy and move in the right direction. Don't try to cover everything at once. If the Rabbit decides to build a career, then he will only need to go towards this goal. If the choice falls on relationships and family formation, then it’s worth plunging headlong into this direction. Well, if representatives of the sign decide to engage in self-development, then success will await them here too if they set priorities correctly.

Horoscope for the Rabbit man for 2018

The horoscope for 2018 for the Rabbit man insists that the mistress of the year, the Yellow Dog, will be favorable only to hardworking representatives of the sign. Lazy people will have a very difficult time in 2018. To achieve your goals you will need to work hard.

Also, men have to rely only on themselves. In addition to the lack of effective outside support, you will need to do everything yourself. The Dog will not like overcoming obstacles at someone else's expense; he will definitely punish such cunning people. The main thing is not to be afraid of change. This year they are inevitable. And in order to move forward, you need to accept any pushes and gifts of fate. Only determination and the desire to achieve results on your own will help you overcome the harmful mistress of the year and reach the finish line as a winner.

By the end of the year, men will be able to relax. They will have to sum up the work done and look back with ease on the difficult 12 months of their work. However, the results of such perseverance will be worth it. And in December, when everyone is trying to end the year successfully, Rabbit men will be able to calmly prepare for the holidays and new beginnings without unnecessary fuss.

Horoscope for the Rabbit woman for 2018

But the horoscope for 2018 for the Rabbit woman promises changes. Moreover, these changes can affect absolutely any area, but precisely the one in which a woman is trying to develop. That is, if a representative of the sign strives for a long time and persistently for a promotion at work, then this can happen precisely in the year of the Yellow Dog. If a girl has long dreamed of a family, children and official marriage with her soulmate, then miracles can happen in 2018. The main thing is not to insist, but only to confirm your love.

Those ladies who intend to get an ideal figure will finally gather their will into a fist and achieve their goal. The main thing is to avoid easy methods of losing weight - herbal teas, starvation diets, pills and other miracle remedies. Only hard work in the gym and proper nutrition will help you get rid of those hated pounds. As mentioned earlier, the Yellow Dog loves active and hardworking people. But those who are used to getting everything without the slightest effort are not respected or helped by the mistress of the year.

2018 is a period of great opportunities, so Rabbit women can set a goal for 12 months and will definitely be able to achieve it.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Rabbit

The Year of the Yellow Dog will be a year of changes for Rabbits in all areas. Therefore, in 2018, the relationship between representatives of the sign and others will change. There is a huge likelihood that it is during this period that friendships will reach a more intimate level. But, as they say, happiness loves silence. So the Rabbits will have to keep their mouths shut and not talk to everyone around about their new passion, especially at the stage when the relationship is just beginning.

Of course, everything will not be so rosy; the Yellow Dog will also bring difficulties in matters of the heart. Rabbits' other halves can behave extremely passively. For extremely active representatives of the eastern symbol, this is simply unacceptable. But they will be forced to humble themselves and take the initiative into their own hands.

Family Rabbits face approximately the same problems. Their chosen ones will become lack of initiative. Perhaps this will be the first family crisis. But by the end of the year, if the Rabbit does not give up and fights for his relationship, everything will return to normal.

Money horoscope for Rabbit

Rabbits will have a chance to open their own business in 2018. Therefore, it is better to keep your finger on the pulse of news from the business world. Studying legal innovations, changes in legislation, and consulting with a notary will bear fruit. In general, money will be present all year. There will be no sharp upswings in the financial situation, just as no downturns are expected. But Rabbits will have the opportunity to invest money profitably, which will subsequently bring decent dividends.

Rabbits who are involved in trading will experience financial success within the first three months. Those representatives of the sign who are not yet selling anything should think about this type of income. Even if some Rabbits do not feel a financial core within themselves, you can sell off your stale items on online platforms. Such a one-time income will help you make the right financial investments. So if there is a bicycle at home that no one needs, or dresses hanging in the closet that are no longer useful or are simply tired of them, feel free to sell them. Cash is still better than junk.

Career horoscope

As the horoscope for 2018 writes, the Rabbit will be in a constant whirlpool of events and changes. Hardworking careerists will reap the rewards of their hard work throughout the Year of the Yellow Dog. But in the race for promotions or bonuses from management, you need to “keep your distance”:

  • First, you should talk as little as possible about your successes.
  • Secondly, it is important not to cross the line when communicating with your superiors. Your successes will definitely be celebrated, but you shouldn’t remind them of them.
  • Thirdly, don't try to jump in over your head. Do only the work you are assigned, but do it well. Don't overcharge to curry favor.

Those Rabbits who are looking for work may be lucky. But you should not refuse invitations to interviews if you are being considered for a lower position than you would like. Having revealed your full potential during communication with the applicant, you may be immediately hired for a position higher than expected.

Health horoscope

First of all, those Rabbits who spend a lot of time outside the home will need to take care of their health. Whether it’s business trips or the specifics of the work itself, they will face a difficult year in terms of well-being. It is very important to take care of your hygiene, especially during long journeys. A banal stale towel in a cheap hotel or a careless visit to the restroom on a train can result in global health problems. This year, it’s best to take everything you own with you, use antiseptics, but don’t overdo it. The desire to stay healthy should not develop into a real mania and fear of germs.

Emotionally, the year will pass quite calmly. The Yellow Dog loves those who know how to enjoy little things, so a simple smile can protect against depression or stress.

Celebrities who were born in the year of the Rabbit:

  • Whitney Houston is an American singer.
  • Sting is a British musician, songwriter and singer.
  • Konstantin Simonov - Soviet poet, prose writer, screenwriter.
  • Peter Fonda is an American actor, director, and screenwriter.
  • Fidel Castro - Cuban revolutionary and political figure.
  • Eldar Ryazanov - Soviet film director, poet, playwright.
  • Lewis Carroll - English writer, philosopher, mathematician, deacon.
  • Leon Trotsky is a revolutionary figure, ideologist of Trotskyism (the current of Marxism).
  • Frank Sinatra is an American singer and actor.
  • Sergei Vavilov - Soviet physicist.
  • Igor Kurchatov - Soviet physicist, creator of the Soviet atomic bomb.

After the year in which the Rooster ruled, Rabbits will have to moderate their activity - the period of achievements will be replaced for them by calmness and the unhurried passage of time. Do not rush to get upset, thinking that you have left the Rabbits out of work! The simplicity of 2018 will undoubtedly appeal to you. Moreover, the Yellow Dog will not only not ignore you, but will protect you from unnecessary worries and worries, so that Cats and Rabbits can finally fully enjoy the rest they have earned over the past periods.

He will remove from your path in life everyone who tried to deceive the gullible “eared ones”. An honest and fair totem will not allow you to take advantage of the gullibility of your charges. In the new year, Rabbits will be able to do things that they really like. Take the opportunity to spend time with family, friends and hobbies. Who knows - maybe next year will again force you to take up arms and rush into battle in order to feel protected and provided with material benefits?

  • Years of the Rabbit: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023.
  • Personal qualities: generosity, impulsiveness, emotionality, anxiety, sharp mind, quick-wittedness, kindness, ability to enjoy life.
  • Best professions: farmer, police officer, children's or family doctor, orderly, teacher, political or public figure, advertising specialist.

Forecast for the Rabbit (Cat) for 2018 Dogs

After the Year of the Rooster, when every second person tried to use the Rabbits to their advantage, you will experience a period free from behind-the-scenes intrigue and gossip. Feel free to involve friends and acquaintances in new business - they will be able to give valuable advice and provide all possible assistance in the implementation of your ideas. Of course, this does not mean that all decisions can be made with the impulsiveness inherent in Rabbits. Any business is built on competent calculations and realistically assessed risks. The basis in the form of a business plan has not been canceled!

This family sign really likes the totem of the new 2018, so relationships of a personal nature will delight you with harmony. In the circle of loved ones, a quiet haven always awaits you, where you can wait out any storms. The Yellow Dog will allow you to find time to spend at family tea parties, outings in nature, trips to the country or board games, especially since they will actively help you in matters of career and business, sharing the burden of responsibility.

The Dog cannot be called generous with advances and gifts of fate, but the most purposeful Rabbits will enjoy its patronage in professional matters. It is worth using the quiet time to “pump up” your skills by attending several trainings, or even think about changing your workplace. Do you feel like you are stuck in your old job? Browse advertisements from top employers in early 2018. Who knows - maybe by the time of your summer vacation you will be ready to make an important decision?

Soon you will have to make a choice and possibly change your job

Rabbits will be lucky to make interesting acquaintances and unusual meetings, so do not refuse the opportunity to go on a business trip or go to a party in a new pub. Among the acquaintances you made in 2018, there may be one that will completely change your personal life. It is also possible that you will meet with a person endowed with sufficient authority to put in a good word for you when solving career problems.

In general, the New Year can safely be called harmonious - no matter what the Rabbits undertake, everything will work out without much effort on their part. The main thing is not to set inflated goals. The dog wants you to finally rest and put your health and thoughts in order. Even your vacation should be extremely relaxing - instead of an extreme tour, buy a trip filled with contemplative excursions, or go to the seashore to relax for a week on a sun lounger with a cocktail in your hands.

Love and relationships

In general, the personal life of representatives of this sign will be marked by idyll and mutual understanding. Those who have already managed to start a family can completely relax - 2018 will not bring any unpleasant surprises. A dog will make you feel like an ideal couple, united not only by love, but by common values, goals and hobbies. Rabbits should spend as much time as possible with their significant other, especially when it comes to vacation.

Find the time and money to go on a short trip. Moreover, even for couples with children, it is recommended to travel without offspring this time. Entrust the children to a caring grandmother and plunge into the romance of the candy-bouquet period. But single Rabbits can only be envied - the Yellow Dog will provide them with attention from the opposite sex. The most interesting personalities will try to take over your thoughts and feelings, and Rabbits will only have to choose!

Sociable Rabbits will be provided with a lot of flirting and courtship!

However, do not forget that the Dog is a convinced traditionalist in matters of morality - endless rushing from one object of passion to another and a continuous series of dates will not bring you any good. As a result, the first half of the year, filled with pleasures and delights, will be replaced by the second - a period of loneliness. If among your new acquaintances there is a person who “hooks” your feelings, feel free to make a choice and stop rushing from one subject of passion to another.

Representatives of this sign, who are in a couple, but did not plan to tie the knot in the near future, may change their position under the influence of the Dog. Astrologers say that such a decision will be very successful. There is a person next to you who can become support and support for many years. Just don't stray from the right path! In pursuit of new victories, the Rabbit may forget that his heart is not free.


Despite the fact that the Rabbit is a rather active sign, sometimes it is prone to laziness. This quality can manifest itself especially clearly in 2018, when representatives of this sign will be spared haste and unnecessary work. The lazy Cat will awaken in the Rabbit, who prefers lying on the sofa to all types of activity. Astrologers insist that lack of physical activity will not bring you any good.

Only healthy, regular eating will save you from gastrointestinal problems.

At a minimum, adhere to the principles of a balanced diet so as not to encounter worsened gastrointestinal problems in the second half of the year. Don't forget about chronic diseases. Since you have had such a quiet year, take the opportunity to go to a specialized sanatorium or boarding house.

The stars say that in 2018 the risk of injury increases. You shouldn’t set records when riding a bike or put extra weights on exercise machines in the gym - any physical activity should be done in a comfortable manner so as not to tear your spine or cause sprains. Do not forget to drink enough clean water - the heavenly bodies believe that you are more addicted to harmful drinks, forgetting about simply saturating the body with life-giving moisture.

Work and career

The career field in 2018 will not bring significant changes. Only those Rabbits who experience a change in leadership will have an active year. It doesn’t matter what the reason is - you yourself will move to a new company or the boss in your department will change. In any case, his respect will have to be earned by demonstrating your best qualities and professionalism. Astrologers say that Rabbits will need to overcome their own indecision in order not to lose additional rewards by the end of 2018.

Your craft hobby can become a source of income!

The rest of the representatives of this sign can be calm - let your boat float with the flow, and the Dog will make sure that there are no rapids or whirlpools on its way. The period is good for displaying creative activity: if you are interested in knitting, making jewelry from polymer clay or woodworking, consider whether you should transfer this business to a commercial basis. It is possible that over time you will open your own business or become a home-based worker.

In 2018, do not forget that relationships with colleagues will require increased attention on your part. In the past, they have provided the Rabbits with their assistance more than once; Now comes the time when you need to pay off old debts. While you continue to have a period of calm, help those who are panicking from the incessant rush jobs and rubble.


The financial sphere will require special attention from Rabbits, because representatives of this sign often squander money left and right, without thinking about the future. They rarely have significant savings for a rainy day. In the year of the Yellow Dog's reign, you are unlikely to suddenly become rich, but you will not have to die of hunger either. The 2018 totem will provide you with a small but stable income, so if you want to live large, you will have to think about options for additional income.

Trying to improve your financial situation, you will have to find a part-time job

In the new period of life, Rabbits should learn to plan expenses and compare them with income if they want to make a couple of large acquisitions. Organize your wardrobe and equipment so you can sell a lot of unnecessary things on virtual trading platforms, because you often bought extra items at sales and then threw your purchases into the far corner of the closet.

A rabbit is a beautiful, cute animal that can evoke a lot of pleasant and positive feelings. These qualities passed on to people who were born under the symbol of this animal. If you are interested in the horoscope for 2021, since you are a Rabbit, or, more precisely, you were born in the year of his government, then you will definitely be wondering what life has in store for you, and whether it is trying to test you.

Character of the sign

Rabbits can easily be considered one of the happiest and luckiest signs of the Eastern horoscope, because fate makes them happy in life, taking them away from problems and troubles.

People born under this sign are distinguished by their special intelligence and excellent ability to present themselves in society. Two irreplaceable qualities are intertwined in them: modesty, which adorns them, as well as strong character, thanks to which they know their worth and will never give in to the offender.

These people only seem soft-bodied and spineless in appearance, but in fact, they have a strong inner core, which provides an appropriate worldview, as well as character.

The individuals controlled by the furry animal are distinguished by their openness and hospitality, thanks to which they quickly conquer new acquaintances and make friends. The rabbit does not belong to the category of arrogant and boastful people, but he loves and, importantly, knows how to beautifully accept compliments and gifts.

Thanks to their inherent innate ability of self-preservation, as well as their developed intuition, Rabbit people easily cope with catastrophic and seemingly hopeless situations. In troubles of various kinds, they perfectly know how to “come out of the water unscathed”, remaining aloof from what is happening.

These individuals belong to the category of owners, that is, they love to be jealous of their significant other and often do this for no reason. Checking the pockets of a loved one, rummaging through the phone - this is their favorite, habitual thing. At the same time, for all outsiders, they are very economical and caring people, creating comfort in the home, completely surrounding their loved one with tenderness and care. It is also worth noting that such families generally have a lot of children, because Rabbits have great love and craving for them.

The Rabbit's horoscope for the coming 2021 promises many different opportunities. It is worth remembering and paying attention to the signs sent to you from above, otherwise you do not need to count on success in all areas of activity. You should carefully delve into every interlocutor, every word spoken to you, all actions and steps, because this could be the very chance and opportunity to turn your life upside down.

In order to rise to the pedestal, you should not remain on the sidelines, but at the same time you should not make excessive efforts to change something in your existence. You need to act, paying attention to every little thing and detail around you, because life has prepared a lot of pleasant surprises and opportunities for you, not taking advantage of which is simply ridiculous and ugly in relation to your patron - the Rabbit.

Important! For those people who are able to decide on a goal in life, while building a clear plan, as well as a specific strategy, the year of the Golden Ox will prepare many prospects and the realization of their most important dream. The main condition under which the above strategy will work is the clear construction of a single goal. That is, it can be either just family, or self-development, or career and success in starting your own business.

The horoscope for the coming 2021 for the Rabbit woman brings significant changes and sharp turns in fate. It is also worth noting that all these changes can affect absolutely any area of ​​activity, and the area in which the girl wants to self-actualize and develop will undergo the most significant and serious changes.

For example, the beautiful owner of this symbol has been trying for many years to achieve the desired position or increase in wages, promote some of her ideas and implement innovations, working hard and fruitfully on this, then it is in the year of the Golden Ox that she will be able to achieve this.

If you want to become a legal spouse or have children, then there is a high probability that these events can occur during this period. The main thing is not to insist on what you want and not to achieve it by all possible methods: you should relax, holding the thought of what you want and just go with the flow of life, continuing to love and constantly confirm your feelings for your chosen one.

If ladies are overweight, then it’s time to take care of your body. In pursuit of getting rid of unwanted centimeters, you should not resort to such dubious and incomprehensible methods as various weight loss teas, pills, strict diets or fasting. In this matter, you should pay attention to your lifestyle: after all, a proper, balanced diet combined with normalized physical activity will not keep you waiting long for results.

Important! You should not prescribe diets and sports exercises on your own: in order not to aggravate, but to correct the situation, it is better to monitor the maintenance of your shape together with specialists (nutritionists and trainers). The time and energy spent will be justified by the beautiful, attractive figure that you will see later.

The Golden Ox will be supportive and respectful only to that half of the representatives of the rabbit symbol who will become purposeful and hardworking in the coming year. Those who prefer to spend more time on the couch, and also give preference to friends, companies and parties, will have a very hard time in 2021 - the time of the Ox’s patronage, because in order to achieve at least something, these lazy representatives of the Rabbits will need to sweat lightly.

In order to achieve your goals, you need to stop being afraid of changes, since they are simply inevitable during this period of time. It is worth starting to make certain plans for the future and working out methods for their implementation, with the help of which these plans can be brought to life. Also, hard work, honesty and integrity will help you along the way.

Change is always good, although sometimes it can be frightening in its suddenness. The main thing is to believe in miracles and go with the flow of life with comfort and confidence. The Ox can help you with this.

The end of the year will be a decisive period, since at this time many Rabbits can look back and evaluate the work they have done.

Love horoscope 2021 for Rabbit

The horoscope for 2021 for Rabbits promises love relationships and a lot of romantic, pleasant moments. Many relationships that were previously friendly can develop into something more. But you shouldn’t immediately run and ring all the bells, because, as they say, happiness loves silence. In order for the relationship to last as long as possible and no one could meanly destroy it, you should keep your mouth shut, especially if the relationship is only at the beginning of development.

If your significant other suddenly suddenly becomes passive, do not be upset, as this can be an excellent period when you take the initiative and some activity.

In family life, too, everything may not go as smoothly as we would like. If you stop “lowering your nose” and start actively expressing your feelings, everything will get better by the end of the year.

Money horoscope

If in the coming period the Rabbits gain patience and begin to study legal innovations, legislation, as well as the business world with all its news, then you can definitely safely and successfully start doing your own business, opening your own small business.

The first three months of the year will be successful for representatives of the trade sector. For those people who had not previously planned to connect their lives with trading, the time has come when they need to think about it: for Rabbits this is an excellent type of employment that can bring good profits.

Career Horoscope 2021 for Rabbit

Hardworking and assertive careerists will be able to reap the benefits of their difficult work throughout the entire period when the Ox will rule. But you should maintain a certain distance in relations with your superiors, otherwise you may lose respect and proper treatment towards you.

Health horoscope for 2021

Those big-eared people who spend a lot of time outside the home should definitely take care of their health. By following basic hygiene rules, you can prevent the appearance of serious and unpleasant symptoms, which in the future can develop into terrible diseases.

The Year of the Ox should be lived with a smile, enjoying the smallest little things. This way you can avoid unnecessary stress and depression.

Celebrities born in the year of the Rabbit

Such beautiful, successful and famous representatives of the “rabbit” family include:

  • Marie Curie;
  • Albert Einstein;
  • Queen Victoria;
  • Leon Trotsky;
  • Angelina Jolie;
  • Anastasia Volochkova;
  • Sergey Zverev;
  • Nastya Kamenskikh;
  • Lolita Milyavskaya;
  • Ingrid Bergman.