Farewell letter to the girl before. A beautiful farewell letter to a girl.

It's all over for us a long time ago
Farewell words written
But we are still waiting for something:
Perhaps SHE is not finished?

We part again, we are taken away again by carriages,
And the lights of the lanterns run off into the foggy distance.
You wave your hand to me, you are standing on the platform again,
And again, under a smile you hide melancholy and sadness.

We are parting again, we promise to come back,
The carriages swayed and the diesel locomotive sang parting.
And the wheels are knocking and crazy sorrows are shaking,
And drops of undried tears shine under the eyelashes.

The rain is knocking on my window
The clouds are passing by.
But I don’t care about this world, -
Sadness is with me.
No love, it's gone
And now from now on
Moaning, crying, barely breathing
My love for the picture.
There's nothing left for me to love
And having lived for years,
One picture - one thread -
Holds me back.
On it you and I are together:
We were so happy...
And now I want one thing -
Find death quickly.
Where will you and I be again?
Where are the stars and clouds
Finally they will give you peace,
We will become an eternal couple.

Crying in the soul, and groaning in the heart
They don't let me live in peace.
We've been apart for six months now,
And the pain is such that hold on!

We parted so suddenly
I didn’t understand anything like that.
And there is still a wound in my heart
The soul wanders at night.

There is no autumn, trickier torment,
To dot all the i's,
To acknowledge the inevitability of separation
And dispel your doubts.

It's unusual to lose the habit
To be together and not to see the face,
Well, life rolls on wave after wave,
Turning inevitability into a ring.

Don't look at me so sadly
Let the dream remain in the past.
Everything was there, but it floated away somewhere
We part... And that's all... Vanity...

It’s winter outside the window, smoke is pouring out of the chimney.
The cold tightly bound my feelings and thoughts.
Let's break up. Would you like
To be friends without this “If...”
We don’t have hopes, we don’t cherish dreams.
We are not together, I will stay and you...

My heart broke into pieces
The soul cries like a baby.
We separated for just a moment
And they are already unhappy.

How can you love like that?
Why suffer so much?
We separated for just a moment
And it seems like forever...

Love has its own palette
Separation has a gray color.
The gray color of that separation
Which has no pain
There is no pain, only heart sounds.
Gray color, like the color of rain -
Dark, gloomy and sad.
We are apart - you and me,
And there is a piece of ice on the heart.

First a date in the park in the spring,
Then love will flow like a river,
Then separation - thorny roses,
And after all the cold and frost.

There are no advantages to breaking up.
There are only one disadvantages.
Separation is like a burden to people,
We must remember this.

Without parting, we will not understand,
How sad we are without each other.
We deserve each other so much.
We can't handle separation!

The hour of parting has come.
I hid the moment and disappeared.
The day began and disappeared.
He evaporated in the universe.

Goodbye invisible essence.
Play with the invisible shadow.
The hour of parting has come.
And with it, doubts arose.

What could be sadder for a young girl than parting with her loved one. There are all sorts of situations in life, there are disagreements that are incompatible with a joint future. But even in the most unpleasant events, I want anger and hatred not to darken the lives of two people who were recently a couple. Therefore, it is better to always end a relationship on a pleasant note, no matter how difficult it may be. For those people who find it difficult to express their thoughts in the presence of a loved one, there is a good option - write a letter. We offer you " " Perhaps this letter will help you formulate your own thoughts and reach the heart of your half.

So, a letter to your loved one about breaking up:

“My favorite little man! I can’t start a conversation in your presence, so I decided to write you these words goodbye. I think that it would be more correct this way, so I can tell you without tears and hysterics everything that I think, feel, how I am going through. Unfortunately, the moment has come when we need to part ways. You and I look at many things differently. I feel that I am already tired of the fact that you are constantly not around, that work, friends and ex-girlfriends mean much more to you than I do. It seems to me that you and I are standing in the same place. We don't make each other happy. I'm afraid that a little time will pass and we will completely distance ourselves from each other, begin to irritate each other, and become uninteresting. I'm scared that years will pass, and I'll still be sitting by the darkening window, waiting for you to finally come home. My soul hurts that I can no longer reach you, draw attention to my experiences and problems. I see that my love for you does not make me happy, it destroys me and brings me disappointment. For some reason, our endless conversations bring nothing but mutual insults. But something else is important to me, your attention, sympathy are important to me, I want to feel that you need me. I’m telling you again - even a small drop of your attention could water my soul, just one tender word, a gentle warm hug or a kiss - and she would have blossomed, given me hope and faith in the future with you... But your distrust, your inattention, your demonstrative independence from me breaks my wings and brings me down to earth. It’s always sad and funny to me when you emphasize your independence and your reluctance to have a family in front of your friends. We have been living together for a year now, and our relationship is not growing into a strong and joyful union; we are becoming more and more strangers to each other. Sometimes it seems to me that you are even burdened by my company. And I really wanted us to have a good time together. I tried for us and for you. You know very well that I love you with all my heart. But I decided that it would be better for us to part. I think you haven’t fully understood yourself, you haven’t been able to understand whether you need me or how you feel about me. Breaking up will help both of us sort out our thoughts, and you - in your life. If you suddenly realize that you love me, you can always find me. If we can no longer be something more for each other, know that I have long forgiven you all the insults and wish you only happiness!”

Hello beloved!

You know. I have never written a letter to a loved one before. This is truly an unusual method. But I'll try. Just please read to the end.

I do not even know where to start. More than two months have passed since we met. And I remember that day. It is impossible to forget him, because he laid the foundation for our relationship with you. Even if they didn’t last long, about two months, they were amazing for me. After all, I was the happiest girl in the world, and even despite the fact that we quarreled, swore, and were offended at each other over all sorts of small trifles. These were my best two months of happiness!

I remember how I fell in love with you. This was our second meeting. And during this short meeting, I realized that it would not be the last. My breath caught, my heart sank, and my chest felt somehow unnaturally warm. I couldn’t even imagine what this felt like. When I was driving home, there were a lot of different thoughts in my head and I couldn’t concentrate. I couldn’t believe that all this was happening to me. But it was only at home that I began to realize that I was in love with you. In love with your smile, with your beautiful eyes, with your voice, with you for who you are. It felt scary and good at the same time. But in those minutes when I saw you, I was filled with happiness, joy, warmth, giving me hope for something more.

I want to admit that I have never loved anyone as much as you. Of course, at first I tried to turn a blind eye to it. But then I realized that you can close your eyes to what you see, but not to what you feel!

I always ask myself why this is, why I can’t be with my loved one, why am I being punished like this, why is I in such pain, I don’t deserve it. I am also a person, I am a girl, a girl who fell in love with all her heart for the first time, who once confessed her love, received a knife in the back. Why didn't you ever think about me when you hurt me? After all, each time the pain became stronger and stronger, and the traces of it became deeper and deeper in the soul.

Your words about love? And I believed in them. Everything happened so realistically. And I completely trusted you, every word you said. But it turned out that this was a game? I am not a toy. I am a girl who has a heart and soul. And you know, when a man truly loves a woman, he will never let her leave his life! Even if she wants it. He will try to fix something, change something, and not only in her, but also in himself! Because, having lost a loved one, you lose an irreplaceable part of your soul, you stop living, you begin to simply exist, without feelings, without emotions. Only with hellish pain.

I don't understand my life without you. You are my meaning, my goal, my addiction. The fire that you kindled in me still burns in my heart. I will never be able to forget you. I won't even try. It's better for everyone else that I become heartless. Because there will never be a place for them in my heart. You became the first and only person I allowed to enter my heart, but you didn’t believe me, I saw it in your eyes, in your smile, in your every gesture. I felt it. I don’t want to be unnecessary, to bother, to impose. But I understand that this is exactly the case.

You will never understand how much you broke me and with what difficulty, now, I am trying to glue myself back together piece by piece every day, through all the grievances, all the pain and tears. I won’t write or call anymore, I won’t look for meetings, I won’t nervously run to the phone when the music starts, why? All this is pointless and stupid.

I hope that the day will come when you and I will meet by chance somewhere. Let's look into each other's eyes, and there is still the same shine, all the same feelings, nothing has changed. As soon as there is a light sadness in my soul, we will part as usual, but this time I will try to hold back the tears, I will not cry, but just smile. I will smile for you, so that you don’t have sadness in your soul, so that you don’t get upset. No matter how painful it is for me, I never cease to thank fate for giving me you. I wish you only happiness. I want everything to be fine with you, and this will make me feel calmer. I want you to finally meet your one true love and be happy with her. I want you to never experience the pain that I experienced. Remember you forever in my heart. I feel you. I love you.

Name: Sofia
Moscow city


    The feelings are very accurately described. In the end, he didn’t die - he’s just with whoever he likes


    With the help of this letter, I broke up with a person I didn’t love and I want to say a huge thank you to the person who wrote it.


    Yes, because of stories like this, you begin to understand more and more that there are almost no sincere guys left!(



    Lord, why do we need all this? how hard, how painful(((now everything is exactly the same, how bad((


    similar situation... beautiful words life's predicaments, but in pairs there are words, why we love those who do not love us and give our hearts to those who break it, but in this world there is that person whom we are very in need of... I wish you to find strength for yourself and live on happy and joyful, you deserve more


    I have almost the same situation! I’m a guy, I’ve always been in demand among girls, 2 higher education, business, car, house, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, an athlete, with a sense of humor, I’ve put myself on my feet, in the ranking of eligible bachelors in my city. Well, I fell in love with a girl 9 years younger than me, I’m 29, we met, gifts, flowers, and after 2 months she tells me that she loves someone else. And I have never felt such pain as now in my life.


    Everything happens… (((



    god how touching


    Yes... you really love him)
    But... Think about it.
    True love is not suffering.
    And don't suffer. Don't think about your unhappy self. Don't be selfish.
    Then everything will be fine!)
    Good luck!))


    Yes, I agree with Nastya) And I’ve been liking a stranger for 2 years now ((I’m afraid to meet him. What should I do?


    let it go. everything will be resolved by itself. we live as long as we can feel...


    how touching this is. I’m almost 13 and I have the same situation. But the most important thing is don’t despair, love someone else. I wish you to be the happiest girl and may you find the guy of your dreams!!! kisses (Nastyusha)


    I wonder how he answered


    the one who loves will not make you cry. I also have the same situation. I told him like this, I don’t want my love to end in dirt, it’s better that my love for you remains pure, turned around and left. but it's hard for me now.


    wow you have to love it so much


    Good idea this letter!!! I’ll probably do that. I want to remember our love as the most wonderful feeling in the world!!!


    I will soon turn 14, my beloved is 22... I love him, and he loves me... he asks me to date... but the age difference... we are good together, we have fun, he does not give up, does not hint at sex.. we are just very good together... I don’t know what to do next, because my parents don’t allow me to communicate with him at all...


    ...take your hand off my chest. We are live wires. to each other again, look, we will be abandoned inadvertently... we cannot step into the same river twice. but time, fortunately, heals, the surest way.

When creating their “we,” it is unlikely that a man or woman thinks that for some reason their unique fairy tale may one day end. However, life sometimes takes turns worse than an experienced slalomist. And now, alas, you have a reason to write a farewell letter to your loved one in your own words. How to do this with dignity?

The art of saying goodbye beautifully

Talking about love relationships, we most often mean the dating stage, “candy and bouquet meetings” and the decision to become a couple. But quarrels and partings are also important milestones of fate, and one cannot do without them. You can find a lot of advice on how to win a man and make him happy, but a scenario for a beautiful end to a relationship is much more difficult to find.

One of these ways to maintain dignity, not to humiliate either the guy or yourself, and not to break into reproaches, hysterics and, perhaps, threats, is a farewell letter to your beloved man in your own words. It can move you to tears, cause indignation or indifference (this, unfortunately, also happens), but one thing is certain: thoughts formulated in writing will be recorded and clearly structured. This means that the former other half will have the opportunity to read them more than once (or even more than twice!), comprehend and draw conclusions. Not only will you be able to avoid an unpleasant scene of a showdown, but you will also save face in your own eyes (of course: deciding to write requires no less courage than saying the same thing tête-à-tête!).

Laws of the genre

In love, as you know, there are no laws. But in composing farewell letters there is! Moreover, many of them have a precedent basis, that is, they are chosen for a specific situation that has developed in a couple and caused the need to come up with a similar essay. Here are some important aspects:

  • brevity is the soul of wit. The peculiarity of male perception is that they do not recognize lengthy messages. So try to express everything you have in mind briefly and succinctly;
  • plan. Of course, a farewell letter is not school essay, but the structure and consistency of presentation are just as important here. Therefore, you should not start with the words “We are no longer together. Period,” since it is quite possible that after this the recipient will not want to continue reading. It is better if at the beginning there is something that will attract his attention other than the very fact of receiving a letter from you. This could be some kind of affectionate address, a quote or a brief (after all, we are writing about a breakup, not confessing) description of our own feelings;
  • literacy. No comments;
  • taboo on swearing. You should not humiliate yourself or him by stooping to insults. Even if he committed a very unseemly act. Even if you really want to. Then it’s better to meet and talk “from the heart”;
  • decor. A pen with ink of one rich color, a smooth sheet of good paper and no drawings in the margins - in this regard, the genre has very strict rules.

Examples of letters for different situations

How many couples there are, so many reasons for separation: betrayal, insults, thoughtless words... So it is impossible to come up with one template suitable for all situations. Unless you just write “Goodbye”. However, our task is not just to report the breakup, but also to do it beautifully. So you'll have to try.

If you quit

Writing a letter if you are the initiator of the termination of the relationship may seem like a simple undertaking. But it is not so. It is necessary not only to adequately justify such a decision, but also to present everything in such a way that an already offended man does not become even more offended.

  • “You are a gift I don't deserve. These are not nice words, it prevents me from sleeping and doing my usual things. But it so happened that we had to part. I don’t want you to be hurt, although I know what will happen... Don’t be angry with me and forgive me. Goodbye".
  • Sometimes people are separated by kilometers, and then you have to write a letter in your own words to a loved one who is at a distance. "What could be more painful than being hurt? to a loved one? Probably nothing. Sorry for the pain, for the words that hurt, but we need to part. You can't build relationships at a distance, that's not for me. May I suggest we remain friends and hope for a positive response?”

If the initiator is he

A farewell letter to a beloved man who abandoned him is a controversial matter. On the one hand, it is clear that you are no longer together, but on the other hand, you have the right to present your vision of the situation, without even hoping to return your lover.

  • “I know you don't love me. But for the sake of everything that happened between us, I want to say that I will not forget this time. I hope that in life you will have a worthy woman next to you, and I will meet my one and only man. Be happy. Goodbye".
  • “How difficult it is to say goodbye! That’s why I chose this way to talk to you, my recently-favorite! You left, nothing connects us, but for the sake of what happened between us, I want to say that I don’t hold a grudge against you. Be happy. Just let's agree to do everything not to meet again. We shouldn’t give our passion a reason to flare up with renewed vigor, because then it will definitely hurt...”

If the reason is treason

This is the most common reason why a woman writes: “I would not like to start by asking for forgiveness, especially since I know that you will not forgive. I am guilty before you, and there are no words of excuse, but if you can, forgive and be happy.”

When he breaks the oath of allegiance, you should not make the letter a list of reproaches. You can express all the negativity to your girlfriend over a glass of wine, but the message has a different purpose - to inform about the breakup. “I hope she’s better than me, I hope you really love her and won’t regret betraying us!” Do not see you again!".

It doesn’t matter in what form you decide to put your letter of separation, the main thing is the content. So where to start.

  • Make a plan. Don't laugh, this is important. Think carefully about everything you want to say, try to take into account all the details, because you are writing the last letter, which should dot the i's. Don’t neglect it: if you feel like you’re about to unsubscribe, it’s better to put down your pen and collect your thoughts.
  • Write in draft. Gradually add thoughts, important nuances, forgotten words to it. You may be able to sit down and write a heartfelt message in 15 minutes, but don't rush to send it. It’s better to re-read the letter the next day, make sure that you really wrote everything and the way you wanted. Otherwise, you risk either getting stuck in endless correspondence, or tormented by the fact that you forgot the most important thing.
  • Less pathos. Remember that men are more down-to-earth creatures than women. Where you see a wonderful castle in the clouds, he sees a white spot. There is no need to use all kinds of epithets and multi-tiered comparisons. Just write what you think is important.
  • Consider the man's character. Your letter should touch him, evoke emotions, which means write the message in his language. If he can't stand diminutive words or deliberately rude ones, don't use them. You need to express your thought and convey it to him, and if he feels irritated while reading, you are unlikely to get the desired result.
  • State the purpose of your letter clearly. You can write four pages of small handwriting and say nothing. Start with what excites you. “It’s very hard for me to think about it, but our relationship is over.” “I wish you could hear me. Perhaps by reading you will understand something that you did not understand when you listened.” Remember, men are rationalists, it is important for him to understand why you started all this.
  • Don't use writing as an emotional outlet. If you want to tell a man what a scoundrel he is, just to argue with him, it’s better not to send what you wrote. In this message you only expressed your anger, but it is unlikely that a man will understand your feelings. More precisely, he will understand that you hate him and don’t want to see him, and you won’t be able to convey to him exactly why. Write with a cool head.
  • Avoid cliches. If you've read a lot romance novels, was inspired by the fate of the heroine and now you write a poem filled with high feelings and suffering, then it may turn out to be just another novel, and not a message to a living, real person. Formulate your thoughts in such a way that the man does not feel like a character in a love story.
  • Write correctly. Don’t be lazy, use auto-check, re-read the message before sending, correct typos. Even the most insightful and intelligent thought loses its power if it is presented in an inappropriate form. No matter how upset you are, write correctly so that while reading the man is not distracted by correcting your mistakes, straying from the main idea.
  • Write if you have anything. This is perhaps the main condition. The point of the letter is to convey your thoughts to the man. There are no thoughts for a full letter, you can write a note: “Darling, we are breaking up. Did not get along. It was good with you, I don’t regret anything. Good luck in your personal life.”

Farewell letter to the beloved who betrayed me

The betrayal of a loved one can extinguish faith in feelings and people for a long time.

That is why it is important to separate the one who hurt you from the rest of the world, to realize that one person is not responsible for the actions and decisions of everyone else. In this case, writing is more necessary for therapeutic purposes. You might not even have to send it. But if you still decide that he should find out about your feelings, write for him.

  1. Describe your feelings. Resentment, disappointment, pain. Everything you experience should be in this message. He betrayed you and he needs to know how you feel. Otherwise, he will not learn a lesson from his action and will be sure that you calmly accepted his action.
  2. There is no need to appeal to his conscience. Your letter is simply a way to convey to a person information about the consequences of his action. Let him deal with his conscience himself, you only provide him with food for thought, and at the same time get rid of your own resentment: if you don’t tell the person directly, without concealment or hints, that he hurt you, this situation will torment you with incompleteness.
  3. Make a point. In all senses. Let your relationship end here, you cross him out of your life and go your own way alone. A farewell letter does not imply a lengthy showdown.

Poetic farewell letter

Admit it: You don’t want to part with him at all, do you? You simply do not have enough attention, and you decided to attract it in this way. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the desire to say goodbye to the chosen one in verse. Or you are simply looking for a strong source of emotions for inspiration.

In general, if you feel the urge to rhyme, no rules other than the rules of versification apply here. If you want to say goodbye beautifully, there are hundreds of ready-made masterpieces at your service that are easy to find on the Internet. Alternatively, you can contact a professional poet who can help you compose a touching farewell poem.

Farewell letter in prose

It’s much easier to express your thoughts in prose, especially if you write a letter in your own words, rather than copying it from somewhere.

In this form, you can focus on the essence of the message, and not on the original rhyme with the word “love.” The main thing that is required of you is clarity of presentation and the ability to logically finish a sentence.

Farewell letter to tears

Let's be honest: Making a guy cry with a goodbye letter is problematic. In general, remember, have you seen your man cry? Therefore, only other girls who are in a similar situation can be moved by your message. But you can stir up a man’s feelings by observing three simple conditions.

  • Be sincere. You can find an example of a letter on the Internet, but if it does not correspond to your situation, then it will not evoke emotions. Forget about templates and beautiful proofread phrases, just write what you feel.
  • Write simply. Ornate comparisons, complex sentences, abstruse words look unnatural and insincere. Unless, of course, you explain yourself this way all the time. Your man (even an ex) will definitely feel whether you are writing on your own or using someone else’s hint.
  • Don't blame. Any reproach will make a man bristle and close himself off from your further words. In your farewell letter, admit that you have not found a common language and a way to save the relationship, but there is no need to find out who is to blame for its collapse. It is better to part with a pure soul and thoughts.

Breakup: farewell letter

The essence of the letter changes radically depending on whose initiative the separation occurred. If you are leaving, then explain to your man the reasons, do not make him suffer from the unknown. If he left you, express everything you think about this, especially if he did not bother to explain his action.

  1. No need for regrets. All kinds of “if only” only poison the soul and show that you, knowing how to act, did not fight for your feelings. Better use this knowledge with another man to build a stronger relationship.
  2. If you're leaving, leave. You understand the meaning of the word “farewell” correctly, don’t you? After this message, you no longer hope for the rebirth of love and continuation of the relationship. Therefore, do not send a letter if you are not confident in your firmness: a woman’s word should be as significant as a man’s. At least for yourself.

Say goodbye to the guy who left me

What do you want to say ex-boyfriend, who unexpectedly (or expectedly, which in principle is not very important) abandoned you. You are upset, offended, angry, you want him to know about your emotions and understand how hard it is for you.

Of course, it all depends on the guy, and if there was sympathy and love between you, he will understand it himself.

But in any case, you need to speak out so that you can let go of your emotions and gradually regain stability, and then start a new relationship.

  • Write a few letters. In the first, let it be absolutely everything that you think: angry, angry, offensive. You need to give free rein to your emotions. Do not re-read this letter, just throw it away. In the second letter, try to control your emotions. After the first one they will be more restrained and calm. You can use it as a draft. Write a third letter after a while: in it, state everything that you felt when you found out about your breakup, but no longer swearing, but simply telling. By this time, your emotions will subside and you will begin to understand what is happening.
  • Forgive your ex-boyfriend. All grievances and misunderstandings, quarrels, possible insults. At the moment of separation, he became a stranger to you, albeit connected with your past, which means that the negative should go with him. This way you clear the way for new, good events. Write that you don’t hold a grudge against him and ask him not to harbor grudges. This does not mean that you will remain friends, but at least you will not have an enemy.
  • Don't write too much. The final version of the letter should contain only the most important things. No need lyrical digressions and residual romance - your ex no longer needs this, and you will only feel worse. Imagine that you are doing a report on an internship after which the course will be closed. Don't show a man how much he hurts you. He knows this himself, but you will still have to experience emotions alone.

Farewell letter to a guy in the army

A girl who didn’t get a boyfriend from the army is a sore subject for many military personnel. Unfortunately, this happens: while the couple is close, feelings seem indestructible, but separation proves the opposite. How can you write to your ex-beloved that you are not expecting him to leave the army?

  • Write honestly. There is nothing worse than being sure that the person you love is faithful to you, and then finding out that he deceived you. Don’t think that by hiding the disappearance of feelings from a guy, you will do a good deed. Especially if you have already found a replacement for him, and your mutual friends and acquaintances know about it.
  • Don't expect forgiveness right away. You're hurting your boyfriend very badly. In the army, separations are especially painful, so be prepared that the reaction will be far from friendly. Accept that you have actually become a traitor.

Farewell letter to the guy who cheated

If you are one of the girls who are unable to simply break off all relationships, despite the betrayal on the part of the guy, a farewell letter will help you understand yourself.

  1. Don't ask for an explanation. You yourself know that you cannot command your heart to love. If it so happened that your lover chose someone else over you, accept this fact without listening and demanding excuses from him. They won't make you feel any better. In the letter, wish him happiness and forget.
  2. Don't ask or give a second chance. This is at least inappropriate in a farewell letter. If you are ready to forgive the betrayal, you should not pretend that you are leaving and wait for him to return you. You either make a point or you don’t.

Farewell letter to the guy you love

Why are you saying goodbye to your beloved guy? Did he leave you or do you just love him unrequitedly from a distance? However, this is not so important. In a farewell message to your loved one, you can write whatever you feel.

But don’t forget to explain why you can’t be together.

Perhaps this message will not be the end of your relationship, but the beginning?

Farewell letter to a guy you don't love

The situation is standard, known to many girls: you are loved, but your heart does not respond to this feeling. And I really don’t want to offend good man, but deceiving him or ignoring him is even worse. In this case, a letter will be the most gentle option: the unhappy lover will be able to read it alone and comprehend every line.

  1. Don't deceive him. The famous phrase “Let's remain friends” will not work if you do not want to be friends with this person. It’s better to write directly that his love puts you in an awkward position and makes you feel guilty for not reciprocating.
  2. Explain why you don't reciprocate. Perhaps it will be easier for the guy to cope with rejection if you tell him that you love skinny brunette auto mechanics, and he is a plump blond photographer.

Farewell letter to a married man

If your chosen one is married, and you know that he will not leave his family for you, it is better to leave them and take care of your personal life. And as a symbol of a new stage in life, let a farewell letter to your married chosen one appear.

In it, say goodbye and ask him not to bother you anymore and not to worry about you: you are looking for a new love.

The main condition: the letter should not catch the eye of your ex-lover’s wife. Therefore, think about how to convey a message to him, and then boldly burn bridges.

Farewell letter to the guy who hurt me

Please keep in mind right away that this letter is not for him, but for you. The offense caused will burn and hurt, so it is better to get rid of it immediately. Of course, it’s better to talk in person, but sometimes it’s incredibly difficult to tell the person you have feelings for about your offense. And paper, as you know, will endure anything. And it’s much easier to say goodbye this way.

Write as you would like to say it - without hiding a single emotion, talking about how painfully his words or actions hurt you. This is not a letter of complaint, but simply an opportunity to get rid of negativity, as well as explain to the offender that he is wrong.

You don't have to write long letters to say goodbye to a person. You can use the modern method and send an SMS to your ex-loved one. We won’t go into the details of your separation, just be glad that you don’t have to see the person with whom fate separated you.

Examples of farewell SMS messages can again be found on the Internet, but it is better to use your own experience to compose an electronic message.

After all, these are your feelings, won’t you put them in a couple of sentences? Moreover, borrowed thoughts are very easy to recognize: as a rule, they are stereotyped and stilted.

Remember that SMS is a short message, so try to be concise. If they abandoned you, say that you forgive and let go. If you are the initiator of the breakup, ask for forgiveness and wish happiness with another girl. Believe me, this is the very essence, and when breaking up you don’t need more, otherwise it can turn into a low-grade soap opera.

Girls' mistakes

This, of course, is not about grammatical errors, although their absence speaks in your favor. But even a farewell letter can become not a point in a relationship, but a meaningless ellipsis. To prevent this from happening, keep a few points in mind.

  • Don't write a letter if you'd rather talk. Still, it is difficult to convey all the intonations and nuances in writing. It may happen that a man will see in your message a completely different meaning than you intended. If you want to sort things out once and for all, do it in person.
  • Don't wait for an answer to your farewell letter. The point is for them to end the relationship. If you want to use it to attract a man’s attention, to interest him, to show that you are offended, do not hope for results. Men think straightforwardly, but not even every woman will understand such a veiled hint.
  • Don't threaten or blackmail. There is no need to turn the letter literally into a farewell message. Sending a guy notes in which you threaten to do something to yourself because of him is mean and pathetic on your part.

Writing a farewell letter is akin to keeping a diary: it allows you to speak out, ask the right questions and get answers, and make it easier to cope with the breakup.

When you get into stressful situation, emotions are looking for a way out, and writing becomes this way out.

Therefore, do not close yourself off and do not look for ways to lose yourself in random affairs or going to clubs.

You need to work through your problem.

  • In the letter, address the guy. Imagine that you are talking to him, ask questions, answer on his behalf. Perhaps in the process of writing a message you will not only calm down, but also understand the reasons for what happened.
  • Try writing yourself a letter on his behalf. This technique also allows you to forgive the person who offended you. And the ability to let go of grievances makes life much easier and more joyful.
  • It is not necessary to send a letter. If you feel better when you put your thoughts on paper, stop there. Burn the paper or save it until the moment when you want to re-read the letter and laugh at your naivety.

Answers to other frequently asked questions

Farewell letter to a beloved man from a mistress

A farewell letter to your beloved husband is one thing, but a letter to someone else’s beloved husband is completely different. If you happen to find yourself in mistresses, but you decide to break off this relationship and finally write a letter, be careful. Compose the message so that he doesn’t think that you are trying to blackmail him with your feelings.

  1. Explain why you decided to say goodbye. Very few women can be completely satisfied with the position of a mistress. Yes, you may be happy together, but he leaves for his wife, and you are left alone. He lives life to the fullest, even a little more than necessary, and you are deprived of constancy and a sense of stability. And in order not to put him before a choice, you decided to go your own way.
  2. Don't blame him. If he did not leave his wife before the letter, then he is unlikely to do so after it. So just say goodbye, but don’t try to make him feel like the last scoundrel.

How to write a letter for your loved one to return

As a rule, relationships collapse due to misunderstandings and the inability to find a compromise in a couple. Who knows, perhaps your farewell letter to your loved one will give you another chance, of course, provided that there are still feelings between you. If you count on this, writing a letter will require maximum effort from you.

  • Use shared memories. Instead of descriptions of your future together that are abstract for a man, use what connects you. Does he remember your first kiss, your first walk, how he bought you cotton candy and you dropped it in the pond? How did you realize that you needed each other? How did you call him at night to pick you up from your girlfriend’s birthday party, and he got lost? Everything that connects you, that makes you family. Put these emotions into a letter, and if he doesn’t respond to it, then there’s really nothing to get back.
  • Write everything you were afraid to say and hid. It happens that even a loved one is afraid to open up. If you haven’t shown enough tenderness, now is the time to improve and do everything to make your loved one feel needed in your life.
  • Give the letter yourself. Don't send it by mail, but hand it in and wait for a response. If you can't say what you wrote, let him read it, and you sign it with a kiss at the end. It is more expressively difficult to confess your love.

Remember that thoughts put into words take on a different meaning and can either improve life or poison it. So handle them carefully.