This strange life. Daniil Granin

It's a strange life Daniil Granin

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Title: It's a Strange Life
Author: Daniil Granin
Year: 1974
Genre: Biographies and Memoirs, Nonfiction, Management, Recruitment

About the book “This Strange Life” by Daniil Granin

Daniil Granin is a famous Russian prose writer, one of the leading publicists in the Soviet period. He grew up in Leningrad, graduated from the electromechanical department of the Polytechnic Institute and got a job as an engineer at the Kirov plant, where he was found by the Second World War. Daniil Alexandrovich volunteered to go to the front, rose from private to officer and was awarded military orders.

At the end of the war, Daniil Granin worked for some time at the research institute in graduate school, but since 1954 he completely switched to literary activity. His main topics were moral problems scientific and technical creativity. He wrote biographies of academicians, physicists and mathematicians, revealing the inner world of brilliant people. The author in his works always tried to show the struggle between principled people of science and bureaucrats.

The work “This Strange Life” is the life story of the talented Russian biologist and mathematician Alexander Lyubishchev. Daniil Aleksandrovich managed to very subtly convey the scientist’s inner experiences, his disagreement with the regulations and his struggle with the system. The author showed Lyubishchev as a purposeful and strong person, but a little strange, like all geniuses.

Alexander Lyubishchev was an incredibly pedantic person. He sought to rationalize time and valued every minute. The book “This Strange Life” clearly describes the creation of the scientist’s unique time system, according to which he lived until last days. The essence of this development is very close to the canons of time management, which is why Lyubishchev is credited with being the author of the modern system.

The work “This Strange Life” fully lives up to its title. The author tells the life story of a very unusual person. Alexander Lyubishchev was so passionate about his work that he absolutely did not recognize authorities and, like a real scientist, questioned everything. It was this quality that helped him move forward in his scientific activities and make new discoveries. The scientist was able to plan his time for years in advance with an accuracy of 1% and stubbornly follow a clearly drawn up script. Neither changes in the country nor personal tragedies could lead him astray from his intended path.

In the book “This Strange Life,” Daniil Granin claims that Lyubishchev, following the time accounting system, read a colossal number of books and wrote many reviews and articles. Until his last days, the scientist kept a diary, more like a mathematical journal, where he noted various events of his life in time.

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Quotes from the book “This Strange Life” by Daniil Granin

It would seem that all the efforts of modern man are aimed at saving Time. For this purpose, an electric razor and an escalator are created; for this we fly on high-speed planes, for this we rush in the subway or on the freeway. And time is getting less and less! And we “no longer have enough time to read, to write long letters that people once wrote to each other; we don’t have enough time to love, communicate, visit, admire sunsets and sunrises, walk mindlessly through the fields... Where does Time disappear? Where does this growing time pressure come from?! We save it, but there is less and less of it! And a person does not have time to be a person. A person does not have time to prove himself as a person - he does not have time to fulfill either what is inherent in him by nature, or to realize his abilities, his plans, his dreams.

Ethics has no units of measurement. Even in eternal and general definitions - kind, evil, sincere, cruel - we are helplessly confused, not knowing what to compare with, how to understand who is really kind and who is kind, and what true decency means, where are the criteria for these qualities.

When the famous histologist Nevmyvaka was asked how he could study the structure of a worm all his life, he was surprised: “The worm is so long, but life is so short!”

Life is in a hurry if we ourselves hesitate.

Who am I? I am an amateur, a universal amateur. This word comes from the Italian diletto, which means pleasure. That is, a person who enjoys the process of any work.

I have long noticed that people who know how to work have enough time. No, perhaps it’s better to put it another way: they have more time than others.

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A book called “This Strange Life” is a story written by the author based on the true events and discoveries of a real person who once lived among us, but was distinguished by a kind of genius that consisted in an amazing “friendship” with time. Daniil Granin described the life and scientific achievements of the world-famous biologist, mathematician, philosopher and entomologist Alexander Alexandrovich Lyubishchev. The book contains answers to the eternal questions of humanity: what is Time? How to use it correctly? How to do a lot of things and still manage to do everything? The uniqueness and originality of the work, however, lies not only in providing the opportunity to read about one great Russian scientist who achieved a breakthrough in the world of biology.

The work is also unique in that it shows the full power of Time, the possibility of its expansion within any boundaries, the ability to correctly use every second of one’s life. After reading the book, many people think: after all, if they had known all this earlier, at least a few years ago, how differently life would have turned out...

Daniil Granin - very famous writer. And, probably, he had no doubt at all about the success of the story “This Strange Life”, since he published it immediately after finishing writing it in a huge circulation - 100 thousand copies! And I was right. His story was translated, according to some sources, into 8 major languages; the worldview and experience of many Soviet people was built on it (“This Strange Life” was published in 1974). For her, Daniil Granin received very honorable literary titles: laureate of the State Prize and laureate of the Big Book Prize in 2012. And although the story is in fact not large at all, it is worth reflecting that it was not for nothing that it was called at one time the greatest among the works of that time. The work of the Soviet author marked the beginning of a new, hitherto unknown science of time management.

The story can be read by both people versed in the natural and philosophical sciences, and everyone else, without restrictions or preparation. After all, the essence is not only in special terms and perfect discoveries - this is the friendship of time and man, this is the ability to wait and wait, to work without interruption - and at the same time to live, help friends, breathe deeply. An interesting point, described between the lines by the author on behalf of his hero: “After all, what can you earn? Money. Strength. What about love and health? You can’t buy it or find it, but you can achieve it and save it. And time... lost time cannot be returned, redeemed, sold or earned. It goes away – irrevocably, forever.” Literary hero The author briefly touched on the sated life of those people who have so much extra time that they don’t know what to do with it. He only pitied such people - after all, the likeness of God, created for work and creation, cannot “kill” Time so mercilessly - after all, it is already limited...

On our literary website you can download the book “This Strange Life” by Daniil Granin for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always keep up with new releases? We have big choice books of various genres: classics, modern fiction, literature on psychology and children's publications. In addition, we offer interesting and educational articles for aspiring writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting for themselves.

Life stories famous people always motivate. They show the way to success. You think, “If this guy could pull this off, why am I any worse?” And then the colossal work of self-improvement begins - priorities change, habits change. But the main difficulty lies in finding the “right” book that can change your mind. The story “This Strange Life,” written by Daniil Granin, is an ideal candidate for the role of a moral mentor and ideological inspirer. The book tells about the life and scientific work of Alexander Lyubishchev, a brilliant scientist who knew how to subjugate time, and not obey it.!

The writer of the Soviet period preferred to write about the life and work of famous academicians, physicists, mathematicians, biologists, focusing not only on well-known facts from their biographies, but also on the inner world of geniuses.

It was no coincidence that Daniil Granin chose Alexander Lyubishchev as the hero of the book “This Strange Life”. The author is impressed by the life rules that guided the hero of his story. The author was faced with a difficult task - using boring facts to create an exciting story that would fully reflect Lyubishchev’s relationship to the system of that time. Thus, the reader is offered a story not only about the scientist’s contribution to the development of science, but also about his personal achievements associated with perseverance of character, rebellion and courage. The dominant traits chosen for the main character were determination and strength. The academician's strangeness, which was noticed by everyone who knew him, also did not go unnoticed by the writer. However, the main achievement of Alexander Lyubishchev was the creation of an effective time management system, which he used throughout his life. Lyubishchev’s method of increasing personal effectiveness is very similar to modern time management practices, and therefore the scientist is credited with the authorship of this system. You can listen to the audiobook in mp3 or read online “This Strange Life” by Daniil Granin on KnigoPoisk.

In the book “This Strange Life,” Daniil Granin describes the life of a man devoted to his own work. His hero does not recognize authorities and can accurately calculate his time for the day, month and even a year in advance. It was the temporary accounting system that allowed Lyubishchev to become what history remembers him to be. This is something worth learning from him.

The modern variety of books on self-development and motivation offers a colossal number of textbooks for increasing personal effectiveness by keeping time records, and few people take this book seriously, and in vain. The author's easy narrative style, Interesting Facts and everyday background will best tell you how to master time management and apply its canons in practice.

A strong motivational boost is what you will get after reading the book It's a Strange Life. It's never too late to start, the main thing is not to stop - the main conclusion that you will draw for yourself, but by no means the only one. A must read for anyone looking for a powerful dose of motivation and inspiration!

Daniil Granin - This strange life [Vyacheslav Gerasimov, 2012, 128 kbps, MP3]


The book “It’s a Strange Life,” first published in 1974 (with a circulation of 100,000 copies!), has been reprinted dozens of times over almost forty years, it has been translated into several languages, including English and German, and is rightfully considered the ancestor and the inspiration of modern time management.

Who is this book for?
For everyone who is interested in the “person - time” relationship, who wants to get more done, cope with an increasing volume of tasks, as well as for those who are interested in history.

Book feature
This book inspired Gleb Arkhangelsky to create the only company in Russia specializing exclusively in time management.

Interesting facts about the book
Author - Daniil Granin. Winner of the 2012 Big Book Award
The book describes a completely unique scientific system created by the scientist Lyubishchev to achieve the greatest return from his diverse scientific activities - a system for recording your own time, which allows you to, as it were, increase the human resource of time for your own and public benefit.