Logistics Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Armed Forces Logistics Day Logistics Day August 1

Not long ago, the rear troops celebrated their 300th anniversary. The year 1700 was taken as the starting point for the history of the Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. This year, on February 18, Russian Emperor Peter I signed a Decree “On the management of all grain reserves of military men to Okolnichy Yazykov, with his name for this part being General Provisions.” At the same time, the first independent supply body was established in our country, which was called the Provision Order. This supply authority was in charge of the supply of bread, grain fodder and cereals for the army. He provided centralized food supply to the troops, which, as is known, is currently one of the types of material support for units of the Russian army.

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the rear of the Armed Forces of the USSR included: rear units, units and institutions that were part of military units, formations and associations of all types of the Armed Forces, warehouses and bases with stocks of various material assets, automobile, railway, repair, aviation -technical, engineering, airfield, medical, veterinary and other rear units and units of central subordination. Their management in a special respect was carried out through the corresponding main and central departments of the People's Commissariat of Defense. At the same time, the rear structure that existed at that time did not meet the requirements of the war that had begun. The army and front-line rear services were practically absent, since their maintenance in peacetime was not provided for by the states.

To correct the situation, on August 1, 1941, a decision was made that actually served to self-determinate the rear of the armed forces - the rear was defined as an independent branch or branch of the armed forces. On this day in 1941, Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin signed the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR No. 0257 “On the organization of the Main Logistics Directorate of the Red Army...”, which united the headquarters of the chief of logistics, the highway department, the VOSO department and the inspection of the chief of logistics Red Army. In addition, a new position was introduced - the chief of logistics of the Red Army, to whom, in addition to the Main Directorate of Logistics of the Red Army, “in all respects” the Fuel Supply Directorate, the Main Quartermaster Directorate, the Veterinary and Sanitary Directorates were also subordinated. Bringing together the entire set of medical, supply and transport structures under one umbrella made it possible to establish a very complex process of logistics support for the army in the field. In addition, fronts and armies created their own rear departments.

And by May 1942, the army had introduced the positions of logistics chiefs in corps and divisions. As a result of all the measures taken, it was possible to build a well-organized and technically equipped rear of the Armed Forces, which successfully coped with a huge volume of various tasks in providing logistics to the active army in a very difficult war time for the entire country. In the post-war years, as the country was restored and its economic potential grew, changes in the technical equipment and organizational structure of the Armed Forces, and the development of military science, a continuous process of improving the rear forces took place.

Currently, more than 100 thousand tons of various types of ammunition are spent every year on the combat training of the army alone, and at least 700 thousand tons of various types of food are distributed to feed personnel. Logistics officers are responsible for all this. Very often they get up earlier than everyone else, and the all-clear for them can only sound when the entire unit has been asleep for a long time.
For the rear it is very difficult to introduce such a concept as a daily routine. This is because people need to be fed, put on shoes, provided with hot and cold water, and warmth around the clock. If one could compare the Russian army with a large family, then the rear service in it is a caring mother, whose work is not so noticeable from the outside, but for all military people, the rear service very often turns out to be the first person both in barracks conditions and in field exercises.

These troops are very fond of saying: without a rear there is no victory. Any serviceman, whether he is an infantryman, a sailor, a rocket scientist or a pilot, will be ready to subscribe to these words. A lot depends on the quality work of logistics units in the army; one might say, this is the foundation of any modern army. For example, in 2015 alone, logistics units laid more than 400 kilometers of pipelines to provide Crimea with fresh water. Also, the rear personnel successfully coped with the task of ensuring the revival of Russian military units and airfields on the islands of the Arctic Ocean, successfully delivering thousands of tons of various cargo there.

This year, on Home Front Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the international competition “Field Kitchen” will take place. As part of these competitions, military chefs will compete with each other and in shooting accuracy with firearms. Army General Dmitry Bulgakov, who holds the post of Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia, told reporters about this. According to Dmitry Bulgakov, military chefs representing Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Mongolia and Israel will identify the most accurate shooter in their ranks. They will compete in shooting from AK-74 assault rifles.

“During the first stage of the competition, military chefs will have to hit targets with a Kalashnikov assault rifle from a distance of 100 meters. All participants in the stage will shoot 6 rounds from a prone position - three sighting rounds and three scoring rounds,” noted the country’s Deputy Minister of Defense. Army General Bulgakov recalled that in 2016, junior sergeant of the People's Liberation Army of China Gan Guijin was recognized as the most accurate cook at the International Army Games, who managed to score 30 out of 30 possible points from his standard weapon, which is similar in all its characteristics to the Russian AK-machine gun. 74. At the same time, according to the deputy head of the Russian military department, the active phase of the “Field Kitchen” competition will begin only on August 3 - on this day, military chefs will begin preparing dishes according to arbitrary recipes.

On this holiday, August 1, the Military Review team congratulates on their professional holiday all active and former military personnel of the rear forces, as well as civilian personnel and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, who with their labor in difficult conditions forged a common Victory. At present, the rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation still remains a reliable material base, without which it is impossible to imagine a combat-ready army and navy.

August in Russia traditionally opens with a series of military holidays. The first of these is the Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. This holiday is celebrated annually on August 1st. Home Front Day is a professional holiday for all military personnel, as well as civilian personnel of the armed forces related to the logistics units of the Russian Armed Forces.

Home Front Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a very young holiday; it was approved by order of the Russian Minister of Defense No. 225 of May 7, 1998. At the same time, the holiday began to be celebrated on August 1 as a memorable day in accordance with the decree of the President of Russia of May 31, 2006 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”

The starting point for organizing the rear of the Russian army is considered to be the first quarter of the 18th century, when Peter I organized a regular army and navy. The creation of a regular army also required the organization of its constant state support from government warehouses. At the same time, the orders (Military, Artillery and Provisions) became the central supply authorities. The beginning of the creation of provisions bodies in the Russian army dates back to February 18 (March 1, new style) 1700, when Peter I, on the basis of a corresponding decree, introduced a new position in the military department - general provisions. On the same day, Peter I formed the “Special Order” (later it would be called the Military Order, although it was also called the Commissariat Order), it was entrusted with supplying the troops with equipment, uniforms and salaries, as well as horses and. The artillery order was formed later - in 1701 on the basis of the Pushkar order, which existed in Russia since the 16th century and was in charge of the production, distribution and accounting of artillery and ammunition for it.

In 1711, by decree of Peter I, supply bodies were included in the active army. And the structure of governing bodies that developed at the beginning of the 18th century, as well as the experience accumulated during the Northern War in supplying the active army, were enshrined in the military regulations of 1716.

Subsequently, the structure and system of logistics support for the armed forces of our country was continuously improved, taking into account the experience of waging various wars. Supply transport became increasingly developed and important, a system for echeloning military supplies was created, and a unified quartermaster service was formed. During the First World War, army and front-line supply bases were created, front-line distribution stations began to operate, which ensured the reception of railway transport, which brought the ammunition, weapons, food and uniforms needed by the troops from the depths of the country, and corps unloading stations also began to operate.

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the rear of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union included: rear units, divisions and institutions that were part of military units, formations and associations of all types of armed forces; warehouses and bases with stocks of various materials; automobile, road, aviation technical, engineering and airfield, repair, medical, veterinary and other rear units and subdivisions of central subordination. The management of this entire system was carried out through the corresponding main and central departments of the People's Commissariat of Defense. The general management of the Main Quartermaster, Veterinary, Sanitary Directorates and the Material Funds Department was entrusted to the Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR. There were no front-line and army rear personnel, since their maintenance in peacetime conditions was not provided for in the staffing schedule. This structure of logistics support for troops did not meet wartime requirements.

In the conditions of the Great Patriotic War, which had already begun, on August 1, 1941, Stalin signed the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR “On the organization of the Main Logistics Directorate of the Red Army,” which united the headquarters of the chief of logistics, the highway department, the military communications department (VOSO), as well as the inspection Chief of Logistics of the Red Army. At the same time, a new position was introduced - the chief of logistics of the Red Army; in addition to the Main Logistics Directorate, the Fuel Supply Directorate, the Main Quartermaster Directorate, the Veterinary and Sanitary Directorates were also subordinate to him. In addition, the positions of logistics chiefs were introduced in the armies and at the fronts. By May 1942, the positions of logistics chiefs had already been introduced in the corps and divisions of the Red Army. As a result of all the measures taken in rather difficult wartime conditions, it was possible to quickly create a well-organized and technically equipped rear of the Armed Forces, which coped with the colossal amount of work assigned to it. As a result, already in the 21st century, the date August 1 was chosen as a memorable day - the Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Today, the rear of the armed forces is organically integrated into the integrated system of material and technical support for troops (forces), which occupies one of the leading positions in increasing the combat readiness of units, formations and organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense, in particular, in strengthening the defense capability of the Russian Federation. In many ways, the combat effectiveness of the modern Russian army today depends on the effective and well-coordinated operation of the logistics support system for the Armed Forces.

This is not surprising; an army of millions must be supplied every day with everything necessary: ​​food, shoes, clothing, provision of housing and communal services to barracks and housing funds, refueling all military equipment without exception, storing equipment and ammunition, providing veterinary, sanitary, environmental and fire safety security and solve many other problems. At the same time, it is necessary to do all of the above in emergency and extreme situations. To cope with such a volume of work, tens of thousands of logistics specialists are working to solve logistics problems around the clock.

Logistics specialists are responsible for organizing the transportation of troops and various materiel, restoration and technical cover of transport communications. They contain bases for aviation and navy, numerous military camps throughout the country, and provide them with cold and hot water and electricity. To solve these problems, a system of logistics and technical support for the RF Armed Forces was created, which is rightly considered an integral part of the country’s defense potential, a connecting link between the Russian economy and the army and navy itself.

Today, management of general types of support is entrusted to the central bodies of military command, among which: the Headquarters of logistics of the RF Armed Forces, two departments (operational maintenance and provision of public services to military units and organizations and transport support), three main departments (missile and artillery, armored vehicles , Chief of the Railway Troops), six departments (food, clothing, rocket fuel and fuel, metrology, monitoring the logistics system and the department for perpetuating the memory of those killed in defense of the Fatherland).

In the types and branches of the military, logistics management is carried out by deputy commanders-in-chief (commanders) for logistics through their subordinate command and control bodies, services and departments. In the fleet and in military districts, management of general types of logistics is carried out by the deputy commanders of the military district (fleet) troops for logistics through the headquarters and departments, which have sufficient functions in relation to all troops (forces), according to their territorial principle. At the military level of the logistics support system, there is a structure for managing the technical and logistics support of military units and formations, which is led by deputy commanders for logistics and weapons.

The work of the rear of the RF Armed Forces is best expressed through numbers. Every year, through the efforts of the rear services, the maintenance and proper operation of more than 120 thousand units of armored vehicles, missiles and artillery weapons, and more than 400 thousand units of automobile and other military equipment are ensured. Every year they provide military personnel with food according to two dozen food rations. Also, more than 50 million different items of military uniform are constantly in the personal use of Russian military personnel, while about 15 million units of such items are issued every year.

Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Dmitry Bulgakov, congratulating the personnel of the command and control bodies and logistics support units, noted that today the home front faces very difficult tasks: every day it is necessary to feed about 600 thousand military personnel according to 1 food ration, and annually issue about 50 millions of different items of military uniform; maintain in order 5.7 thousand military camps throughout the country, including 69.5 thousand various buildings and structures, more than 5 thousand residential facilities and almost 200 thousand residential premises, as well as more than 7 thousand water supply and sewerage facilities, more than 4 thousand thermal facilities and almost 24 thousand kilometers of various engineering systems and communications. At the same time, rear servicemen, like other military personnel, have to serve and carry out their activities in all climatic zones of our country.

On August 1, “Military Review” congratulates all military personnel, as well as civilian personnel of the armed forces related to the units and units of the logistics services of the Russian Armed Forces, as well as veterans of the logistics service, including participants in the Great Patriotic War, on their professional holiday.

Based on materials from open sources

The rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the country's defense potential. Its experts connect the existence of various types of troops and the economy of the state. They provide the military with the necessary material, food and technical equipment, repair equipment and weapons, transport everything they need by any available means of transport, and monitor the replenishment of warehouses and bases. A professional holiday is dedicated to these servicemen.

When is it celebrated?

On May 7, 1998, Order No. 225 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation approved the celebration of Logistics Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on August 1. The events take place annually. In 2020, the date is celebrated for the 23rd time.

Who's celebrating

The event is celebrated by veterans and military personnel, namely: military personnel of the rear headquarters, 10 directorates, 2 services, rear structures of all branches of the military and many others, including some civilian employees.

history of the holiday

On February 18, 1700, Peter I issued a decree “On the management of all grain reserves of military men to Okolnichy Yazykov, with the name of it General Proviant for this part.” Thanks to him, a special body was created to supply the army, which provided it with everything necessary: ​​bread, grain, cereals. The rear troops became independent only on August 1, 1941. This happened thanks to order No. 0257 of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR “On the organization of the Main Logistics Directorate of the Red Army...”. The document was endorsed by I. Stalin. It was the date of ratification of the order that became the starting point in the celebration of Home Front Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

On July 29, 2000, the decree “On the 300th anniversary of the Logistics of the Armed Forces” was promulgated. The document was signed by Russian President V. Putin.

About the profession

Logistics officers serve for the benefit of the army, solving many tasks: receiving, registering and storing material and technical supplies, supplying the army with them, participating in operations to restore roads and vehicles, organizing and conducting various types of events (including evacuation, preventive, medical). They are involved in housing and financial support, the creation and operation of prisoner of war camps, and also keep records of them. Logistics specialists of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation provide supplies for work related to the death of military personnel (burial, exhumation, identification, reburial) and so on.

The first rear services appeared in Ancient Rome.

The first element of the rear is considered to be a military convoy, which arose in the 16th century (70s).

Every year on August 1, our country celebrates Logistics Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - a professional holiday not only for all military personnel, but also for civilian personnel who are related to the units and units of the logistics of the Russian Armed Forces. This holiday was approved by order of the Ministry of Defense of May 7, 1998. The choice of this particular date is not accidental. In fact, self-determination of the rear forces occurred during the Great Patriotic War, when on August 1, 1941, Stalin signed a decree establishing the Main Logistics Directorate of the Red Army. At the same time, Russian rear troops have more than 300 years of history. This anniversary date was celebrated in our country on August 1, 2000.

Logistics services play a huge role in army life. It is no coincidence that logistics support arose simultaneously with the emergence of the first armies of the then slave states. Already in the armies of Ancient Rome, the first rear services appeared, which resolved issues with the supply of troops with weapons, clothing, and issued salaries to soldiers. For the repair and production of weapons and other items of military equipment, there were special workshops in Roman military camps. Food was either purchased from the population or collected as tribute from the peoples conquered by Rome.

Small supplies of food, weapons, shoes and clothing were transported in special convoys. For these purposes, carts, pack animals, and means of transportation on water were allocated by the population at the request of the commanders. At the same time, great importance was attached to the construction of roads, bridges, as well as to the search for water sources along the route of troop movement. It was also at that time that quartermasters and treasurers first appeared, persons who were involved in fortification and road work, quartering troops and setting up camps.

In Russia, the home front service originated in 1700. At the very beginning of the 18th century, along with the creation of a regular army in the country, Emperor Peter I created two services: the commissariat service - for financing, providing hand weapons, clothing, and convoys, and the provision service - to provide the troops with fodder and food. In the regiments of the Russian army, permanent economic units appeared - permanent convoys with stocks of various material resources: meat was prepared, crackers were dried, bread was baked, uniforms and shoes were repaired and sewed. Also in the 18th century, hospitals and infirmaries appeared in Russia.

The emperor's decree “On the management of all grain reserves of military men to Okolnichy Yazykov, with his name for this part General Provision” was signed on February 18, 1700. At the same time, the first independent body responsible for supplying the army appeared in our country - the Provision Order. This order was in charge of the supply of cereals, bread and grain fodder. The provisions order provided centralized food supply, which, as is known, is still one of the main types of material support for army units; soldiers will not fight on an empty stomach.

Subsequently, the rear service continuously developed. It was separated as an independent branch or branch of the armed forces on August 1, 1941. It was on this day that Supreme Commander-in-Chief Joseph Stalin signed the order of the USSR NPO number 0257 “On the organization of the Main Logistics Directorate of the Red Army.” The Logistics Directorate united the headquarters of the Chief of Logistics, the Inspectorate of the Chief of Logistics of the Red Army, the Road Administration and the VOSO Directorate. Also, a new position appeared in the army - the chief of logistics of the Red Army, to whom, in addition to the Main Logistics Directorate of the Red Army, the Fuel Supply Directorate, the Main Quartermaster Directorate, as well as the Sanitary and Veterinary Directorates were also subordinated.

The unification under one roof of the entire complex of medical, supply and transport structures made it possible to take the very complex process of logistics support for the active army to a new level. The positions of logistics chiefs were also introduced on all fronts and in all armies. Lieutenant General of the Quartermaster Service A.V. Khrulev, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, was appointed the first chief of the rear of the Red Army. Major General of the Quartermaster Service P.V. Utkin was appointed his chief of staff.

Currently, the rear of the RF Armed Forces plays the role of an integral part of the defense potential of our country, and is also a link between the Russian economy and directly the military units that consume manufactured products. This is a fairly well-coordinated and well-functioning mechanism. It includes the logistics headquarters, 9 central and main departments, 3 separate services, as well as command and control bodies, troops and organizations of central subordination, logistics structures of various types and branches of the armed forces, military districts and fleets, associations, individual formations and military units.

Today, the logistics structures of the RF Armed Forces provide everything necessary not only to soldiers and officers of the Russian army, but also to the entire range of military equipment, organize life support for military garrisons and carry out other activities in accordance with the tasks facing them. More than 300 years have passed since the establishment in Russia of structures responsible for centralized logistics support for troops. During this time, the rear services of the army and navy continuously developed and improved in parallel with how the methods and means of warfare were improved. Today, logistics services are a reliable structure that ensures the maintenance of combat readiness of the Russian armed forces.

One of the most glorious pages in the history of the rear of the Armed Forces was the Great Patriotic War. During the war, the home front service made a worthy and tangible contribution to the common victory. The rear soldiers of the Red Army, in a short time during a difficult time for the entire country, were able to develop a clear system of comprehensive supply for the army and navy, to make up for the losses of the first months of the war, which contributed to the conduct of dozens of strategic and more than a thousand army operations during the war. For exemplary performance of command assignments, initiative, and personal courage, many rear workers were awarded high government awards. More than a hundred of them were awarded the highest titles - Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Socialist Labor.

Without strong rears it is impossible to imagine a single victory. History knows many examples of this. Sometimes even won battles and a whole scattering of brilliant tactical operations could not lead to the long-awaited victory due to poor organization of logistics support. When the troops suffered from interruptions in the supply of ammunition, provisions, fuel, and lack of reinforcements.

Every year in Russia they celebrate Logistics Day of the Russian Armed Forces on August 1. This holiday turns 20 in 2018 and falls on Wednesday. Nowadays, this day is designated as a public holiday. Also, Logistics Day of the Russian Armed Forces has the status of an important and memorable event in the development of not only the Army of the Russian Federation, but also in the formation of the entire country.

Logistics Day of the Russian Armed Forces August 1, 2018: history of the creation of the Logistics of the Armed Forces

Logistics Day of the Russian Armed Forces was designated a public holiday on July 28, 200, but the history of this event began much earlier, namely in 1998. It turns out that in 2018, Logistics Day of the Russian Armed Forces marks exactly 20 years since the establishment of this memorable date by Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 225 of May 7, 1998.

This holiday is professional for all those who have anything to do with serving in the Russian troops, namely the logistics unit of the Military Forces of the Russian Federation: military personnel, civilian personnel.

The beginning of the creation of the Armed Forces Rear is considered to be the year 1700, when on February 18 Peter I signed the Decree “On the management of all grain reserves of military men to Okolnichy Yazykov, with the name for this part General Proviants.”

This Decree was followed by the Provision Order, which provided centralized food supply, which, as is known, is today one of the types of material support for troops.

The development of this military body began already during the First World War, when army bases were formed, as well as front-line supply bases. Front-line distribution stations operated at them, ensuring the reception of railway transport from the rear of the country.

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the rear of the Armed Forces of the USSR included: rear units, units and institutions that were part of military units, formations and associations of all types of the Armed Forces; bases and warehouses with stocks of material resources; railway, automobile, road, repair, engineering and airfield, aviation and technical, medical, veterinary and other rear units and units of central subordination. Their management in a special respect was carried out through the corresponding main and central departments of the People's Commissariat of Defense.

Logistics Day of the Russian Armed Forces August 1, 2018: how the Logistics of the Armed Forces was approved as a full-fledged branch of the military

The Rear Armed Forces, at that time the Soviet Union, was approved as a full-fledged branch of the armed forces on August 1, 1941 by the leader of the USSR Joseph Stalin. As a result of this event, a rear post was appointed. His introduction included an uninterrupted and high-quality supply of food, fuel, communications, medical and veterinary services to the active army.

It was in this way that our country began to establish a holistic provision of each member of the army with various provisions necessary for existence in wartime. After the end of the Great Patriotic War, medical care, various foodstuffs and military transport also became necessary provisions.

Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of Russia August 1, 2018: Logistics of the Armed Forces in our time

Nowadays, the rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is not just one of the branches of military service, it is the single link between members of the Russian army as consumers of manufactured goods and the entire economic sphere of our country. It is on the development of the economy in Russia that the supply of military troops and, accordingly, the country’s defense capability depend.