What does the name Ramil mean for men? History of origin and interpretation of the name Ramil

Those with the name Ramil, as a rule, turn out to be trendsetters for a narrow circle. You belong to a rather thin layer of society, whose representatives, regardless of age and social status, claim that they can “afford not to follow fashion.” The way it is. You carefully monitor how your body itself looks, take care of it tirelessly, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style at least every day depending on your own mood. That is why you give the impression of youth for quite a long time, each time appearing in a new look, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

Compatibility of the name Ramilya, manifestation in love

Ramilya, it cannot be said that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but business comes first for you, and you will choose a partner based mainly on how well he can correspond to your life interests. Manifestations of strength of character, determination and ambition mean immeasurably more to you than sensuality and external attractiveness. In a marriage, should one happen, you will first of all value in your partner the ability to empathize with your ideas and the ability to provide support.


You strive to “embrace the immensity.” Your soul longs for everything that a person can possess. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, one might say, does not exist for you. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.

When making a decision, the wishes of others are taken into account only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that you can and should force them to “go in a water sled” with you, in the direction you choose.

And here the opportunity opens up to see everything from a different angle. You need outside assistance, and above all, as a “restraining principle.” Otherwise you may want to “turn over the earth.”

But if you are forced to use other people’s opportunities, then you need to learn to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the greater your chances of keeping your soul pure and your heart healthy.

Ramil - the meaning of the name is translated as “wonderful”, “magical”. It has two origins. The first is from the female name Ramila, which is associated with fortune telling on the sand. The second is from ancient Arabic, and means “sharp shooter.” This name is quite common in certain regions of Russia. Let's figure out what the name Ramil means.

Since childhood, he has a very easy-going, kind and positive character. He initiates many games and makes people around him interesting. Among his peers, Ramil will always be an authority. He may not study as conscientiously as he would like, but he has an excellent memory and an analytical mind. He always tries to find out the essence of things, and is a rather inquisitive and inquisitive person. Active sports are perfect for him: football, martial arts or wrestling.

Ramil has a penchant for risky actions and adventures even in adulthood. Does not like conflicts, tries to be positive in society. He makes many plans for the future, most of them completely crazy, but Ramil thinks completely differently. The meaning of the name characterizes him as a charming, hardworking, sensitive person. From the outside he may seem a little frivolous, but he hides the ability to deeply analyze situations and draw the right conclusions. If he takes on a task, he will definitely see it through to the end. Ramil quickly moves from words to action.

The meaning of the name reveals Ramil as a very talented person, capable of achieving heights in art, fashion, and show business. Its practicality allows you to become a successful entrepreneur, businessman, and also a fair judge. He prefers to work separately from the team, because this is the only way he can concentrate on the task at hand and penetrate into its essence. Often finds an exceptional way to resolve difficult situations. Other people's opinions do not affect him. He also usually ignores advice, preferring to gain his own experience. If Ramil fails, he plunges deeply into pessimism. It is at such a moment that he needs the support of loved ones. Ramil has few friends, but they are all just as creative and witty. He does not forgive traitors. They will understand that this open, easy-going person is capable of repaying meanness. Ramil has such a character.

The meaning of the name confirms that he is a true romantic. This guy sees the beauty of the surrounding world, nature, and loves the harmonious atmosphere at home. Since he is attracted by everything beautiful, he will choose a real beauty as his wife. Values ​​loyalty, tenderness, appearance, and efforts to please in his other half. It is better for him to start a family with a woman who is able to understand a sensitive soul and warn against reckless actions. In marriage, Ramil remains a faithful husband. In adulthood, she is happy to share her accumulated knowledge and experience.

The meaning of the name Ramil speaks of the compatibility of the person wearing it with Anastasia, Anna, Maria, Vera. But the combination with Galina, Sarah, Renata, Daria, Larisa, Nelly and Elizaveta will be unsuccessful.

Full name:

Similar names: Rami, Ramil, Ranil

Church name: -

Meaning: magical

Patronymic: Ramilevich, Ramilevna; Ramilievich, Ramilievna

Meaning of the name Ramil - interpretation

Refers to Islamic names, has several translation options and origins. In one case it is translated from Arabic as “sand”, in the other – “wonderful, possessing the gift of foresight”. According to the first version of its origin, the name originates from the name of the ritual “ilm al-raml” - predicting the future by the shape of a fallen handful of sand. According to the second, from the “rami-l-jamrat” ritual, which consists of throwing seven stones during the hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). The last option gives another interpretation: “sharp.”

Astrology of the name Ramil

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

Frivolous, hot-tempered, he needs constant supervision so that the child does not harm himself or harm someone. This is not because he is aggressive or acts out of malice. The boy's word does not diverge from deeds; having conceived something, he immediately strives to bring it to life.

Ramil learns about the world around him not through theory, but through practice, but he doesn’t think about the consequences. With due attention from parents, there is every chance to raise a successful and worthy son, for whom you will never be ashamed.

And on the contrary, if you leave him alone, without mentoring, then his active nature, coupled with hindsight, can cause trouble. Among his peers he is known as a brave man, he has a lot of courage. The ringleader in all games, a recognized leader and the soul of the company.

Gifted with an excellent tenacious memory and mental alertness, which allows him to master the school curriculum without much effort, although he does not show a zeal for knowledge. Sports are a completely different matter. He devotes himself entirely to training, achieves significant success, and wins competitions.

He studies with pleasure, motivating himself with the desire to be the first. This is a great way to tame your active nature. Classes will direct energy in the right direction, instill perseverance, determination, and teach you to predict results.

As he grows up, Ramil develops many truly masculine character traits - determination, energy, perseverance in achieving goals. He can neglect his principles, but only for the sake of a person who treats him with respect.

Ramil’s thirst for risk will not leave him even after he reaches adulthood. He needs to periodically commit desperate acts, tickle his nerves. It must be said that this is exactly how a given person feels alive, feels the taste of life to the fullest.

As he grows up, romantic traits appear: he admires nature, appreciates beauty and harmony. At the same time, he is quite self-confident, decisive, and not afraid of responsibility. The man is very neat and cannot stand mess.

Since Ramil strives for wealth and luxury, professional success means a lot to him. This makes him an understanding specialist, always aware of what is happening in the world and what can be manipulated in order to achieve greater profits.

Ramil's character

Ramil is distinguished by honesty and nobility. He distinguishes well between good and evil, draws a clear line between them and will not cross it under any circumstances. He has a developed sense of beauty, is capable of deep feelings and empathy.

An energetic man is always ready to take active action and prefers action to words. Organically does not tolerate lies, and if he reveals the deception, the cunning person will not be happy. With some romantic nature, he sees the world around him without embellishment.

Ramil is characterized by excessive haste and haste. In an effort to distinguish between good and bad, one can overdo it. As a result, he begins to perceive the surrounding reality in black and white.

Unfortunately, Ramil is not inclined to take the circumstances into account; he judges only by the result. Such categorical judgments not only cause inconvenience to others, but are also often unfair.

Ramil's fate

With the right approach to parenting, this person will become a source of joy and pride for parents. It will more than live up to all hopes. If he manages to curb his recklessness and imprudence, he will become an example to follow in everything. Otherwise, you risk getting involved in dubious matters related to crime, which will give disastrous results.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Capable of achieving heights in professional sports and becoming an excellent coach. His inherent subtle sense of beauty will allow him to successfully engage in art criticism. It is possible to realize oneself as a critic in literature, cinema or music. Usually choosing a profession is not difficult; Ramil knows in advance what he wants to become.

Having found myself in my favorite business, I am ready to devote my whole life to it. Business does not attract him, but if necessary, the guy will make every effort for a successful transaction. He knows the value of money, is not a spender, but not a miser either, and will willingly help in a difficult financial situation.

Marriage and family

He chooses his life partner carefully; next to him there must be a woman who is beautiful in all respects. Only in front of her is he able to truly open up, suddenly appearing vulnerable and romantic, despite his established reputation as a daredevil. It is important for him to be the first ideal for his wife in everything. If his wife supports Ramil and admires him, he will thank her doubly, surrounding her with tenderness and care.

He loves children very much, for them he is a hero and mentor. Having become a father, he radically changes for the better, leaving all his ardor and restless disposition in the past. From this moment he begins to show caution and real wisdom in his actions. An exemplary family man, whenever possible he spends all his free time with loved ones.

Sex and love

Paradoxically, all of Ramil’s prowess disappears somewhere during his first youthful relationship. Although the girls like him and guess about it, they are unable to overcome his shyness. Gradually, his natural confidence comes into love relationships, adding charisma and charm in the eyes of women.

With all the external characteristics of a typical heartthrob, he is not at all a seducer of girls. Sex matters to him only if there is spiritual intimacy; in other cases, it is only a way to experience exciting sensations.


The man is in excellent physical shape and in good health. There is a risk of injury due to your own carelessness.

Violations of the metabolic system are also possible. Ramil should monitor the condition of the endocrine glands and hormonal levels.

Interests and hobbies

He inextricably connects leisure with active recreation and sports, which he involves his family in. Without this, Ramil simply cannot imagine his life, or rather, that part of it that is free from work.

It happens that he is interested in extreme sports: skydiving, windsurfing, car or motorcycle racing. This, of course, is risky, but a man really needs it.

In this material you will find information about the meaning of the male name Ramil, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

Full name - Ramil

Short name - Rami

Synonyms for the name - Romil

Origin - Arabic, “magical”

Name day - does not celebrate

Zodiac - Capricorn

Planet - Saturn

Color - Gray

Animal - Camel

Plant - Hellebore

Stone - Obsidian, onyx

When choosing names for their children, Muslims try to find one that will endow them with certain qualities. It is not surprising that many decide to name their boys Ramil. The name has Arabic roots and translates as “magical.”

Love named Ramil

The guy is modest with girls. Outwardly he looks like a strong and independent man, but in real life he is a very vulnerable person. Any failure has a hard impact on him; sometimes, due to unrequited love, severe depression develops, which needs to be treated in a hospital. Ramil is afraid of being rejected, and therefore is quite shy in communicating with the fair sex.

Not only physical comfort is important to him, but also spiritual comfort. In love he is a romantic. The guy knows how to look after girls beautifully. He likes to shower his chosen one with flowers, gifts, and make surprises. He probably gets more satisfaction from this than his girlfriend.

Prefers extraordinary, athletic beauties. He is proud when attention is paid to their couple, but then he makes scenes of jealousy for his companion.

Sexuality of the name Ramil

Physical and moral comfort must be present in a relationship. In this case, the man will experience tremulous feelings for the woman. And if Ramil does not feel complete harmony, then his sex life will not please him, and he will begin to look for a replacement partner.

Marriage and family named Ramil

It is difficult for a guy to get used to family relationships. He cannot come to terms with the fact that now his personal needs do not play a primary role, he needs to take responsibility for others, and not rush to see friends in the evenings. And only the birth of children can radically change his behavior.

Ramil becomes a caring and kind father. He shares all the hardships of upbringing with his wife. If a divorce occurs and the children live with their mother, the man constantly takes care of them, helps them financially, and participates in school events.

He treats his wife with great respect, takes pity and helps, and will support him in difficult times. Treats parents with respect, provides financial assistance, and honors family traditions.

Business and career

Ramil realizes himself in business, sports, television or radio. He is also subject to economics and scientific work. Whatever field of activity the guy chooses, he can be overly pedantic and devotes too much time to trifles. Each case will be brought to its logical conclusion. Having set a goal, he will achieve it. The more difficult it is, the more active the man will become, and in any case he will get the desired result.

It is better for him to work in a team, and it does not matter whether he is an ordinary employee or a boss. Professional failures unsettle him for a long time. Ramil is capable of reaching despair. Disappointments and betrayal leave a deep mark on his life. Only those close to him can help him be reborn, but it won’t be easy.

The meaning of the name Ramil in character

The bearer of this name is a romantic and sophisticated person. He early begins to pay attention to the beauty of the world around him and appreciate it. Ramil is a creative person, but this path for him usually does not become a profession. Most likely, he uses it as a hobby and an attempt to get away from the hustle and bustle.

The young man loves wildlife and tries to spend his weekends in the forest, at the sea or river, in the mountains. He attaches great importance to rest and at these moments the presence of people dear to him is desirable.

Having many friends, the guy devotes a lot of time to them, is selfless with them, and is ready to help at any moment.

With age, gaining certain life experience, Ramil reaches out to the younger generation. He likes to share his secrets with them, he strives to become a mentor and teacher. Young people appreciate this and support his aspirations with their behavior and questions.

His health is excellent. It is not for nothing that among the bearers of this name there are many long-livers. But it’s still worth paying attention to the gallbladder, stomach and nervous system. Trying to get to the bottom of things, Ramil is constantly in tension, which is why his nerves are under great strain. Exercise and sports help you relax.

Teen Ramil

The boy is growing up positive and energetic. He begins to explore the world around him early and does it with great pleasure. Adults love him; thanks to the child’s innate charm, many pranks and pranks are forgiven. But in order to avoid big problems, it is better not to leave it unattended.

At school, Ramil prefers exact sciences. But he cannot sit still for a long time, so physical education becomes his favorite lesson. The child grows up to be a sincere person who does not tolerate deception. I’m ready to listen to the bitter truth, no matter how unpleasant it may sound.

In high school he begins to sigh about girls. Outwardly, he remains the same tomboy, and rarely anyone can notice his sad look at his neighbor at his desk. Ramil does not dare to come up and speak. He idealizes the object of his adoration too much. It will be good if she takes the initiative first.

Successful people and stars:

Ramil Yunusov - spiritual leader in Tatarstan

Ramil Garipov - poet

Ramil Sabitov - actor

Ramil Badamshin - bard

Ramil Khalikov - writer

Ideal compatibility: Anastasia, Anna, Vera, Maria

Unsuccessful compatibility: Galina, Daria, Elizaveta, Larisa

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