What happened to Borodina and her husband? From love to hate: the story of Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov

For the last couple of weeks, evil tongues have been persistently talking about the discord in the relationship between Ksenia Borodina and her husband Kurban Omarov. And, as it turned out, not without reason. Today Ksenia decided to admit that her marriage really broke up.

On her Instagram page, the TV presenter told fans that she was divorcing her husband. What made Ksenia write such an emotional post is unknown. However, what the popular TV presenter said is, to put it mildly, shocking.

“It’s just that this is the child’s father, so I’m trying to file a divorce in a more dignified manner (as far as the messy situation allows). There are many reasons, I thought he could be loving husband and a caring father (as he presents himself to the public). But I will remember this night of December 12th for the rest of my life. My husband came home from another party at 7 am, and I had 10 days left before giving birth! Everything that is written about betrayal is the pure truth, and I found out about it. I even know the apartment of our mutual friend (Grisha Zhuzhin), who “covered up” his hard parties with cheating.

I wish health to such Yulias, Tanyas, Oksanas and everyone else. If you want to sleep with Borodina’s man, go ahead if you’re not afraid. We all walk under God. It may seem to you that this is a piece of glory, but in reality you are unlikely to wash away such dirt for the rest of your life.”

Ksenia admitted that she lived with rose-colored glasses. She hoped that after the birth of the child her husband would change.

"But that did not happen. “He prefers to take one photo a week for subscribers and leave after 5 minutes,” writes the star presenter. - By the way, everyone who writes about Omar, I love him very much, and I’m sorry that he can’t come to our home anymore! In the meantime, I live for the sake of my children, for myself and my loved ones.”

Finally, Borodina gave parting words to all her married fans. She wished women to remain themselves regardless of the situation.

“And remember, no matter whose wife you are (Dagestan, Chechen, Russian, Armenian), it does not matter at all. The main thing is that you are a woman who deserves respect, love and care for yourself and your children! - noted Ksenia. - Someday I will tell the whole truth. In the meantime, I want to say that it doesn’t matter how many children and marriages you have, the main thing is to remain faithful to yourself! And I would never allow you to rent for money and sell your family to you. My refusal was the right decision. I will not allow any person (not even my husband) to sell us.”

Let us remind you that after a high-profile breakup with Mikhail Terekhin, it seemed that Ksenia would not soon come to her senses. It was very difficult for them to separate. The popular TV presenter tried not to wash dirty linen in public, but the former policeman was happy to share in his interviews juicy details personal life.

Kurban appeared in the star’s life unexpectedly. I immediately surrounded him with attention and love. As soon as new photos of Omarov began appearing on the TV presenter’s microblog on Instagram almost every day, fans had no doubt: the wedding was just around the corner. And so, on July 3, 2015, Ksyusha and Kurban became husband and wife.

The celebration was gorgeous; the wedding of the famous TV presenter was considered one of the most anticipated events of that summer. The young couple did not skimp on anything; the bride's dress was made by the famous designer David Fielder.

The young people ordered the rings from jeweler Albert Kingsley and his brand The Saplings. They are made of white gold, inside there is an engraving “Ksenia - Kurban” and, as a feature, their family hashtag #BOROZIMA.

The wedding was memorable for the amazingly decorated hall. The famous wedding decorator Yulia Shakirova worked on the decor of the premises. It was she and the lovers who created the image of winter in the middle of summer. And, of course, the guests were impressed by the newlyweds’ dance. After the holiday, Ksenia admitted that the couple rehearsed the composition, performed with professional dancers, only twice. Despite this, the number turned out to be gorgeous and without a single misfire. But what a surprise the guests were when not only the newlyweds’ friends, but also Ksyusha herself danced the Lezginka together with the “Pride of the Caucasus” ensemble. Kurban's relatives later noted more than once how cleverly she did it.

Yuri Budakov is a purebred Armenian who has been living in Russia for many years. The man has his own business and loves social events. Yuri became famous after he married TV presenter Ksenia Borodina. In this union, a beautiful daughter, Marusya, was born. But, alas, the lovers could not maintain the relationship and broke up. We will find out the reason for this in the article.

About meeting Borodina

Budakov always speaks about his meeting with Yuri with a smile. The man does not deny that from the very beginning he watched the project “House 2”, in which Ksyusha was the presenter. Budakov remembered the bright, charismatic girl, and he decided to win her favor at all costs.

A lucky chance came up on the set of the Comedy Club program. The young people were sitting at neighboring tables, but this did not stop them from getting to know each other. Probably, this meeting would not have led to anything if fate had not brought the young people together again.

Yuri was returning home after work and noticed a broken down car on the highway. Having approached closer, Budakov recognized the driver as Ksenia, who was late for filming the show. Yuri, without hesitation, transferred the driver into his car, and he himself remained waiting for the tow truck, which delivered Borodina’s car for repairs.

After this, the couple was already inseparable.

Oh this wedding

Borodina admitted more than once in her interviews that Yuri Budakov - a real man. His actions can turn any girl's head. He knows how to do romantic dates, looks after beautifully, does not give the slightest reason for jealousy.

The young people dated for quite a long time, many fans and admirers watched their relationship, everyone was waiting for Yura to take a responsible step and ask Ksyusha to marry. Many wanted to look at Borodina in a white, airy dress.

The guy made the proposal quite banally. It happened in a karaoke bar, to the song “Sharing everything in the world with you.”

The wedding of Yuri Budakov and Ksenia Borodina was quite modest. Only close relatives and friends were invited to the celebration.

The bride chose to wear something other than traditional wedding dress, and a floor-length golden evening dress. The groom also went without a tuxedo.

Family life

A few months after the wedding, Ksenia told Yuri Budakov that he would soon become a dad. In the summer of 2009, a daughter, Marusya, was born.

All my friends unanimously assured that the girl was an exact copy of her father. Budakov immediately announced that his girl would become a famous athlete. And his predictions seem to be coming true. Not long ago Marusya took 2nd place at the International competitions in artistic gymnastics.

Why did the family break up?

Unfortunately, after three years of marriage, the young people decided to file for divorce. Yuri Budakov, Borodina’s ex-husband, more than once blamed Ksyusha for this separation, saying that the girl could not combine family life and work.

But the TV presenter herself sees the reason for the divorce as completely different. In her opinion, Yuri’s pathological jealousy, his total control, and prohibitions played a role in their relationship main role. Borodina has repeatedly stated that she is a self-sufficient person, so she can do what she wants.

Budakov is still involved in the life of his daughter Marusya, helps her financially, and goes on vacation with the child. He does not regret his marriage to Borodina, remembering this time as something fabulous and magical.

(33) and Kurban Omarov(35) getting divorced - now there is no doubt. Yesterday Ksenia officially announced this by sharing with subscribers on Instagram proof of her husband’s infidelity - correspondence with the person who allegedly “covered up” Kurbana. To figure out what really happened to the seemingly ideal couple, we decided to remember how the story began Ksenia And Kurbana.

The romance began a year and a half ago. It all started like in the movies - Ksenia hid her chosen one, signing mysterious photographs on social networks with the letter Z, and shared expensive gifts that the mysterious young man did not skimp on. Fans tried their best to declassify their beloved Borodina and they argued about who he was. Herself Ksyusha didn't say anything new young man, and when asked by journalists about her personal life, she answered that she simply dreams of getting married again.

But a few months later, she finally decided to introduce her fans to her mysterious lover. The TV presenter published in Instagram post that answered all the questions about her new relationship. “It’s time to clarify the name of my man (future husband, beloved). His name is Kurban, his friends have called him Winter since childhood.” It turned out that Kurban- Dagestan businessman, with him Ksyusha met at a participant's birthday “House-2” by Stepan Menshchikov three years ago, but then everyone was busy with their family.
It seemed that there was complete harmony in their relationship. Kurban I was able to find a common language with my daughter Ksenia – Marusya, and she, in turn, became friends with his son.

Despite the fact that they were together for only six months, on their 32nd birthday Borodina Kurban proposed to her. And already in the summer of 2015 they got married, and at the end of December Ksyusha gave birth to a daughter to Theon.

Surprisingly, just two months ago the couple posted photos together (especially Ksyusha) and confessed their feelings. In May, the couple vacationed on Maldives. But already in June Ksyusha abruptly stopped sharing pictures and made ambiguous notes: “Everything that is done is for the better”. Kurban I posted photos with children, but didn’t write anything about Ksenia.

Some time later Borodin began to hint at changes in life in her Periscope. During the live broadcast, she did not answer fans' questions, but everything was very clear: “To be honest, I’m pleased that people care and think about me. But the personal will remain personal.". And in the next broadcast she shared: “It happens that people sometimes cheat. You completely trust a person, but he betrays you.”.
The day before the wedding anniversary Ksyusha posted a photo on Instagram with the caption: “Don’t trust someone who speaks beautifully, there is always a game in his words. Trust the one who silently does beautiful things."

anniversary Borodin I met without my husband - with friends and children, and on social networks the spouses did not even hint at a joint holiday.

But the situation changed five days ago. It all started with a photograph (now it will be unexpected) Nastasya Samburskaya! How did she get into this story? Let's talk! Over the weekend the actress was in Spain and sipped wine in one of the resort's restaurants. And he photographed her Kurban, whose subscribers Nastya figured out by the case with the inscription "Winter", included in the photo. Of course, the photo caused a heated discussion.

She did not remain silent - an old friend Borodina. She immediately published a post on her Instagram where she clearly talked about Samburskaya: “Actress of 15-second roles”, “A woman who doesn’t know that black socks with white sneakers is generally not very good”.

It turned out that Nastya and Kurbana just a joint project, since his name also appeared on the video Samburskaya, but this only revealed new details.
Ksenia finally told me what was the reason for the divorce from my husband. On her profile, she shared a screenshot of the photo, which Lobster published in December, right before the birth Theons, and next to it I attached correspondence with my wife good friend Kurbana, who “covered up” all his infidelities.

Borodin stated that she was breaking up with her husband because of his infidelities and love for wild parties and accompanied this with a detailed story about his “adventures.” Naturally, everyone immediately thought that it was all to blame Samburskaya, who reacted with the following post: “I’m very glad that I didn’t get out into people at the expense of fame ex-husband. Dear, I’ll divorce you, tell everyone what an asshole you are, and I’ll become, for example, a fashionable social weed smoker, then I’ll come to my senses and become a diligent, super-stylish mother-shit businessman. She began to abandon dubious projects quite a long time ago, although one or two are still present in her filmography. I'm glad I don't sell fake Chanel to people. I have the conscience to carefully approach the issue of advertising and not turn the page into a market.”

It seems that it’s getting hot... We don’t know how this story will end, but now it clearly concerns not only Ksyusha and Kurbana. By the way, because of this commotion, everyone forgot that, in fact, Nastya I have a lover - a singer Alexander Ivanov, with whom they have been together for almost six months. So Samburskaya She clearly became an accidental witness to family squabbles.

Well, we will continue to monitor developments and hope that Ksenia and Kurban it will be possible to solve all problems peacefully.

Ksenia Borodina said, why they broke up with Kurban Omarov. Rumors about the couple's divorce appeared back in May 2016. However, neither Ksenia nor Kurban commented on these messages. However, the couple had not been seen together for a long time, both stopped wearing wedding rings, and joint photos disappeared from the TV presenter’s Instagram.

Now Ksenia Borodina shared with followers on Instagram latest news about his family and about Kurban Omarov. It turned out that the reason for the separation was her husband’s infidelity.

Why Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov broke up: the reason for the divorce

Ksenia Borodina stopped being silent and told what happened in the family and why she and Kurban Omarov broke up. The reason for the divorce lies in the husband's infidelity. According to Ksenia, at first she had “rose-colored glasses”, believed her husband and hoped that he would improve after the birth of her daughter. However, this did not happen.

"I remember the night of December 12th all life. My husband came home from another party at 7 am, and I had 10 days left before giving birth! Everything that is written about betrayal is the pure truth, and I found out about it. I even know the apartment of our mutual friend (Grisha Zhuzhin), who “covered up” his tough parties with cheating,” Ksenia Borodina wrote on her Instagram.

The TV presenter noted that Kurban Omarov liked to pretend to be a loving husband and father. “He prefers to take one photo a week for subscribers and leave after 5 minutes,” Ksenia emphasized and added that someday she will tell the whole truth about the divorce.

Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov: latest news

News about the family of Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov at the end of spring 2016 upset fans. Then the first reports appeared that the couple had separated. Journalists noted that in May 2016, joint photos with her husband disappeared from the TV presenter’s social networks; she began posting photos with her daughters. Then Kurban deleted his account from Instagram.

Kurban Omarov did not come for the day birth of his daughter Ksenia Marusya, although he congratulated the girl on social network. Borodina began to appear in public without a wedding ring. The presenter also said that she is no longer the owner of the store that she opened with Kurban before the wedding.

Previously Borodin on his personal page posted a photo with children. “My dears, everything is fine with us, everyone is alive and well. And remember: everything that is done is for the better,” she wrote under the photo.

Now Kurban Omarov is suspected in an affair with actress Nastasya Samburskaya. They are vacationing in Spain, in one photo Samburskaya is photographed wearing sunglasses and mobile phone with the inscription ZIMA, that’s what friends call Omarov. Kurban himself denied rumors of an affair with Samburskaya.

Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov got married on July 3, 2015. In December, the TV presenter gave birth to a daughter, Teona.

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For the first time she spoke about the reasons for the divorce from her husband. As it turned out, Kurban Omarov constantly cheated on the famous host of the TV show “Dom-2”.

On her Instagram, Borodina admitted that she was indeed divorcing Kurban Omarov. “It’s just that this is the child’s father, so I’m trying to file a divorce in a more dignified way (as far as the messy situation allows). There are many reasons, I thought he could be a loving husband and a caring father (how he presents himself to the public) But I remember this night of December 12 for all life, my husband came home at 7 am from another party, and I had 10 days left before giving birth! Everything that is written about betrayal is the pure truth and I found out about it. I even know the apartment of our mutual friend (Grisha Zhuzhin), who “covered” his tough parties with cheating,” wrote Borodina.

The star of the show “Dom-2” turned to Kurban Omarov’s many mistresses. “I wish health to such Yulias, Tanyas, Oksanas and everyone else. If you want to sleep with the man Borodina, go ahead, if you are not afraid, we all walk under God. It may seem to you that this is a piece of glory, but in fact you are unlikely to be such dirt for the rest of your life wash it off,” said the TV presenter.

According to Borodina, her husband’s infidelities did not stop even after the birth of her daughter. “I lived with rose-colored glasses, I was pregnant and believed my husband, I thought Thea would be born and his parties would end, he would take his daughter in his arms and come to his senses. But this did not happen, he prefers to take one photo a week for subscribers and leave after 5 minutes, by the way, everyone who writes about Amar, I love him very much and I’m sorry that he can’t come to our home anymore! .In the meantime, I live for the sake of my children, for myself and my loved ones,” the TV presenter told her subscribers.

In conclusion, the star of the reality show "Dom-2" addressed everyone married women. “Remember, no matter whose wife you are, Dagestan, Chechen, Russian, Armenian, it doesn’t matter at all, the main thing is that you are a woman who is worthy of respect, love and care for yourself and your children!!! Someday I will tell the whole truth, and for now I want to say that no matter how many children and marriages you have, the main thing is to remain faithful to yourself! And I would never allow you to rent for money and sell your family to you, my refusal was the right decision, I would not accept any person (even my husband) I'll let you sell us!!" - Borodina summarized.