Happy trinity day. Orthodox congratulations on the great trinity are not in verse

One of the twelve Orthodox holidays - the Day of the Holy Trinity (Pentecost) - is celebrated on June 7 in 2020. This page of our site contains the best congratulations on the feast of the Holy Trinity.

Let any matter be argued in the hands,
May hearts be filled with faith
May the cherished desire come true
On the Day of the Holy Spirit, Son and Father!

Congratulations on the Holy Trinity
May bright joy not leave you,
I wish you happiness without borders
In the festive, blessed hour!

On the great feast of the Holy Trinity
I want to wish you happiness, peace!
I want you to find peace in your soul
To pray and light a candle.

You pray for Christ and your father
And don't forget about your soul
You will be touched by their love
And come in good spirits.

Congratulations on the Day of the Holy Trinity in verse

On this day, Vespers is served in churches after the Divine Liturgy. Prayers are read for the sending down to believers of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of wisdom, the Spirit of reason and the fear of God. Believers congratulate each other on the Day of the Holy Trinity.

On the fiftieth day from Christ's Sunday
We read a bright prayer for salvation
And we ask the Lord to protect our loved ones,
And remember those who did not live to see these days.

On the great feast of the Holy Trinity
I send congratulations with an open soul!
Father and Son and Holy Spirit from now on
Let them not leave you and leave you!

And in the tender greenery of a young birch
May you see joy and peace.
I wish you spring and renewal,
And the brightest thoughts on Sunday!

May the Trinity be with you
Gives his gifts:
Luck in fate
Let love give
the grace of the Lord
Let it spill on you
To live and prosper
Everything in life succeeds!

The grove is young, white-trunked
At dawn, it will wash with dew,
Ringing is heard bells -
Holy Sunday, Trinity!
Ringing is clear, bell-like
They spill into the sky.
Free fields glorify the Trinity,
The birds sing with a melodious song.
And every creation of God
Repeating a prayer aloud
Praises eternal unity -
God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit!

Let the soul calm down
There will be peace in the heart!
The Holy Trinity has arrived
It's time for a feast.
Decorated with green again
All churches in cities.
May the troubles of yesterday
Will turn to dust...

Poems for the feast of the Holy Trinity

Do not forget to visit the temple on this day, read prayers, give alms to those in need and send congratulations on the Day of the Holy Trinity to relatives and friends.

Trinity light from heaven came down,
So everything will be fine again!
Among all life events
Believe, wait and love
There will be happiness ahead
There will be a guardian angel!

On the day of the Trinity bright, on this day of Sunday
I bring thanks to the Savior
For the blood of His sacrifice, for the mercy of Golgotha,
Because He threw off the fetters from sinners,
For the Spirit of consolation, for the Holy help
For the wonderful and dear truth.
For pure water that flows like a river,
For peace and forgiveness, for the Holy Word,
For the fact that our congregation is so crowded.
For the feat of Christ - disinterested and difficult!

The feast of the Trinity is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter - May 27, 2018, June 16, 2019, etc. Therefore, many people prepare in advance to convey to their relatives and friends congratulations on the Trinity in prose or in verse.

The text of the message can be short or long, simple or ornate, ordinary or original. One thing is clear: our words must be sincere and so warm that a bright gleam of joy illuminates the face even through the phone screen.

You can also compose poems with the Holy Trinity on your own - inspiration sometimes comes suddenly, and one verse of creative forces is definitely enough:

Trinity holiday with us,

With what and I congratulate!

May the Lord keep you all

I sincerely wish!

Congratulations on the Trinity in verse can be found for free on many resources. We suggest that you accompany congratulations with the following texts:

Short SMS congratulations on the Trinity

First of all, we will send small text congratulations in the form of SMS. They can be sent to anyone - relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors. Here are some simple examples of short congratulations on the Trinity in prose:

Hello! Please accept my sincere congratulations on the Trinity! Good health and happiness in your home, smiles and fulfillment of desires! Let everythnig will be alright!

Congratulations on the Trinity! Peace and goodness! God bless you!

Good afternoon I hasten to congratulate you on the day of the Holy Trinity! May it fill your heart with sincere joy, which will last for a whole year!

Hello! I send you warm greetings from my whole family! We hasten to congratulate you on the feast of the Holy Trinity! Happiness, health and all the best!

Despite the fact that our messages are small, this does not mean that congratulations on the Trinity in prose should look like standard SMS that can be deleted the very next day.

Original SMS congratulations on the Day of the Holy Trinity

If you want to be original, let's try to be inspired by such examples:

Congratulations on the bright holiday of the Holy Trinity! It's great that on this day it is always warm - both outside the window and in the soul. I sincerely wish to keep this feeling for the whole year!

My dears! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the Trinity! Let God himself patronize in your family - then any obstacle will be on the shoulder! Hurry to do good - and happiness will not leave your family.

With all my heart I hasten to congratulate you on the Holy Trinity! May all your desires be heard, and may the powers of heaven always protect you and your family!

My dear man! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the wonderful holiday of the Trinity! I wish you everything that you only wish for yourself. Plus, things you can't even imagine! Good luck accompanies you in all matters!

How to congratulate parents on the Holy Trinity

A lot of people of the age sincerely believe in God, go to church and try to do good deeds. Somehow it just so happened that a person with gray hair, simply by definition, thinks a lot about heavenly things and often goes to church, does good deeds. Perhaps this image of a parent lives in our hearts.

That is why it is necessary to congratulate mom or dad on a bright holiday in some special way: mature people will always be able to distinguish sincere wishes from standard phrases.

Let's take these ideas as an example:

Dear beloved mother! Only the Sun managed to illuminate the sky, and I'm already in a hurry to congratulate you on the bright day of the Holy Trinity! It's great that I can just say "thank you" to you for being you! Whatever happens in life, know: you are my brightest ray!

Of course, congratulations to parents on the feast of the Holy Trinity can be composed both in prose and in verse. However, many of us find it easier to express our feelings in the simplest terms. But simple does not mean trite:

Dear papa! I warmly welcome you and sincerely congratulate you on the feast of the Holy Trinity! I would like to wish you a lot today and at the same time be brief. I love you and deeply respect you, my dearest person! Happiness, health, peace and kindness!

Beautiful congratulations on the Trinity in prose do not have to be too pretentious, ornate. Warm words, tender wishes - this is the perfect recipe for creating a mood:

Beloved dad and mom! So a beautiful spring day has come - the feast of the Holy Trinity! I share your joy and respect in connection with this date. Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! I love, love, love you!

Congratulations for children and teenagers

But what about children? To forget about them on such a day would be extremely unfair. Even if we are talking about kids, teenagers, whose life is in full swing, kind words will be useful to them too.

Sincere wishes for good and good mood, a drop of attention - this is something that has never harmed anyone:

My beloved son! Today is a beautiful, warm day - the feast of the Trinity. And you, I know, will soon have summer holidays! I congratulate you on these wonderful events and wish that all your dreams come true - small and big. I'm proud of you and love you very much!

Favorite daughter! Today is the day of Trinity. Do you know what that means? The blessed time has come when we can all ask God to fulfill our dreams! I know that everything will be fine with you - it cannot be otherwise! May the Lord help you always and in everything!

How to congratulate adult children on the Trinity

And here are a few ideas on how to congratulate on the Trinity in the prose of adult children:

Our beloved son! Mom and I send you warm greetings and hot kisses! Today is the day of the Trinity - a wonderful spring holiday! We wish you good changes, bright hope for the future! Believe in yourself, you are the best!

Favorite daughter! What a beautiful day the Lord has made today! Do you know why? This is the feast of the Trinity - a special celebration on which dad and I heartily congratulate you! Let the spring sun touch your charming eyes and illuminate your radiant smile. Be happy! Save the Lord!

How to congratulate your beloved on the Holy Trinity

And here is another important point - how to congratulate on the Trinity in prose the one who is dearest to everyone in the world. Whether he is near, whether far - but this is the closest person. Undoubtedly, some special approach is needed here.

Let's try to be inspired by such examples of wishes for men:

Beloved, affectionate, gentle! I send you warm greetings and congratulations on the day of the Holy Trinity! I always thank God that I have you! You can't even imagine how much I love you!

My dear! With pleasure I hasten to congratulate you on the wonderful day of the Holy Trinity! On such a clean, bright holiday, I think of you and me with special joy! Thank God that one day he brought our paths together! So let's go together forever! I love!

Darling! Today is a beautiful spring day, and I hasten to bring you the warmest congratulations on the Holy Trinity. God is love, and you and I are repeatedly convinced of this.

I want to tell you something special today. I can wish for a lot, but know one thing: if our love were an ocean, it would be possible to fly over it only on two airplanes.

Congratulations on the Feast of the Trinity for your beloved

But how can you congratulate the lady of the heart on the Trinity in prose:

Darling! Today is a special day - the feast of the Holy Trinity! With pleasure I congratulate you on this wonderful, bright celebration!

Earthly love is a reflection of heavenly love. And heavenly love is God himself. It's great that we got to experience it! I love and appreciate you immensely!

Dear and Beloved Lady of my heart! The sun has not yet lit a new day, but I want to be the first to congratulate you on the feast of the Holy Trinity! One as three, and three as one! When there are three of us, we will fully realize this truth! I want this moment to come as soon as possible!

My sun, Happy Trinity to you! The Lord has created a wonderful day for us today! So I want to tell you many, many pleasant words, but it all comes down to one thing: I love you! I love! I love!

Orthodox congratulations on the Trinity for brothers and sisters in faith

Of course, it would be unfair to forget about those people who are our spiritual brothers and sisters. It's no secret that each person has special friends whom we can trust even that sometimes we don't tell in the family. These are nice, sincere people, they go with us through life and support us wherever possible.

What to say about spiritually close people? In our eyes, they have a special, without exaggeration, honorary status, because they are like-minded people who are like us in many ways, like two drops of water.

Congratulations on the Holy Trinity for them can also be presented in poetic form, but even in prose they will sound no worse - it all depends on how exactly you choose the words. Here are some examples for inspiration:

Dear sister, dear friend! With all my heart I congratulate you on a bright holiday - the Day of the Holy Trinity! I sincerely wish you good health, peace of mind, divine wisdom and the fulfillment of prayers!

The Lord loves us and will always love us. I wish you to be filled with this bright feeling and in everything and always act out of love - as your heart tells you.

There is no sin in writing congratulations on the Great Trinity in your own words, i.e. convey not only generally accepted wishes, but also express personal words of support.

If a person passes some kind of test, he should be congratulated especially delicately:

Dear brother in Jesus Christ, dear friend! I hasten to congratulate you on Trinity Day! On this bright day, I would like to express special words of support to you.

I know the last few days have not been easy for you. But I also know that the Lord will not allow a person to be tested beyond his capacity.

So let's be encouraged by this good news and look to the future with confidence! I assure you of my full support and readiness to help at the first call!

And of course, canonical plots are always appropriate - images of the Trinity on icons. Such congratulations on the feast of the Trinity can be sent to a believer:

Dear friend! I heartily congratulate you on the feast of the Trinity! I sincerely wish God's blessings, health and happiness! May the hand of the Lord always be over your head!

Warm words of congratulations on the holiday of the Trinity can be expressed both in verse and in prose. Each person voices his thoughts differently, in his own manner. For some this is easy, for others it is more difficult.

But one thing is clear: sincerity is important to the addressee of our warm words, that charge of warmth and faith that we can convey to him through any stanza. Literature and message delivery systems will do the rest.

Summer rain like cleansing tears
Wash away the dust and refresh the soul...
On the feast of the Trinity with love and forgiveness,
Like a thin thread, the world of people is stitched.

May your heart be filled with joy
Let the soul shine with humility.
Be happy on the bright holiday of the Trinity,
Breathing faith and hope.

On the day he came down from heaven
Holy Spirit, Son and Father,
Sin has disappeared from the face of the earth.

We ask for blessings
To remove all doubts
And redemption for our souls.

May the Son, Father and Holy Spirit,
They will be with us on such a day,
And in a righteous earthly life,
Let there be light, goodness, peace.

Happy Holy Trinity! Let the green twigs that decorate your home today protect it and fill it with good energy and sweet peace! And the soul always shines with faith, hope and love! May this glorious holiday help strengthen the spirit and tune in to the best in life and be joyful and bright!

Congratulations on the Holy Trinity Day!
This day is not easy for Christians:
Suddenly the Holy Spirit came down to the apostles,
In our world, having sanctified everything around.

May there always be light in your heart
So that the Lord gives advice in difficult times,
So that your life flows without problems,
So that everything is glorious in your family!

Decorate the birch house with beautiful branches,
For the Holy Spirit to enter the threshold again.
He walked towards us in heaven in holy ways.
And he came into the world at the appointed time.

Accept congratulations on the Holy Trinity,
Greet the new day with a bright prayer.
Treat your family with great warmth.
May the light always win in the souls of the shadow.

Congratulations on Pentecost! May virtue flourish throughout the world, and human souls be cleansed of evil. May the beauty of your soul be rewarded with joyful everyday events, while health only grows stronger. May your house, as usual, be hospitable and prosperity does not leave it!

Trinity is the greatest holiday that is celebrated after Easter, after 50 days. It is easy to calculate: 7 weeks + 1 day = 50 days. It's always Sunday. It marks the descent of the Holy Spirit on the 12 elect of Christ. Without this event, the glorification of the Triune God in many chants would have been carried out without relying on historically existing facts. This day is truly the founding day of the church of all Christians.

On the apostles of Christ
The spirit descended: “Bless!”
Happy Trinity Day
I congratulate you today!

May you be in the church father
Sprinkle with water.
I congratulate you
Holy Trinity!

The candle flame flickers faintly
Trinity Day is coming soon.
I congratulate you on this holiday,
I wish happiness to all bright souls

At the Holy Trinity
Let famously not rage
Let there be only good
Good luck and joy!

To Holy Trinity
Let happiness triple!
Let happiness remain
After all, we are so drawn to him!

The Holy Trinity is a sacred date!
May she bring warmth to us!
May God help, keep, protect from hardship,
May faith be strong, but salvation is near!

Let dreams come true
To the holy trinity!
If you believe in it
That's right, it'll all work out!

Fulfillment of dreams,
Strong faith, strong knowledge!
For the Trinity to promise
All success, luck, strength!

Let it be as we dream
As we pray and know:
There are no limits in anything for God,
He is a bright road for us

Cooked in this life
Organize your thoughts
And pray for the Trinity
So that wishes come true!


I hasten to congratulate you on the feast of the Trinity,
How wonderful, bright, bright I will tell you,
After all, a glorious event happened on this day,
And the Holy Spirit descended on our land!

Let's meet the Trinity more amicably,
So that grace descends on our souls.
Let's praise God and do good,
To be even more beautiful and wiser!

On the feast of the Holy Trinity
May good be with you
Faith enlightens the soul
Reward with grace.

Congratulate all your loved ones
Praise God boldly
Let it help you
So that success reigns in fate!

On the feast of the Trinity
Let the stock grow
To keep him busy,
And holy grace

Souls will be illuminated with happiness,
Inspire to success
Will give strength for good deeds,
What did the Lord say to do?

God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit
To everyone who is sighted, has a hearing,
Reveal a miracle to the whole world
Omnipresent, triune!

Good news for every home
Holy Spirit, heaven's harbinger,
Reveal joy, grace!
The desire to live, love, breathe!

Let nature bloom
Joy fills the heart
Everything grows, blooms and breathes,
Grace will come to us from above!

God's grace is everywhere
In the sky, in the grass and in the water,
Nature flourishes,
Hearts and souls come alive!

The Holy Trinity has arrived
Bringing warmth and joy
Praise God today
And congratulations on the Trinity!

I want to congratulate everyone on the Trinity,
In my thoughts I fly to the sky with a prayer!
God unity I glorify,
Congratulations on an important holiday!

May grace come to every home
Joy, warmth and desire to dream,
Let the souls be filled with light
Let everyone be warmed with care, warmth!

On June 16, Christians celebrate one of the biggest holidays - Holy Trinity Day. This holiday has many traditions and is significant for believers, because, according to biblical legends, it was on the Trinity that the fiery tongues of the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, and they began to preach in different languages ​​of the world. Therefore, the Trinity is considered the day the church was founded, and Christians exchange congratulations.

In Ukraine, the holiday of the Trinity has different names - the Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, the Day of the Holy Trinity, Green Sunday. In addition, people often call Pentecost, because the holiday is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter.

Unmarried girls who seek to know their fate carefully adhere to the traditions and rituals on Trinity Day. Women wonder how our ancestors did. At the same time, all Christians greet each other, because the holiday is the so-called "birth" of the church.

Congratulations on the Day of the Holy Trinity in verse

May the Holy Spirit remind you today,
Give strength and strength to do good to you.
And the little tree is green, which is a symbol of life,
Holy mood will help you create!

All our houses are bathed in greenery,
For the Greens are holy before us are approaching.
I soar everything and I want to be pampered
In your soul, peace and God's grace!

Green week at the father's hut,
І povno paradise-color, і caresses with warmth.
Mi іz pravіku lyubov "yu bagatі.
Green week at our table.

Church calls and the fields are sanctified.
From the lovage-periwinkle, three candles burn.
The hut is holy, and the mine is consecrated,
І stіl, and on the new fluff rolls.

Sit dovkol and children, and grandchildren,
And behind them - Cossack and Chumatsky songs.
On a knitted tablecloth - father's hands,
And my mother's hands are two holy divas.

І vikna in lovage, and stіni in dresses,
І petting a little Jesus lamb.
In the Green Week, not only in the cathedrals -
Long time of love in Ukrainian day.

On the day of the Holy Trinity
Dear God,
For true peace
The heart is instructed.

Shchob vіra nіkoli
Didn't overwhelm you.
Love to the world
Nini and every now and then!

Mermaid bathes in dew,
The Evil Spirit flies over the fields.
All nature is holy all day long.
I fly from the Green Saints!

Congratulations on the Day of the Holy Trinity

I live with the Holy Trinity!
I bless the world and calm,
Sob the sky was only clear,
Life - live bezkhmarne that is more beautiful.

The word God let you breathe,
Vіd be-yakikh negarazdіv protect.
Let your dim be filled with good,
Grace and happiness will be in it!

Congratulations on the Day of the Holy Trinity in prose

I wish the Holy Spirit to inspire all of you to good deeds, fill your hearts with love for your neighbors, give everyone the desire to fulfill God's will, bring happiness from God and confidence in the future!

May joy rush to your home, pleasant excitement fill your soul, and the warmth of love fill your heart! May goodness, sincerity and success be added to life on the Day of the Holy Trinity!

The Trinity has come, a holiday of hopes, secret love and unconditional faith. Let your desires fly to sky-high heights, so that in time they will come true and bring fabulous joy and happiness to life.

Congratulations on Green Holidays

Happy Trinity! I wish that she constantly illuminates all corners of the soul, warms every millimeter of the heart, and directs thoughts in a good promising direction. May there be constant strength in faith, indefatigable joy in hopes, and immeasurable happiness in love.

Happy Trinity Day to you! Let the solemn ringing of bells fill the soul with inspiration and joy, strengthen faith and give hope, heal illnesses and reward with patience, wisdom, life's blessings and happy moments.

May the bright, miraculous Spirit descend on everyone on the fiftieth day after Easter with great and radiant happiness, which warms you with incredible love, giving and inspiring you to new achievements! Happy Green Holidays!