Dishes for children's birthday. Children's table at birthday party

Summary: Children's birthday at home. Children's birthday, birthday menu. How to set the table for a child's birthday.

A child's birthday is always a special day in the life of a family. I really want him to remember this memorable day for a long time. In order for the holiday to be a success, you need to take care in advance of both the cultural program (entertainment, competitions, sweepstakes) and the holiday menu. We already talked about how to organize and hold a children's birthday party at home in our previous article.

Children's birthday menu. Children's birthday table

If you are preparing salads, then before serving, place them in small salad bowls or shortcrust pastry baskets. Salads served in transparent cups look very nice. A great idea is to organize a salad bar. To do this, you need to place the chopped ingredients on separate plates - boiled potatoes, beets, carrots, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, canned corn and green peas, meat, chicken, sausage, boiled eggs, herbs, etc. And dressings for them - homemade mayonnaise, sour cream, butter. The children themselves serve what they like and mix their own salads. It is important to offer small plates for culinary experiments so that too much food does not suffer due to failures.

Fruits and desserts can also be placed in portioned cups or, for example, waffle cones.

Children's birthday at home. Children's birthday recipes photo

Children's birthday menu photo. Holding a children's birthday party

Canapés are very popular among children. You will need sticks for canapés or wooden skewers for kebabs. And what to string on them: fresh and salted cucumbers, avocados, sweet bell peppers of different colors, raw and boiled carrots, cheese, processed cheese in slices, boiled and peeled quail eggs, meat, chicken, sausage, olives, olives, apples , oranges, cherry tomatoes, grapes, etc. You will find a huge collection of canapes at this link >>>> There are canapes with salmon, cheese, shrimp, ham, boiled pork and sausage, canapes with chicken, duck and turkey, 12 canapes with herring and much more.

And here is an example of fruit and berry “kebabs” on skewers.

You can serve ready-made canapes to the table, or you can invite the children to make their own canapés from products prepared in advance.

What to cook for a child's birthday. Children's birthday what to cook

The table will be complemented by mini sandwiches with ham, herring butter, chicken liver pate and cheese sauce. You can put the filling not on bread, but in tartlets. Don't forget also about pita and eggplant rolls, stuffed eggs and tomatoes. You will find a large number of healthy recipes on Anastasia Skripkina’s website, in the “Snacks and Sandwiches” section

Recipes for a child's birthday. Recipes for children. Children's menu

If the children are already old enough and the capabilities of your kitchen allow them to engage in culinary experiments, then you can invite them to make pizzas for themselves. Children receive ready-made dough bases and fill them with selected ingredients to their taste. The pizzas are baked and everyone gets the result of their culinary research.

Another win-win option is assorted pasta. Most children love them very much. And to make the dish more festive, buy pasta of different shapes and colors, cook them (separately from each other) and arrange them beautifully on plates. You can also serve various dressings - tomato sauce, grated cheese, chopped boiled meat for “pirate-style pasta”.

Sweet table for children's birthday. Dessert Recipes

Of course, no children's birthday is complete without a cake. The cake can be homemade or purchased, at your discretion. We recommend that you serve the cake on a special dish with a leg. Cakes, pastries and fruits placed on such dishes look very festive and solemn. You can buy a dish with a leg in a store, or you can make it yourself. For this you will need plates of different diameters, as well as candlesticks or wine glasses. Glue them together using a glue gun. If desired, the finished structure can be painted with aerosol paint from a can. Cm.

A child's birthday, like any other event, has its own characteristics of table setting and organization of the holiday in general. Also, the design of the celebration is influenced by fashion trends, reflected in the decor and rules of its holding.

But all parents have the opportunity to arrange an unforgettable and vibrant holiday for their child and his guests, which will not only be preserved in the common memory, but will also fit into the budget.

To arrange a magical birthday for your child, first of all, you need:

  1. Choose a general theme for the holiday. It could be your favorite cartoon, which will immediately determine the color scheme, holiday attributes, and even the child’s outfit. Today, “Frozen”, “Minions”, “Smeshariki” are especially popular, and classic Disney princesses or comics also remain relevant. The theme of the holiday can be a hobby or the child’s desire for some kind of work;
  2. Choose a room in which a children's table will be organized. This can be the children's room itself, the living room and the kitchen, if its size allows.
  3. Create a menu with suitable recipes. The table must have an assortment of sweets and all sorts of healthy goodies that will not be difficult for children - mini-formats, tartlets, skewers, canapés are desirable;
  4. Prepare small gifts for little guests. These can be toys in the general theme of the holiday, sweet gifts, etc. It’s not bad if children can use them immediately during the celebration, and then take them with them - magic wands, pipes, headbands or decorations, etc. You can put them on plates.

The main thing is to start preparing for a children's party as early as possible, so that you have time to check the selected recipes, use or make your own decor, and find everything you need. At the same time, you need to remember that the children's table is not the place for spicy, fatty, overly salted and smoked dishes, plus it is important to find out in advance from the parents of the little guests whether they are allergic to any foods and exclude them from the menu.

There is no need to come up with overly sophisticated dishes, because children may refuse them - they only eat familiar, traditional food with pleasure. And under no circumstances should you try to force one of the children to eat, because such behavior from adults can lead to hysterics, which will ruin the entire holiday.

Table decoration for a children's birthday

Decorating a children's table for holiday gatherings has its own requirements:

  1. Maintaining the overall color scheme. Regardless of whether a specific theme is chosen for the holiday (cartoons, professions, hobbies, etc.) or a neutral design in the form of stars, hearts, polka dots, etc. is chosen, it is important that the entire table setting matches 2-3 primary colors or shades of choice;
  2. Decorating the space around and above the table. These can be “Happy Birthday!” garlands, paper decorations, paper or fabric backgrounds, figurines, flowers, etc.;
  3. Selecting the right cookware. You will definitely need plates, cutlery, glasses, shelves for sweets and fruits, a cake stand, vases for sweets, and trays and more dishes may also come in handy. But for reasons of convenience and safety, it is better to choose paper or plastic dishes, which can be made in the colors of the holiday. No - universal white will do;
  4. Making a festive tablecloth. It should also fit into the color scheme, so you should not purchase a tablecloth separately for one holiday. It can even be a disposable oilcloth, if it suits the theme, but even the simplest white tablecloth can be easily decorated with frills or a garland (using a stapler), or painted with watercolors, adding inscriptions and drawings;
  5. Making decorations for the festive table. We are talking about themed napkins, vases, placemats, decorations for straws, cutlery, cakes and desserts, candlesticks, etc. – all this can be made from scrap materials;
  6. Decoration of chairs. Chairs are an important attribute of the festive table, for which they need to be draped, tied with bows, decorated with balls, or name plates and other attributes corresponding to the theme should be hung on them.

Children's birthday party table: menu planning and recipes

A child's birthday is a celebration of the belly (including for parents), its menu must be composed of simple but very tasty dishes.

Nuggets, French fries, baked potatoes with stuffing, macaroni and cheese, salad tartlets, etc. have the greatest chance of being eaten, and not complex meat or vegetable dishes.

A children's table can even consist entirely of snacks - small sandwiches, mini-burgers, pies, spring rolls, etc. As an option - a sweet table of donuts, muffins, cookies, cakes, macaroons, lollipops, marshmallows, marmalade, sweets and , of course, a cake with candles.

You can supplement sweets with fruits, berries, nuts and yoghurts (including frozen ones). Naturally, you also need juices or soda.

Healthy nuggets

Required ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg chicken fillet;
  • 0.25 liters of heavy cream (above 20%);
  • 70 gr. breadcrumbs and sesame seeds;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking time: 30 minutes plus 4 hours for marinating.

Calorie content: about 70 Kcal/100 g.

First you need to marinate the chicken fillet, cut into small pieces, in cream with salt and pepper for 4 hours in the refrigerator. Then roll each piece of meat in breadcrumbs with sesame seeds and fry in vegetable oil on both sides. You can serve with any sauce - cheese, sweet and sour, homemade mayonnaise, vegetable gravy, etc.

American macaroni and cheese

Required ingredients:

  • 300 gr. pasta cones;
  • 100 gr. smoked bacon;
  • 100 gr. hard cheese (cheddar is best);
  • 100 gr. mozzarella (in extreme cases, you can replace it with suluguni);
  • 200 gr. frozen green peas;
  • 400 ml cream 20%;
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour;
  • a pinch of grated nutmeg;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking time: 50 minutes.

Calorie content: about 330 Kcal/100 g.

You need to start by boiling the pasta and simultaneously preparing the sauce, which requires melting the butter, pouring flour into it, quickly mixing until smooth and pouring cream. Boil until thickened, season with nutmeg and salt.

Cut the bacon into small pieces and fry in a dry frying pan (it will render a lot of fat), grate the cheese. Mix together cooked pasta, bacon, peas, cheese and place the mixture in a baking dish. Cook in the oven at 200 degrees until crusty.

Children's birthday buffet table: menu planning and recipes

If it is clear that the birthday boy and his guests are active children, and it will be difficult for them to sit still at a festively set table, it is appropriate to opt for a buffet table option, in which many portioned snacks such as canapés will be placed on a separate table. Usually, such table setting delights the children, and they eat everything with appetite.

Canapes with sausage and tomatoes

Required ingredients:

  • 1 baguette (preferably grain);
  • 200 gr. boiled sausage;
  • a bunch of cherry tomatoes;
  • 150 gr. processed spreadable cheese;
  • lettuce leaves.

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Calorie content: about 210 Kcal/100 g.

For squeezing out small circles, a thick-walled glass, a baking mold, or even half a Kinder Surprise container is suitable. And they need to be squeezed out from baguette and sausage cut into thin slices, although the sausage can be cut into very thin pieces and simply folded in four.

Each piece of bread should be greased with melted cheese, covered with a small piece of lettuce and put on a skewer. On the same skewer put another piece of sausage and a cherry tomato (you can use half). Ready!

Meat balls

Required ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg mixed minced meat;
  • 1 pack of puff pastry;
  • salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil for lubrication.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Calorie content: about 250 Kcal/100 g.

You need to salt the minced meat and roll it into small meatballs, and defrost the puff pastry and cut it into thin strips according to the number of resulting meatballs - you need to wrap them around them. Place the resulting balls on a greased baking sheet and bake in the oven for about 20 minutes at 200 degrees until crusty.

This is the simplest and most versatile recipe - you can put any salad your child likes into tartlets, including traditional Olivier salad and crab salad. The tartlets themselves can be bought at any store, or made from puff pastry or shortcrust pastry in muffin tins. As a result, the children's buffet table will be greatly supported.

Sweet table for a children's birthday: menu planning and recipes

It's no secret that desserts are the most anticipated dish for both little birthday boys and guests, and (even if secretly) for their parents. A sweet table can support the main meal or be an independent holiday menu, but the scope for serving it is truly limitless. And you can't go wrong with him.

Curd and pineapple dessert

Required ingredients:

  • 0.4 kg cottage cheese;
  • 0.2 kg sour cream;
  • 1 can of canned pineapple;
  • 0.5 l pineapple juice;
  • 0.5 cans of condensed milk;
  • 25 gr. gelatin;
  • a packet of vanillin.

Cooking time: 15 minutes plus time for hardening and soaking.

Calorie content: about 150 Kcal/100 g.

Initially, you need to soak the gelatin in pineapple juice for an hour, and then dissolve it over low heat, without bringing the liquid to a boil. Next, the preparation is simple - all ingredients, except pineapples, need to be whipped with a blender and combined with pineapple pieces and the cooled gelatin mixture. Pour the mixture into a mold or molds and let it harden.

Buckwheat sweets “A la truffles”

Required ingredients:

  • 200 gr. buckwheat flour (you can make it yourself in a coffee grinder);
  • 200 ml natural yogurt;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar;
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of prune puree;
  • 5 pieces. whole prunes;
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of soda;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil;
  • sesame seeds for sprinkling.

Cooking time: half an hour.

Calorie content: about 300 Kcal/100 g.

First you need to mix all the dry ingredients, and then mix them with prune puree and yogurt, as well as sunflower oil. Finely chop the prunes.

Make small cakes from the finished dough, put some pieces of prunes in them, close and form into balls, which need to be placed on a baking sheet and baked at 180 degrees for 10 minutes. When cool, they will need to be dipped in honey and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Required ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of “Anniversary” cookies;
  • 200 gr. butter;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 100 gr. Sahara.

Cooking time: 20 minutes plus 6 hours for hardening.

Calorie content: about 420 Kcal/100 g.

The cookies need to be divided into two parts and crushed one in a blender, and the second broken into pieces by hand. Melt the butter with milk, add cocoa powder and sugar, then bring the mixture to a boil.

Pour in the ground cookies, remove from the heat and knead the resulting mass well, eventually adding the remaining pieces of cookies to it, and place on cling film or parchment paper, forming it in the shape of a sausage. All that remains is to put the dessert in the refrigerator for several hours and cut into slices before serving.

How to decorate a children's birthday table: ideas, photos

Some of the most relevant themes in children's party decor today are “Princesses” and “Frozen” for girls, “Pirates” and “Minions” for boys.

You can create a fabulous atmosphere of a Disney holiday for a little princess with the help of bright and lush decorations - clusters of balloons, pink bows and ribbons, streamers with inscriptions, draperies of chairs, tables and lampshades, paper garlands. In this case, it is desirable to have more flowers in the design - both live and artificial, and even in pots, as well as cardboard models of castles and towers or posters with drawings of them.

The cartoon “Frozen” won the hearts of all girls, so a holiday in this style will certainly make them the happiest in the world. Here blue and white colors come to the fore, as well as any imitations of snow and ice.

Snowdrifts made of padding polyester or other material, cardboard figures painted with glitter paint or covered with shiny adhesive paper, snowflakes made from Christmas decorations, cookies of the same shape, cupcakes with blue cream and sprinkled with silver confectionery sprinkles... And balls.

You can throw a pirate party for your little birthday boy using bandanas, vests and pirate hats, which are sold in many children's stores. You can also find toy daggers and treasure chests there. The treat includes bananas, chocolate coins, snacks with seafood and caviar (you can imitate it).

“Minions” are adored by all children, so decorating a children’s birthday party in this style is suitable not only for boys, but also for mixed celebrations. It is advisable to find minion hats or masks for all guests, but you can simply print their images from the Internet and hang them on the walls.

You can write wish cards in the distorted language of the minions and distribute them to children, learn a funny dance with them. Bananas are also a must in the treats, as well as all kinds of images of these creatures.

And some more ideas for dishes for a children's birthday in the next video.

One of the most difficult questions when preparing a child's birthday is “what to feed the children?” The question is relevant regardless of the age of the children and the location of the holiday. Food should be tasty, healthy and look appetizing on the table. How to please the pickiest children and at the same time feed them the “right” food?

Who do we feed?

The first thing to consider when creating a holiday menu is the age of the children. Every age has gastronomic restrictions and taste preferences. It is a mistake to think that feeding 12-year-olds is easier than feeding 2-year-olds. The latter eat “what they give” and only guess about the existence of “adult” food. Therefore, you should divide children by age in order to choose the best dishes. You can create a menu for children under 3 years old, from 3 to 7 and from 8 to 12 years old.

General rules for creating a menu for a children's birthday.

Despite the different menus, there are general rules for all ages:

  1. Children do not like to stay at the table for a long time - they need to quickly continue the fun. Therefore, the child should be comfortable eating both cold and hot dishes. That is, marbled beef steak is not suitable for any child because it takes too long to cut and chew.
  2. Fish dishes have the right to exist on the menu only as cutlets, steamed meatballs or dumplings with fish. Because bones are dangerous to everyone. And a child won’t have the patience to choose them from a piece of delicious salmon.
  3. Salads with mayonnaise are not for children. The product is too heavy for a child even at 10-12 years old.
  4. A side dish in the form of rice, buckwheat and other cereals will not work - most of it will be scattered on the table and under it.
  5. Eggs in any form and soups are not holiday food.
  6. Seafood has no place on a child's table: it is poorly absorbed by the child's body and often causes allergies and protein poisoning.

There are dishes that children of any age readily eat:

  • Dumplings
  • Cutlets/nagenz
  • Mashed potatoes/french fries
  • Patties
  • Pasta
  • Pizza
  • Fruits

There should be water or juice freely available on the table. Both are better.

Menu for children's birthday 1 year

The first birthday is not a reason to introduce new dishes into the birthday boy’s diet. Especially several at once. One-year-old babies should limit themselves to their usual food. An exception may be a new serving of familiar products: replace liver soup with a tender liver soufflé in a steam bath, serve chicken not boiled, but in the form of a steam cutlet, replace fish meatballs with dumplings with fish. Serve mashed potatoes as a side dish (replace sour cream or cream with milk). For dessert, you can bake a banana or an apple with raisins (without honey) in the oven. An option for a festive afternoon snack would be cottage cheese casserole with bananas or raisins. In addition to water, compote and juice are suitable drinks.

Menu for children's birthday 2 years old, 3 years old.

For children from 2 to 3 years old, the above dishes should be accompanied by home To the table, you can add hot oven-baked chicken legs, meatballs, navy-style pasta with minced meat, pies with jam or buns as an afternoon snack. It would also be a great idea to serve dishes in the form of animals, flowers, etc. , the child will be happy to try even a new dish!

If the holiday takes place in a children's cafe, children's center, etc. As a rule, administrators offer a children's menu. We advise you to limit yourself to a sweet table, such as pies, fruits, berries, cookies, fruit tartlets, juice or tea.
This will be enough, since the children have come to have fun.

Menu for children's birthday 4 years, 5 years, 6 years, 7 years

The menu for children aged 4 to 7 years can be expanded to include a chicken breast chop, steamed fish fillet, meat pizza or burger. There's nothing wrong with a well-made pizza or a fresh homemade burger.

A good side dish along with mashed potatoes would be multi-colored pasta or pasta in the shape of stars, bows and cartoon characters.

For dessert, you can offer a milkshake with cookies. Or pancakes with cream made from mascarpone cheese and condensed milk. Homemade waffles with boiled condensed milk or chocolate spread will also go great. Children will enjoy a fruit salad or fruit shish kebab on a wooden skewer.

Menu for children's birthdays 8 years old, 9 years old, 10 years old, 11 years old, 12 years old.

The central main dish on the table for children from 8 to 12 years old will be fast food: burgers, pizzas, French fries, nuggets. Along with these dishes, there must be a couple of traditional hot dishes: cutlets, chicken legs, chops. The favorite side dish for children at this age is French fries.

The chicken leg should be wrapped in a napkin or paper so that children do not get dirty while eating.

There are many more dessert options: cakes with custard, ice cream with fruit sprinkled with grated chocolate, ice cream cake, meringue, marzipan.

Sweet table

A special place at a children's birthday party will be occupied by a sweet table. The birthday boy and his guests will approach the treats more than once. A festive cake will eventually take its place in the center of the sweet table. Until this time, there will be various sweets in beautiful dishes: marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, curly gingerbread cookies on sticks, sweet and salty cookies, meringues, bright lollipops, small cakes with custard, colored macaroons.

You can prepare sweet treats for the holiday yourself, buy them in a store, or order them individually from a pastry shop.

There must be water for drinking on or next to the festive sweet table. Children always eat a lot of sweets and then become thirsty.

To prevent your children’s hands from becoming sticky, stick all the sweets you can onto small skewers in advance: this way the treat will immediately end up in the child’s mouth and will not stain your hands.

You can rent a special chocolate fountain from a restaurant or cafe. The chocolate melts in it and constantly pours from top to bottom. Children will love dipping strawberries or banana skewers into warm chocolate.

You can invite a specialist to your child’s birthday who will make cotton candy in front of the children. The birthday boy and guests will be delighted with such a delicacy!

The table for sweets should not be high - all treats should be located at the child’s eye level.

Decorating a children's birthday table

An important part of preparing a birthday is the festive table decoration. It must be combined with the overall concept of the holiday. Now you can buy napkins, tablecloths, cups, plates with images of popular characters. Therefore, it will not be difficult to decorate the table at a children’s birthday party in the same style.

Next to each device you can put a tongue-buzzer or a festive cap. If an animator dressed as a cartoon character is present at a birthday party, then a similar mask can be hung on the back of a chair for each child to wear.

Holiday candies look beautiful on the tablecloth.

Flowers in vases have no place on the holiday table: sooner or later the vase will be turned over.

Regardless of where the birthday will take place, you need to carefully consider the holiday menu. Dishes should be simple in composition and easy to prepare. Don't forget about the healthiest treats for children - fruits and nuts. And remember to make it convenient for children to eat any dish without outside help.

The most important holiday for a child is his birthday. On this day he is a hero! We are really looking forward to the arrival of guests and festive treats. Leave the biggest surprises - a cake with candles, fireworks, real or made from confetti - until this time.

Let's talk about the menu for a child's birthday. Different ages have their own requirements for organizing a table for children, but there are some common ones:

  • There is no need to invent new dishes from delicacies unknown to the child, you will waste your money. Let all the food be familiar, loved, only beautifully decorated. And, of course, the freshest, harmless to the child’s body.
  • Consider the tastes and health status of other children. Take the time to call the parents of those invited and find out if they have any allergies and what they like.
  • For preschoolers, you must set a separate table, and for schoolchildren - in another room, where your newborn will be the head of the table.
  • Use only safe utensils: now there is a large selection of beautiful disposable plates and glasses. No piercing or cutting objects: for the younger ones - only spoons, for the older ones - forks.

I would divide the menu for a children's party by age. I offer the simplest dishes available to every mother.

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Children under 3 years old

These children still eat under the supervision of adults. They don’t need a lot of food, just a main course, dessert and fruit.


Drinks for children can include diluted natural juices, fruit drinks, tea, compote.

Main course

Take any meat you give to your child, mince it, add boiled rice, egg, spices and simmer in meat broth.

To make the puree, boil the potatoes well, drain, add hot boiled milk and stir until smooth. Add a little butter. You can color the puree with boiled carrots, beets, and broccoli.

Place the puree on plates, place the meatballs between them, cover them with a tomato cap with mayonnaise dots. A sprig of greenery will create the impression of a forest clearing.


Grate large carrots on a fine grater, mix half a stick of butter with a quarter cup of sugar, and combine with carrots. Add half a glass of oatmeal and one and a half glasses of wheat flour, soda. Knead the dough. Place in cookie cups and fill each halfway. Bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.


Use seasonally. Peel them, remove seeds, cut into medium slices and place in a butterfly shape on a plate.

Children from 3 to 6 years old

The main task of adults remains the same - not to overfeed, but to feed them tasty, healthy treats. And also - to amuse, surprise, play. Since children are fidgety, you can choose a buffet option: place a table with food away from the playground, with small sandwiches, canapés, and fruit on separate plates so that they are easy to pick up with your hands. Label each child's glass with a different animal. You can also put a table with chairs. Remember, children must be supervised by adults. Make sure they play quiet, calm games after eating.


Children are very active and drink a lot, so make sure you have enough drinks. You can make children's lemonade and serve it like adults, with a straw.

Cook the syrup from a glass of sugar with one glass of water over low heat, stirring constantly. Cool the syrup, add one glass of citrus juice (from lemon, orange, tangerine - all together or separately) and up to two liters of mineral water.


At a young age, not all children can use a fork carefully. It is necessary to make all dishes small and portioned.

Place a round piece of good fresh boiled sausage, cheese, and cucumber on a round cracker. Build a ladybug on top of half a cherry tomato.


Everything your children eat - fresh and pickled cucumber, tomato, olives, cheese, bell pepper, lean ham - cut into small squares and put on skewers with non-sharp ends. Just remove the loose skewers from the table.

Salad in a tartlet

Put any salad into the prepared shortbread tartlets, for example, grated apple, carrots, mix nuts with sour cream.

Main course

Beat the chicken fillet, add salt, add a piece of cheese and any vegetable that your children love, for example, bell pepper. Roll up the rolls and secure with a toothpick or thread. Simmer until done.

You can serve colored pasta as a side dish; children love them. Or pasta of different shapes. Just cook everything separately and then mix.

When serving from rolls, decorate with a hedgehog or a pig.


You can make several recipes and treat them to the children one by one throughout the holiday.

Grind nuts and dried fruits in a blender, add a spoonful of sour cream and form into balls. Sprinkle each ball with crushed cornflakes and place on a popsicle stick.


Serve fruit shish kebab on the festive table: put fruits of different shapes on wooden skewers. To do this, use cookie cutters.

Children from 6 to 10 years old

Every year children want to be more and more like adults. Therefore, the children's birthday menu for junior schoolchildren should already be more varied. And entertainment is more intellectual - competitions, riddles. You can involve children in creating the menu and entrust them with the simple preparation of some of them.


There are just as many of them; children’s lemonade can also be called champagne. Prepare as mentioned above, and serve in glass glasses, like for adults. When the champagne runs out, these glasses can be removed.


Chop the yolk with sprats, lightly salted herring, cheese, herbs, salmon. Decorate in the shape of boats, with a thin piece of cheese serving as sails on skewers.


Place the ingredients for the canapés on a large plate and the children themselves put what they want on the skewers.

Salt small pieces of chicken, roll in flour, egg and flour again. Fry in a pan or bake in the oven. Blot dry with a paper towel. This dish doesn’t have to be decorated in any way, because it’s McDonald’s!

Salad bar

Just like canapés, older children can be encouraged to make their own salad. Place several plates with ingredients and low glasses for each child. Among the products you can offer finely chopped boiled turkey, cucumbers, tomatoes, rice, corn, green peas, ham. For dressing - sour cream or unsweetened yogurt.

Main course

To be just like adults, we prepare real shish kebab for our children’s holiday table. Made from chicken, it is more tender and dietary. We marinate small pieces of chicken in spices, put them on wooden skewers, alternating the meat with slices of tomatoes and bell peppers, and bake them in the oven.

French fries

Once a year, let’s allow our children so much “wrong” food and pamper them with French fries. Cut the potatoes into beautiful slices, add salt, roll in lightly beaten egg whites and bake in the oven until tender. You can put it in a separate cup for each child.


You can prepare the pizza base yourself, or it’s easier and faster to buy it at the store. Or use ready-made puff pastry. Mix cottage cheese with sugar or condensed milk, apply a thin layer to the base, and place a beautiful pattern of berries on top. In winter, you can use canned fruits or frozen berries. Sprinkle with a thin layer of grated Mascarpone cheese. Bake in the microwave or oven.

Lavash chips

Cut thin pita bread into small squares and mix with vegetable oil and spices. Place the lavash pieces on a baking sheet and fry on both sides for a short time.

Mix ice cream, milk, fruits (strawberries, banana, kiwi - better separately) in a mixer and serve in beautiful glasses with umbrellas.


You can buy or bake waffle cones, like for ice cream, and put whole multi-colored berries in it: green and black seedless grapes, tangerine slices, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries.

I am sure that your efforts will not be in vain, and in the evening your newborn will fall asleep contented and happy.

To make the festive table look impressive and appetizing, you need to take care of a large number of interesting treats. In addition to the main dishes, it is worth preparing snacks for a special occasion or birthday. Below are the most delicious options with original designs.

If hot food at a birthday party is not served at the very beginning of the holiday, then the snacks should be very filling.

In order for even the most banal treats to truly surprise guests, you need to decorate them in an original way.

Appetizer with curd cheese and red fish

Ingredients: 10 pieces of lightly salted red fish and round salted crackers, curd cheese with herbs, strong fresh cucumber.

  1. Crackers should be thin and crispy. An option with cheese flavor is suitable. They are covered with cream cheese. If the dairy product turns out to have no additives, you can add chopped fresh herbs into it yourself.
  2. Place a piece of fish on each cracker.
  3. The appetizer is decorated with a slice of fresh cucumber.

The crackers are served immediately before they become soggy.

Raffaello with crab sticks

Ingredients: a large pack of juicy crab sticks, 80 g of cheese, 3 eggs, a clove of garlic, olive mayonnaise.

  1. Crab sticks rub very finely. The resulting shavings are divided into two equal parts (separately for the snack and for decorating it).
  2. The eggs are boiled until the center is hardened and finely grated.
  3. All semi-hard or hard cheese is crushed in the same way.
  4. All small shavings are combined. Add crushed garlic.
  5. The mixture is topped with olive mayonnaise.
  6. Balls are molded from the resulting thick mass and rolled in the remaining crab shavings.

Here is an original presentation of a popular holiday salad. To taste, you can add half an olive or an almond inside each ball.

Snack roll with Korean carrots

Ingredients: large thin pita bread, 90 g of spicy Korean carrots, 40 g of cheese, 2 green onions, classic mayonnaise.

  1. All the cheese is grated very finely and mixed with mayonnaise.
  2. Green onions are finely chopped.
  3. Lavash is cut in half. One part of it is spread with the mixture from the first step.
  4. The second half of the pita bread is laid out on top, which is also coated with cheese sauce and covered with a spicy vegetable appetizer and chopped herbs.

A neat, tight roll is rolled up, covered with several layers of cling film and stored in the cold.

Quick snack with cheese and ham

Ingredients: 200 grams of ham, 2 boiled eggs, 60 g of cheese, clove of garlic, 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, 70 g assorted peeled nuts.

  1. Ham, boiled eggs and all cheese are grated very finely.
  2. The garlic is kneading.
  3. The nuts are finely chopped. After grinding, all of them are mixed with each other. It is best to take pine, almonds and walnuts. Their taste is subtle, neutral, not harsh and harmonizes perfectly with the other ingredients.
  4. The products from the first two steps are also combined. Mayonnaise is mixed into the resulting mass.
  5. Miniature balls are molded from the mixture.
  6. Each of the preparations is rolled in chopped nuts.

The appetizer is laid out on lettuce leaves or decorated in any other way.

Holiday chicken rolls

Ingredients: 2 chicken fillets, 40 g parsley, 2 cloves garlic, 45 g nuts, salt, aromatic herbs.

  1. Each fillet is not cut completely and unfolds like a book.
  2. The workpiece is beaten with a special hammer. If the housewife does not have such a tool at her disposal, you can use the dull side of the knife blade.
  3. The top of the slices is covered with salt and aromatic herbs.
  4. Parsley, nuts and garlic are ground together. The resulting mass is wrapped in chicken as a filling.
  5. Thick rolls are covered with foil, shiny side inward.

The appetizer is baked in the oven for no longer than half an hour. Otherwise, the meat may turn out a little dry.

Hearty appetizer “Champignons in bacon”

Ingredients: 10 large champignons, 90 g cheese, 60 g butter, 2 cloves garlic, 10 strips bacon, 4 tbsp. l. cream, dill.

  1. Knives are cut off the mushrooms. Remove the core with a spoon. There should be clean caps with a cavity inside.
  2. The legs are finely chopped, mixed with 2/3 of grated cheese, softened butter and cream.
  3. Each cap is stuffed with filling. The remaining cheese is poured on top.
  4. Each mushroom is wrapped in a strip of bacon.

In a heat-resistant container, the pieces are sent to the oven for 17 - 20 minutes. The ready-made appetizer is decorated with fresh or dried dill.

Lavash roll with minced meat in the oven

Ingredients: 230 g minced meat, large thin pita bread, onion, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, paprika, 2 tbsp. l. spicy ketchup, 25 g cheese, salt, egg yolk.

  1. The minced meat is combined with very finely chopped onion. Add sour cream, paprika, salt. The components are mixed well.
  2. The meat mass is laid out on the edge of the pita bread along the entire length, covered with spicy ketchup and sprinkled with grated cheese.
  3. Lavash is wrapped in a tight roll.
  4. The workpiece is laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment and greased with egg yolk.
  5. The dish is baked in the oven for just under half an hour.

This is a great snack for work, perfect for a filling lunch break.

Eggs stuffed with shrimp

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 35 g semi-hard cheese, 10 salted boiled frozen shrimp, 1 tsp. mayonnaise, small fresh cucumber, salt.

  1. The eggs are hard boiled. Cool and clean. This must be done very carefully so that they remain smooth and beautiful. To do this, dip the boiled eggs immediately into ice water - the shells of eggs cooled in this way will be easy to peel without “grabbing” the whites with them.
  2. Each egg is cut in half.
  3. The seafood is poured with boiling water for a couple of minutes and placed in a colander.
  4. Shrimp (6 pcs.) are cleaned of all excess and finely chopped.
  5. Cucumbers are chopped into miniature cubes. The cheese is also crushed.
  6. The yolks are removed from the egg halves and crumbled.
  7. The products from the last three steps are combined, salted, and mixed with mayonnaise.
  8. The resulting filling is used to fill the egg halves.

The appetizer is decorated with the remaining whole shrimp.

Ham and cheese rolls

Ingredients: 12 slices of ham, 60 g of cheese, garlic to taste, quail egg mayonnaise.

  1. The cheese rubs coarsely.
  2. The garlic is kneaded and, together with mayonnaise, goes to the cheese shavings.
  3. The resulting filling is placed on each ham slice.
  4. The appetizer is carefully wrapped and secured with skewers.

The rolls are cooled and served to guests.

Tartlets with chicken and mushrooms

Ingredients: ½ kg chicken fillet, 380 g champignons, 170 g cheese, 2 onions, 1 tbsp. medium fat cream, 14 ready-made tartlets, salt.

  1. Finely chopped onion is fried until golden brown.
  2. The fillet is finely chopped and sent to the vegetable.
  3. After 10 - 12 minutes of frying, chopped mushrooms are laid out there. The mass is salted.
  4. After another 5 - 6 minutes, the filling can be distributed among the tartlets.
  5. A little cream is poured into each preparation. Grated cheese is scattered on top.

Tartlets are baked in a hot oven for 17 minutes. You should not prepare such a snack for future use - the tartlets may become soggy and lose their presentable appearance.

Canapes with sausage and cheese

Ingredients: 60 g each of high-quality boiled sausage, bread and Dutch cheese, half a fresh cucumber.

  1. Miniature circles or squares are cut out of slices of bread.
  2. The remaining ingredients are cut into pieces of the same shape.
  3. First, a piece of sausage is laid out on a shaped bread base, then cheese and cucumber.

The structures are secured with skewers and immediately served to guests.

Appetizer “Strawberry” with potatoes and herring

Ingredients: large herring, 6 potatoes, beets, onion, 1 tbsp. l. light sesame, parsley.

  1. Only clean fillets of herring will be used. It is finely chopped and gets rid of all the seeds.
  2. The onion is grated.
  3. The potatoes are boiled until soft and pureed.
  4. Fish and onion gruel are combined.
  5. A flat cake is made from mashed potatoes, inside which the onion and fish filling is placed.
  6. The workpiece is formed in the form of a strawberry.
  7. The beets are finely rubbed and filled with a small amount of water. The resulting juice is poured into a separate container.
  8. Into liquid for 30 seconds. Each “strawberry” is submerged.

Sesame seeds are distributed on it. The leaves of the berries will imitate parsley.

Cutted meat “Rooster tail”

Ingredients: 70 g each of boiled pork, Italian salami sausage, boiled smoked collar and ham, boiled egg, a couple of olives, yellow bell pepper.

  1. All meat products are cut into thin slices.
  2. From a boiled egg, a piece of sweet yellow pepper and an olive, a cockerel with a bright crest, miniature eyes and beak is formed.
  3. Pieces of meat are laid out overlapping in the form of a bird's tail.
  4. It is decorated with slices of olives and slices of sweet pepper.

Snacks for children's birthday

The main purpose of children's birthday snacks is to attract the attention of kids and whet their appetite. You can use the simplest products when preparing such dishes, but it is important to create bright, attractive compositions from them.

Sandwiches in the shape of a ladybug

Ingredients: 5 pieces of rye bread with seeds, 5 pitted olives, 50 g of cottage cheese, parsley.

  1. Each bread slice is topped with cream cheese.
  2. Parsley is laid out on it, which will imitate grass.
  3. Place half a cherry on top. The beetle's head and spots are cut out of the olive.

The eyes of the “ladybugs” are drawn with the remaining curd cheese.

Children's snack "Mouse Fuss"

Ingredients: 1 slice of bread, 2 slices of cheese, 20 g butter, boiled quail egg, ½ boiled carrot, parsley sprig.

  1. The bread is greased with butter and covered with 1 cheese slice. A second piece with holes cut out on it is placed on top.
  2. A boiled quail egg is placed on the cheese. This will be the mouse's head. Ears are cut out of carrots and inserted into the egg.
  3. Parsley imitates a mustache.

The eyes can be made from cloves and other suitable ingredients.

Snack "Amanita"

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 90 g hard cheese, 2 cucumbers, 90 g ham, 8 cherry tomatoes, mayonnaise, any fresh herbs.

  1. Cucumbers are cut into slices. Tomatoes - in halves.
  2. Eggs, cheese and ham are finely grated, mixed and seasoned with mayonnaise.
  3. The greens are chopped.
  4. The filling from the second step is laid out in a column on the cucumber circle. It is covered with half a cherry.
  5. There is greenery scattered around, simulating grass.

Dots on the mushroom caps are made with mayonnaise.

Mini pizza on white bread

Ingredients: package of sliced ​​toast bread, 270 g smoked sausage, 340 g cheese, 2 medium tomatoes, 1 tsp. oregano, 140 g classic mayonnaise.

  1. The sausage is cleaned and cut into squares.
  2. Tomatoes are crushed in the same way.
  3. The cheese is finely grated.
  4. The components prepared in the previous steps are mixed and seasoned with mayonnaise.
  5. Bread pieces are laid out on a baking sheet and coated with mayonnaise.
  6. The filling is distributed over the bread.
  7. Oregano is sprinkled on top.

“Lazy” pizzas are baked in the oven until golden brown.

Sandwiches in the shape of mobile phones

Ingredients: 3 slices of wheat bread, 4 slices of smoked sausage, 6 slices of hard cheese and a handful of grated cheese, 3 green onions, cream cheese, 2 slices of sweet bell pepper, 1 tbsp. l. canned green peas, the same amount of corn.

  1. All bread slices are greased with butter.
  2. Corn and pea kernels are cut in half.
  3. Pieces of sausage and cheese are placed on the bread.
  4. The pepper and remaining sausage are cut into rectangles equal to half a sandwich. They are randomly placed on the bread.
  5. As a result, the sandwich will have one sausage half, and the other - vegetable (pepper) or cheese.
  6. A green onion feather is inserted under the filling, imitating a telephone antenna.

The buttons will imitate halves of peas and corn.

Olive penguins

Ingredients: a can of pitted olives, whole carrots, 140 g of processed cheese.

  1. The root vegetable is boiled until soft and cut into thick slices. One piece is cut out of them according to the pizza principle. The result will be a blank that imitates penguin feet.
  2. Place a toothpick in the center of the cut circle. This must be done with each workpiece.
  3. A cut is made in the olives on one side, through which they are filled with melted cheese. The stuffed olives will imitate the body of a penguin. They are the first to be strung onto toothpicks.
  4. The second olive is located on top. A hole is made in it, into which a cut piece of boiled carrot is inserted in the form of a beak.

You can scatter grated protein around the finished snack to imitate snow.

Snack “Fruit hedgehog”

Ingredients: 1 pc. apples, tangerines and pears, a sprig of white and blue grapes.

    1. Boiled eggs are cut in half and the yolk is removed.
    2. Sausage cheese is finely grated. Combine with mashed garlic and mayonnaise.
    3. Fill the egg halves with the mixture.
    4. Hard cheese is cut into thin slices. Using toothpicks, they are attached to egg blanks in the form of a boat sail.

    Chocolate covered bananas on skewers

    Ingredients: 6 small bananas, 2 dark chocolate bars, 2 tbsp. l. heavy cream.

    1. Each banana is cut in half. The pieces are strung on skewers and put in the freezer for a quarter of an hour.
    2. Chocolate melts with cream.
    3. Frozen fruits are immersed in this mass.
    4. The blanks are placed vertically in a tall glass. They should not touch each other.

    Ready bananas can be rolled in coconut flakes or chopped nuts.

    Magic bread with decorative food powder

    Ingredients: 4 pieces of white bread, ½ tbsp. colored decorative food powder, ½ tbsp. chocolate paste.

    1. The crust is cut off from the bread.
    2. Each piece is coated with chocolate paste.
    3. Confectionery powder is sprinkled on top.

    The sandwiches are beautifully laid out on a plate and served to the kids.

    Pineapple "boat"

    Ingredients: a can of canned pineapple rings, a large banana.

    1. Pineapple rings are cut in half.
    2. Round bases are cut out of bananas. Toothpicks are stuck into them as a mast.
    3. On top are pineapple half-rings-sails.

    The appetizer is laid out on a beautiful flat plate.

    Chicken "Lollipops"

    Ingredients: 4 chicken drumsticks, 1 onion, 3 tbsp. l. ketchup, a pinch of curry, salt, 1 tbsp. l. starch and soy sauce.

    1. The skin is removed from the shins.
    2. The tendons are cut. The meat moves down the bone, as if turning inside out.
    3. It turns out to be a meat ball at the end of the bone.
    4. Chicken is rubbed with salt and curry. Fry until golden brown.

    The preparations are rubbed with a mixture of ketchup, starch and sauce, and fried until cooked.

    Profiteroles with crab filling

    Ingredients: 10 pcs. ready-made profiteroles, 8 crab sticks, 120 g soft processed cheese, 1/3 tbsp. canned corn, green onions.

    1. Crab sticks are finely chopped and combined with corn kernels, chopped onions and melted cheese.
    2. Profiteroles are cut in half and filled with the resulting mass.