Announcement of a job search portal. The best job in the world turned out to be hellish work. photo

Winner of the "Best Job in the World" competition in 2009, Briton Ben Southall worked for six months as a caretaker on an Australian island. During this time, his girlfriend left him, he almost died from a jellyfish sting and turned into a real workaholic. Oddly enough, while working on a tropical island, he mastered skills such as filming, editing, presentations and public speaking. He spoke about his work in an interviewBBC .

Three years ago, beating out nearly 34,000 applicants, Ben Southall won the position of caretaker on Hamilton Island, which lies in the Great Barrier Reef ring off the coast of Australia. Southall's duties included visiting five-star hotels, selecting tourist attractions in the reef area, water skiing and diving. He also had to regularly update his own blog with photos and videos to help promote the area to tourists around the world.

But even despite the salary of $150,000, the Briton quickly realized that his work was quite tiring.

The most stressful job in the world

He has starred in a National Geographic Channel show and appeared on the Australian children's television show Wild. Last May he set out on the route of Captain James Cook, a four-month, 1,600km journey along the Great Barrier Reef. The adventurer covered the entire route by boat and bicycle. Adventures on the island allowed the Briton to learn new skills such as filming, editing, presentations and public speaking.

“When I first saw the ad, I thought it was like living on a desert island, like Tom Hanks in Cast Away,” says the Briton. “A little later I realized that the competition should have been called “The most stressful job in the world.” ".

The dream job was not only hard, but also deadly. “I was water skiing with friends on the quietest beach in Hamilton. As I was getting out of the water, I felt a small bee sting on my arm,” says Southall. “I soon realized that I had been stung by a poisonous jellyfish - it became hot, I I started sweating, my head and back began to hurt. It became difficult to breathe, my blood pressure jumped,” said the Briton.

And no regrets

After 24 hours of torment, Southall finally pulled out. And later he was even appointed “tourism ambassador”; now his area of ​​activity has expanded significantly - he visits not only coral reefs, but also the entire Australian state of Queensland.

Southall's girlfriend left him because of the best job in the world, but a few months later he met another girl and is now planning to marry her in November, the wedding will take place in Hamilton.

Despite numerous trials, the Briton does not regret anything: “If I had not won the competition, I would have had to constantly be torn between working in the UK and long journeys to hard-to-reach places. I can say with confidence that I never planned to stay on the islands forever . New job gave me amazing adventures and new skills."

Many of us dream of a good job, and constantly go through various options in search of the ideal. What is your dream job? Perhaps after reading this article you will understand what it is best job in the world. The authorities of one of the Australian states announced to the whole world that they are looking for applicants for the position of caretaker of a paradise island in the tropics, with a monthly salary of almost 20,000 USD

Hamilton Island, where the work is proposed, is part of Australia's famous Great Barrier Reef. In addition to free flights, as well as accommodation in a beautiful bungalow with a swimming pool and golf course, the winner of the competition also receives a salary of 105 thousand Usd for half a year. Can this be called work, or winning the lottery with a luxurious vacation and a cash prize?

You're probably wondering what the responsibilities of an island caretaker are? These include constant walks around the territory with notes about temperature, humidity and other details, diving under water and blogging with photo and video reports. Excellent proficiency is also required English language, communication skills and Internet skills (more about this at

According to the Prime Minister of Queensland, who held the competition, the goal of this campaign is primarily to support tourism, since due to the crisis the flow of tourists here has significantly decreased. In the first week of the competition there were so many people who wanted to participate that the campaign server crashed and could not be revived for several hours. We had to limit access and expand server capacity. This action is considered the most successful example of resort promotion, as the whole world learned about the island

Of course, you are wondering who won and became the owner of the lucky ticket? Among tens of thousands of applicants, one lucky person was chosen - Ben Southall from the UK

Tourism Australia is accepting applications from applicants for the “best job in the world.” 6 vacancies with a remuneration of $100,000 in 6 months are offered to foreigners aged 18 to 30 years.

6 best jobs in Australia:

Party animal. (Chief Funster)

Will live the life of a social blogger in Sydney.
Responsibilities of the main party-goer are to visit nightclubs, festivals, social events, cultural events and describe their impressions on the blog and social networks.
Those. something that many of us already do.

Photographer (Lifestyle Photographer)

He will live in Melbourne, publish his photographs in the local branch of TimeOut magazine, and travel around the state of Victoria, the most compact and densely populated region of the continent.
Victoria has a lot to see, from the mountains in the north to the Great Ocean Road, which runs along the coast for more than two hundred kilometers.

Taster. (Taste Master)

Will live in Western Australia. His duties are to drink wine, visit restaurants with sea fish, etc. “This is a very difficult job,” the organizers warn jokingly. When it comes to food, the tastes of Australians are largely similar to those of Europeans. Except that in Australia they like drinks that are unusual for us, like flat white coffee and tea with eucalyptus, which are always prepared in a pot.

Traveler. (Outback Adventurer)

He will have to live among the local Bushmen, fly over them in hot-air balloon and share with them their unimaginable food, for example, the fruits of quandong (something between a plum and a peach) or Davidsonia (something between a peach and a plum). You will also be able to eat kenguryatin. The only thing the Traveler needs to take into account is that he will have to live in the desert, in the Northern Territory, whose population barely exceeds 200,000 people.

Park ranger. (Park Ranger)

Will be traveling around Queensland. His responsibilities are very serious: checking the temperature of the water and making sure that no one litters around. Both requirements are understandable - there are more than two hundred nature reserves in the state, and they are located near the coast. And beyond the shore there is the Great Barrier Reef - a titanic creation of the inhabitants of the seabed.

Defender of nature.(Wildlife Caretaker)

The tourism department is looking for him to work in southern Australia.

The organizers promise to let him hug a koala.

To get the best job in the world, applicants need:
— fill out an application form on the website (see links to application forms for each vacancy above)
— send a 30-second video in which the applicant should tell why he is better than others for this position.

Applications will close at 21:00 AEST on 10 April 2013.

Because Since the job only lasts 6 months, applicants will not have to fill out any complicated migration documents.

According to general director Tourism Australia, this event is an excellent platform for attracting a large number of young people from all over the world to Australia, not only for recreation, but also for working in the tourism sector throughout the country, which is a priority for the tourism department.

A similar competition was already held in Australia in 2009. At that time, more than 35 thousand candidates applied for the position of warden of Hamilton Island. A 34-year-old Briton, an employee of a charity organization from the English county of Hampshire, made it to the finals of the competition.

Southall spent 3 years on the island instead of 6 months, as he fell in love with an Australian woman named Sophia, who would soon become his wife, and remained to live in Australia. During this time he was active in blogging and was so well represented in the Australian media that at the end of his official tenure he changed his title from "observer" to "tourism ambassador". He also appeared in commercials for the new competition, demonstratively “giving up” his job to new applicants.

Question and answers about the best job in the world on the official website

With love about Australia website editor-in-chief Klimenko Tatiana

We will tell you about the best job in the world! A survey was also conducted about the best jobs in Russia. The work of the Prime Minister received the largest number of votes among Russians surveyed, the second place was taken by the work of the President, and the third place was taken by the work of Roman Abramovich. It should be noted that not one of the Russians surveyed named the job of a doctor, teacher, scientist, or said that the best job is in Tula, for example! But the list included Galkin, Pugacheva, Urgant, Kandelaki, Sobchak, Friske and other show business stars.

Now imagine, instead of an office, there is a paradise island. Salary per month – $17,500. No work experience or special education is required. Responsibilities include living in a villa with a golf course and a swimming pool, diving, daily walks around the island, updating photo and video blogs weekly, and also need to give interviews to journalists from time to time.

This is not a fantasy at all, but a very real and real vacancy. Caretaker of Hamilton Island, part of the Great Barrier Reef. The candidate must be fluent in English, be able to swim and be able to work on the Internet. This job was offered by the State of Queensland. Dazley Boyle, the Minister of Tourism announced that this work is open to anyone and is legal. It is clear that there were a huge number of people willing, but they still chose one.

Employers received 35,000 resumes, but after the first selection only 50 people remained. The employer eliminated another 40 people, leaving a dozen left, including the lucky Russian woman Yulia Yalovitsina, 29 years old, a marine biology specialist living in Karelia. The winner of this competition was 34-year-old Ben Satol from the UK, a charity event organizer by profession. The purpose of this project was to support and develop the tourism business.

Something in the same spirit was invented in the USA, in the state of Utah. Here, the candidate for the vacant position had to be able to ski on the mountain slopes and conduct a video blog for four months. He was given equipment, a video camera and a laptop. Salary $40,000.

These are all temporary jobs, and as for permanent work, the best of them, according to sociologist surveys, was the work of the presenter Jeremy Clarkson, “Top Gear”. Barack Obama, the President of the United States, took only fourth place according to the same survey. This ranking also included the Pope, David Beckham and even Santa Claus.

1. Guardian of the paradise island.

34 Ben Sighthall won the competition from almost 35 thousand applicants from around the world. He won the position of warden on Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier Reef. He signed a contract for $111,000. caretaker of an Australian tropical island.

Not work, but truly paradise: relax, swim, take pictures and blog about it all. Yes, and they will also pay you money.

3. Water slide tester.

Any office worker would envy this kind of work. Tommy Lynch logged more than 27,000 miles this year on his job as a water slide tester. He checks altitude, speed, amount of water, quantity and quality of turns, safety precautions, etc. In 2008, Mr. Lynch tested rides and attractions in Egypt, Turkey, Cyprus, Portugal, the Dominican Republic and Mexico.

4 Professional tester of prostitutes.

Jaime Rascone used to be a simple DJ who sometimes got into trouble to make ends meet. But now he has a job that sounds too fantastic to be true: Quality Controller of brothels.

I don’t quite understand how he got such a job, but the fact that he fucks young ladies and makes his recommendations: whether she moved her hips correctly, whether her moans were reliable, etc. True, the work is intense and he can only “test” 70 ladies a year.

5. Wine taster and blogger.

Hardy Wallace is paid $10,000 a month to test wines and share his experiences on Twitter and Facebook. And he signed a contract for half a year.

6. Candy taster

Another best job in the world was awarded to 12-year-old schoolboy Gary Willsher. He is the chief taster at a sweets factory. Harry's job is to test secret recipes. He got the job after winning Swizzell's Matlow competition. He wowed the judges by describing the taste and smell of his favorite sweets. This may not be the best work, but it really is the sweetest.

7. Condom tester.

Durex marketing manager Sam White is recruiting Australians over 18 to test one of the company's 200 condoms. There is no charge for participation. But those who are among the 00 “selected” will be given the opportunity to choose 60 dollars worth of company products, which they must provide a report on after “testing”. One of the lucky 200 people will win a bonus of $1,000.

Unfortunately, we want to disappoint you - the recruitment of testers is closed.

8. WOW tester.

Do you play WOW? Are you good at playing it? If you can pump a player to level 80 in two weeks and earn some (a lot) gold. Then apply for the job that more than 12 million WOW players dream of. Indeed, Bizzard has several jobs for beta testers, which are even mentioned on the website. So apply, and maybe you'll get lucky.

9. Cool museum director (at age 6)

A 6-year-old boy who wanted to become the director of the National Railway Museum got a job as the cheerful director. The ambitious boy got the job after he proposed to replace the previous director of the museum. Sam Patemon wrote a letter asking for the job, in which he wrote: “I’m only 6 years old, but I think I can do this job.” The staff was so impressed with Sem that he was hired as the cheerful director and he said that he would do everything to make the museum the best place for children to spend time.

10. Bicycle photographer for Google map

Google hired two young men to travel around France on slow-moving tricycles and photograph historical sites that cannot be reached by car. This three-wheeled wonder of technology is equipped with six cameras, GPS and a generator. This is needed to create a 3D image on Google Map.

The guys are dressed in Google T-shirts and white helmets. They visit famous places, such as the Palace of Versailles, the Luxembourg Gardens, etc.

Well, what do you think, which of these works is the best?
Which one would you like to work for?