0 lasso tarot meaning. Career and finance breakdown

Main meaning of the card

Straight position

A jester is a potential that has no vector. And its scale is impossible to determine. The jester can fall to a person who is carefree or free from conventions, creative or courageous to the point of recklessness. It symbolizes a simpleton who is rarely understood by others, but, nevertheless, has eternal wisdom, which is above the narrow and selfish laws and principles of everyday life.

Such a card in a layout may indicate the benefit of an unbiased judgment about something, the need to look at a situation easily, with a fresh look, unclouded by momentary passions and dogmas that prescribe fear of the opinions of others.

The Jester manifests himself especially characteristically with the Hierophant. This combination means a sequence of conclusions that, despite their non-standard and even strangeness, still lead to a deep understanding of the situation.

Inverted position

Such a Jester gives rise to chaos and nonsense; he symbolizes stupidity and thoughtless expenditure of energy. He doesn’t care where or why to go; and whether to go forward at all is also indifferent to him.

When reversed, the Jester can mean irresponsibility, lack of obligation, or fear of taking responsibility. This card speaks of rash, reckless, impulsive actions that can have not just bad, but fatal consequences. And also about excessive gullibility and naivety, which borders on banal unreasonableness and a complete lack of logic, or about excessive, simply indecent curiosity.

If in your reading the Jester fell together with the Judgment, then this indicates public ridicule of the person being told fortunes, together with the Five of Wands - intemperance of the tongue, which constantly leads to conflicts, and with the Devil - a high probability of falling into the hands of scammers.

Love and relationships

Straight position

In a love reading, this card means a feeling of spring and thaw in relationships. It also inspires confidence that there is a long, cloudless path ahead hand in hand with your loved one. However, such sensations are usually completely unfounded, and if they come true, then this should be considered luck rather than the norm and rule.

In the context of interpersonal relationships, the Jester is also extraordinary sincerity and feelings “without a second thought,” without benefit or any calculation. This Arcanum can appear only if the intentions are pure and noble, and the thoughts are uncalculating and sincere.

In addition, the combination of the Jester and the Ace of Wands speaks of extraordinary passion and intimate harmony between partners, with the Two of Cups indicating a period of romantic courtship.

Inverted position

Instead of a great feeling, there is clearly banal flirting here, and instead of serious intentions, there is frivolity and irresponsibility. The jester in this case is a warning that it is pointless to make plans for the future, as well as a vain hope that someone will behave “like a decent person.”

It is the Jester who will fall to those who are overly trusting and self-confident, who go too far with whims and eccentricities, and who stubbornly refuse to notice obvious things. The latter is very characteristically manifested in the combination of the Fool with the Five of Cups, which means that a clever seducer is mistaken for a decent person.


Straight position

Something needs to start from scratch. We must find the strength to abstract ourselves from the current situation. And go forward as if nothing had happened - no failures, no mistakes, no achievements.

But the Jester may turn out to be in another situation. Namely, when a person is indecisive and is forced to choose the right decision from many options. Most likely, any choice will mean a path into the unknown, because none of them guarantees success. But this choice must be made, and the path must be walked. And the more unbiased the decision made, the more correct it will be later. A clear indication that action is possible and necessary is the combination of the Jester and the Magician. And the Jester paired with the Emperor means that making a decision will finally bring long-awaited stability.

Inverted position

A buffoon in this situation clearly indicates a lack of experience and weak professionalism. And - perhaps as a result of this - about the unwillingness to take responsibility. This Arcana in reverse indicates chaos in plans and actions, their uncertainty (for example, in combination with the Three of Wands). Such a card can be considered a criterion of absolute irrationality, lack of common sense (with the Seven of Coins) and, of course, the futility of what was conceived or started (with the Two of Wands).

The new things that happen may be more significant than they seem at first glance. Therefore, you need to stop clinging to familiar stereotypes and reasoning in a standard way, and look at the situation like a child - carefree, sincere, not burdened by the notorious common sense and life experience. And don’t think too much about the consequences of such carelessness. On the contrary, only a willingness to take risks, ease and trust in fate can help you skip past problems and misunderstandings “at full speed.”

Fortune telling on a deck of Tarot cards is a mysterious, complex, multi-stage process that only an experienced sorcerer who has been practicing magic for a long time can perform. Interpreting each symbol of the deck takes time and effort, but the discoveries, meaningful truths provided by the most ancient magical attribute, cannot be compared.

“Jester” is a card prophesying a craving for new knowledge

The meanings of the symbols individually or in a unique tandem are the key to an accurate forecast. The Tarot card Fool, or as it is also called the Fool, is a special sign of the entire deck, because it prophesies a craving for new knowledge. What does the interpretation of the Jester depend on, and how to use his wise advice in real life?

The meaning of the Fool card in readings for a foggy future

Prediction is not easy for anyone, because the events that are yet to happen concern not only the person asking, but also people who have lived near the person for years or those who will enter his life very soon. How to correctly read a schedule on general or special topics?

The Fool Tarot card always precedes changes, inevitable and sometimes dramatic. A new period in the personal or business sphere will provide the necessary surge of emotions and bring many surprises. The changes that the questioner has dreamed about for so long are ready to burst into his life any minute.

New events, incredible twists of fate can force a person to change his point of view regarding those around him or his loved ones. A change of guidelines, priorities and tastes is the main message of the Fool card.

Symbolism of the Fool in Tarot

A predominantly positive symbol with a single piece of advice, about readiness to accept the new and not be afraid to say goodbye to the old, appears quite often in personal and general scenarios. A person who is not ready for change rarely looks for answers and resorts to the help of a powerful Tarot deck. Negative neighboring cards may slightly darken the meaning of the Fool, but despite the pronounced negative connotation, the symbol remains positive.

The Arcanum Jester in the Thoth tarot deck or in the classic Tarot indicates a person standing at a crossroads. The choice that appears before him is both frightening and fascinating. Inside, the questioner feels the need for renewal, for cutting off what is unnecessary and has long since become obsolete.

Any road, no matter how many of them are provided by fate, will become true and difficult for him. Arcanum number zero promises that soon the difficulties will end, all that remains is to take the last decisive step.

The image of an ancient symbol directly indicates its only meaning. The man, with his belongings on his back, sets off on his journey. He does not see the final goal, does not look around in search of a fellow traveler. All that is given to him is the unknown and the road, long and thorny.

“The Jester” - for some it is a card of change, but for others it is an alarming sign

For some, such a card can become an alarming signal; for others, it can be a symbol of inevitable changes. The result of a forecast with a dominant Jester depends on the point of view of the questioner. What does the soul ask for and will it be satisfied with the answer?

Meaning of the Fool card in the upright position

0 Arcana Tarot promises the questioner the desired events, but only on the condition that the person does not remain indifferent. He is the main driving force behind his own successful, happy future. Fool Tarot meaning in the upright position suggests probable events in the near future:

  • any troubles will bring benefits and worldly wisdom;
  • accumulation of useful experience that will help in making difficult decisions in the future;
  • an unexpected gift or surprise;
  • journey;
  • growth of creative potential;
  • incredible luck;
  • starting a new legal business;
  • pickiness in relationships with others;
  • eccentric behavior;
  • lies and deliberate lies;
  • a business trip that will be successful.

“Jester” in an upright position - perhaps there will be a business trip that will be successful

Interpreting 0 Arcana of the Tarot is both easy and difficult. An ambiguous card that does not predict negative changes, but often warns the questioner about spiritual vices. A hidden desire to win, ambitions left without due attention can result in deception, dishonest play with colleagues and competitors. In the Thoth Tarot deck, the Fool symbol predicts idle pastime, pleasure from simple little things and joy from the upcoming holiday.

Interpretation of a reversed Tarot deck card

0 Arcana Tarot with an inverted image of a carefree wanderer promises the questioner a memorable activity, work that will certainly bring good results. The actions and words, the conscious actions of a person building his own unique path, will lay the foundation for the future.

Thoughtless, sometimes hasty statements or decisions can create unwanted problems, but a person can cope with them. The Jester card advises you to hold off on radical changes, but also not to miss the once-in-a-lifetime chances.

Why is the Jester dangerous when upside down?

An inverted ancient symbol in a reading for the near future represents the ostentatious behavior of the questioner, which will neither harm nor bring any particular benefit. A pointless waste of time and energy will distract you from more important matters. Does it matter what strangers think about a person?

The tarot jester promises future events that are akin to youthful maximalism, a temporary phenomenon that passes on its own.

Sometimes the prototype of the inverted Fool is a young man starting his own path in life. Young, naive, overly ambitious, you should not rely on such a person.

The Fool in the Thoth Tarot

In the Thoth Tarot deck, there is a separate part of the cards that are responsible for the characteristics of a person’s character. Thanks to such symbols, significant people for the questioner are immediately visible in the layout. The sign of the Fool may indicate an indecisive, inert person who has not found his own place in life. It is not necessary for someone young to be so special. The Jester card represents the internal, rather than external, qualities of a person.

The jester is like a connection with what is left in the past

Dependence on the past is another common meaning of the card with the image of a wanderer carrying a small load on his back. Past relationships, events that a person has never been able to let go of, moments that torment the soul again and again are a dangerous burden, and the Jester card speaks about this.

“The Fool” warns that it is dangerous to live only in memories

If something good happened in the past, is it possible to live only in memories? In the future, the questioner will experience many positive, joyful days, which will also become a pleasant past, warming the heart and soul.

Special layouts with the Fool Tarot card

Thanks to the card, universal in meaning, symbolizing the Jester, an experienced magician makes accurate predictions for all areas of a person’s life that worry and excite him. The interpretation of the ancient symbol will be different, because the conditions in which the Jester’s carat falls play an important role in the outcome of the prediction. With the help of the Fool's lasso you can find out the future:

In the work area

In tarot, especially the classical deck, a similar symbol characterizes money matters and professional life as making quick decisions that promise small but constant profits. Large projects, if you follow the traditional interpretation of the Tarot deck, are now unlikely, and if you get a chance to start a grandiose large-scale business, you need to think about all the possible consequences of sudden decisions.

For creative people, such a dual card in a working scenario promises success as a result of the hard work and endurance done. Only the efforts made can attract the desired successes; otherwise, an unpleasant crisis is looming in the life of a creative person.

In personal life

Love, as the main component of life, as an integral part of happiness and harmony in the soul, should be present in the heart of every person. In a relationship that has lost its edge and former passion, the Jester card predicts separation. The main message of an arcana of a similar suit in love is frivolity and a frivolous approach to creating a strong union.

The joyful life that the Fool talks about in the scenario for personal changes in the future is available to the questioner, but was he looking for ease in the couple? For single people, a card depicting a frivolous wanderer does not promise a serious partnership.

In health

A good mood, excellent spirits and a charge of vivacity are the prediction of the Jester’s lasso in a reading for the state of the human body. A favorable sign, softening even negative neighboring signs, should please the questioner. If a person has recently suffered a protracted illness, the Jester’s card promises a quick recovery.

The "Jester" card speaks of good health, even if there is illness

Special layouts allow you to look at the problem that has arisen from a completely different angle, and the cards of the Tarot deck only help to create a complete picture of the future.

Combination of the Fool card and other symbols of the Tarot deck

The combination of the light, relaxed ancient sign of the Fool with other tarot cards creates a unique forecast. Unique tandems promise many good changes and warn of impending danger. So the senior arcan of the Magician and the Jester predict crazy ideas, and sudden news will follow the union of the Fool and the Wheel of Fortune.

The meaning of the Fool Tarot card is not the most difficult for an experienced magician. A fairly simple symbol, indicating ease and ease, can serve as an identifier for the questioner or indicate someone from his close circle.

The prototype of the Jester is a sociable, friendly person, not always straightforward, but quite sincere.

There is no need to be afraid of a friend with such a character. Whatever question a person turns to the ancient Tarot deck, the Fool card answers it with inexhaustible faith in the future. Dangers, if they appear on the path of the questioner, are only temporary difficulties that do not change the overall favorable situation.


Short description

As you know, Pamela Smith worked on a deck at the Smallheath estate, owned by her friend, actress Ellen Terry. Ellen's son, Edward Gordon Craig, or, as his family called him, Teddy, dressed in his mother's kimono, served as the prototype for the character depicted on the Jester card. The kimono was decorated with the symbol of the rising sun with eight rays. And it is this symbol that we see on the Jester’s tunic.

By the way, Pamela used the same image when she illustrated “The Book of Friendly Giants.” You can read about this interesting fact from Tali Goodwin and Markus Katz.

Waite considered the Fool to be the most important card of the Tarot. This is evident from the fact that in his “Illustrated Key to the Tarot” the maximum amount of text is allocated for the Fool compared to other cards.

As always, the map is a rebus. The feather on the Jester's hat, the staff, his knapsack, mountain peaks crowned with snow caps, the dog, which inquisitive researchers interpret as the disguised letter Aleph, and many other elements of the design provide almost endless scope for interpretation.

Personally, I don’t understand why Pamela depicted the Jester walking from right to left. For a long time I believed that all the Marseille Jesters go from left to right - from the past to the future. And I couldn’t understand why the Jester from Waite’s deck goes into the past. However, later I saw Jesters from different versions of the Marseille Tarot going in both directions. But the residue from the “wrong” Jester remained.


  • Child
  • Infantilism
  • Stupidity
  • Blissful
  • Doll
  • Fun

Key Ideas

  • Discovery, knowledge of the world
  • Don't distinguish between good and evil
  • Carnival mask
  • Royal jester

Basic meaning

The meanings that Waite gives for the Tarot card Fool (Fool, Fool) in the main text and the additional chapter diverge significantly from each other. As always, the main text is full of pathos: “He (the Fool) symbolizes the path outward, the place of the first emanation, the beauty and indestructibility of the Spirit. The hard-to-see signs depicted on his wallet show how much unknown is stored in the depths of his soul.”

But the additional meanings of 0 Arcana Tarot are much simpler. Waite views the upright card as madness, mania, and extraordinaryness. And the meanings of the inverted Jester (Fool) Tarot are waste, carelessness and vanity.

Modern meanings of the card view the Jester as a child with his childish open and naive view of the world, as a fool who does stupid things and gets into awkward situations, and as a true Jester, a trickster who breaks generally accepted rules and perceives life as a game.

Video: Tarot card meaning - Jester

Meaning in relationships


Arcana Jester is an open card. The jester easily makes contacts and is not burdened by communication. On the contrary, he believes that the more people there are, the merrier.

Relationship intensity

The intensity of communication is high, but they are unstable and fragile. Connections are easy to form and just as easy to transform.

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

The main behavior scenario for the Jester is play. Everything is “make-believe”, including relationships. The partner is perceived as a doll, a toy. Moreover, the Jester usually plays both for himself and for his partner. Comes up with lines, conducts a fictitious dialogue. And real facts have no meaning for the continuation of the game; fantasy is much more important.

The jester plays a variety of games. Pleasant, cheerful, funny, cruel, dangerous. He doesn't think about the consequences of his actions.

In fortune-telling for building personal relationships and in love, the Arcanum of the Tarot the Fool (Fool) often manifests itself in the meaning of a dependent, a parasite. “I want to be held in my arms.” This is a good position as long as you have the charm of youth, while those around you have a parental instinct. But what will you do then?

The Jester's relationships with other people are very similar to a little girl's desire to get a dog. For the first two weeks, the dog is squeezed to death, and then it turns into a burden, and care for it is redirected to other family members.

It’s nice to relax, have fun and play with the Jester. But his words cannot be trusted. And not because he is going to deceive you, but will simply say, “Well, so it happened...” The Jester easily allows himself to be commanded. And a strong, reliable relationship with him can only be built if you are ready to take the Jester under your complete control. However, there is always a risk that he will grow up and cause you a teenage rebellion.

In combination with the Major Arcana

  • in combination with: Do not take serious action, limit yourself to observation
  • in combination with: Pleasant but not serious relationship
  • in combination with: Stupidity shown will have lasting consequences
  • in combination with: Victim of deception
  • in combination with: Energetic and mindless

Psychological condition

The psychological state of the card is a child. Happy, in comfortable psychological conditions. But at the same time, the Jester is not able to concentrate on any problem for a long time; he easily loses focus and switches to other tasks. The Jester card is characterized by infantile behavior.

In combination with the suit of Wands

  • in combination with: Transition from frivolity to seriousness
  • in combination with: It's time to stop playing games
  • in combination with: Easy win

Importance in health matters

The Jester card indicates good health, but at the same time the person does not take care of his health at all and treats it frivolously. The main method of treatment: “It should go away on its own.”

In combination with the suit of Cups

  • in combination with: Easy and pleasant relationships between relatives
  • in combination with: “You don’t need a knife for a fool, you’ll lie to him big time and do whatever you want with him.”
  • in combination with: Light flirting

Business and finance, in professional activities

Stability, controllability, controllability

An absolutely unstable, poorly controlled and almost uncontrollable map. The situation is very dynamic and fluid, due to the inability to maintain focus on one thing for a long time. Stupid, hasty decisions, senseless actions. What is done is not what is needed, but what is dictated by the emotional state.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

To make money from this fortune - the solution suggests itself. Not only children, but also most adults have a grasping reflex - a joyful-infantile desire to possess. Something bright and meaningless, like fairground tinsel. The seller’s task is to guess this desire, and sometimes to literally impose it. The older the “child”, the better: toys for adults are very expensive.
For simpler clients, various “shops on the couch” have been invented: a relatively simple way to realize the dream of a “miracle”. Selling “toy” products that are attractive in appearance but disposable in use. And definitely with a prefix - super, so that money is spent with joy and pleasure.

General state of finances and trends of changes

Yes, there is money, but it is spent on stupidity, on nonsense, on a momentary whim. But the possibility of inappropriate expenses and the ease with which a person part with money are unlikely to change his attitude towards finances. It is definitely impossible to say that this will lead to disaster, financial collapse. But if the Jester is not stopped in time (by his parents, wife, strict boss), then in the future he will find himself in very cramped circumstances.

Positive and negative impact on income

A stupid person and a fool are two very different things. A fool doesn't care about rules, public opinion; he allows himself to do stupid (according to reasonable critics) things. Funny. Effortlessly. Not wanting to please or harm anyone. And, oddly enough, he often manages to “get past the fool” where the smart ones are stalling. One of the meanings of the Tarot card Jester (Fool) in work is an absurd decision, made spontaneously, which can be useful for business, bringing variety and emotional shock to the production routine. But to work in such an environment - thank you! A crazy tea party will seem like a meeting of an academic council if not only the subordinates, but also the boss himself is a fool.


The card, known as Major Arcana Zero, depicts a young man in a jester's costume walking towards the edge of an abyss. His arms are open, as if for a hug. In his right he holds a staff with a small knapsack, in his left - a rose flower. His gaze is directed to the sky. A small white dog accompanies the man, trying to prevent him from falling. The characters are surrounded by a beautiful mountain landscape. The card depicts a reckless, desperate wanderer.

The meaning of the Jester Tarot card in the upright position:

  • openness, simplicity and sincerity;
  • chance, new beginnings and projects;
  • choice;
  • the beginning of a new life (in particular, the birth of a baby);
  • inner balance;
  • trust in the flow of life;
  • lack of prejudice;
  • the beginning of the adventure;
  • homo- and bisexuality;
  • readiness to perceive new knowledge and experience, inquisitiveness;
  • the ability to enjoy life;
  • frivolous union, unreliability;
  • lack of discipline and certainty;
  • fallacy, extravagance, risk;
  • excitement, enthusiasm;
  • extravagance.

The meaning of the Jester Tarot card in an inverted position:

  • an ill-considered, stupid decision;
  • excessive impulsiveness;
  • inexperience;
  • overwork and slowness;
  • irresponsibility and helplessness;
  • frivolity, betrayal;
  • unjustified and stupid risk.

Detailed meaning of card “0” of the Major Arcana as interpreted by various sources

This card has special meaning because it is not indicated by a number. In some cases, it precedes the Major Arcana, but often it closes. It can be considered that the Fool's Card symbolizes the beginning and completion of spiritual quests at the same time.

During the Middle Ages this card was called "furca"; This was the name given to the block worn around the neck of a slave. The landscape that surrounds the Fool is so picturesque that he periodically returns here to give rise to a new segment of life.

His knapsack is of a modest size and holds the necessary minimum of belongings. The rose flower that the Fool holds in his hand represents purity and innocence. Only a faithful dog accompanies the Fool on his journey.

The Zero High Card can also have the following names: Blessed, Fool, Fool, Ether.

In a Tarot card spread Zero Arcanum means openness and choice. The questioner will have a certain chance that he can take advantage of. Perhaps the start of an unexpected project. The jester, like the questioner, does not shy away from adventure. Your brain is open to new ideas; the unfamiliar does not frighten you. You swim measuredly in the flow of Life and completely trust it. In personal terms, the “0” card can portend a good new experience, sincere and unpretentious love.

What does the Zero Arcana say?

Your decisions are not thought out enough, do not rush to implement them. You are confused and risk making a mistake.

Self-development lessons

Child of the Universe, you have opened your soul to what Life has given you. Get ready to take advantage of good times.

For work

The Fool's card says that the questioner will have to master a new (possibly related) field of activity. You have enough inquisitiveness, ingenuity and perseverance for this.

In terms of events, the “Fool” card often indicates mistakes, unnecessary actions, and irresponsibility.

The deep meaning of the Zero Arcana discussed here lies in the wisdom that should be extracted from any, including painful, negative experience. Realize the conventions and limitations of any rules that we are forced to adhere to. Sometimes, for the sake of success and personal satisfaction, it is worth going beyond the usual patterns.

At the level of consciousness

The Fool's card symbolizes wonder, which lies at the heart of all knowledge. It can indicate to us both a frivolous inattention to the most important moments, and the deepest degree of awareness that many of life’s ups and downs are not worth our attention, and even more so, our experiences.

In many cultures, the jester represents the highest wisdom, but not every jester has reached this level.

In terms of personal relationships

The Jester card symbolizes a joyful attitude towards life. In some cases, on the verge of frivolity and irresponsibility, which make a person an unreliable partner. However, in many layouts, the card considered here can be interpreted as a union of cheerful people with an easy attitude to life, who never tire of discovering new traits in each other.

At the level of events, the card can foreshadow a new love, or the revival of an old one, which is often facilitated by the birth of a baby.

Foreign language names for the Zero High Card:

Il Matto, The Fool, Der Narr, Le Mat.

Astrological projection: Planet Mercury (intelligence and flexibility of mind), constellation Gemini, Sun as strength and warmth.

Kabbalistic meaning: matter.

Occult meaning: reciprocating processes.

Event content: a carefree party or party for no reason, hitchhiking, unknown terrain.

Meaning of the card in the upright position

Key words and meaning:

Ignorance, sinlessness, instinctiveness, newborn human archetype, pure potential, beginning, origin, originality, positivity, naivety, fun, surprise, enthusiasm, nonconformity, homosexuality and bisexuality.

New perspectives, new emotions, a different worldview, a fateful decision, a spontaneous decision, a time of change, a receptive mind, the beginning of adventure, childlike amazement, purity of thoughts and actions, the absence of prejudices and worries, a new turn in life, being born again, positive fatalism, freedom and unrestraint , trust in a Higher Power, willingness to take risks.

Before starting something new, you should not cling to old experiences. Everything is possible! Feel free to learn something new and unknown to anyone.


The Fool card appears before the start of a new life stage. Soon good prospects will be opened in exchange for those that upset the questioner. You will likely need to make a key decision that will soon point you down unexplored routes. New projects may have an unexpected ending.

You will probably want to surrender to the flow of fate. A new romantic relationship or just an interesting acquaintance is not excluded. People from your inner circle will actively contribute to your progress. Zero Arcana can mean the presence of an influential person of non-traditional sexual orientation.

The card in question tells us: if you take risks, do so cheerfully and with a light heart.

If you look at events from a different angle, you will probably find a non-trivial solution to any issue. Therefore, the mind should always be kept open to new knowledge and creative ideas.

The Zero Arcana card in some cases means emotional overexcitement, uncertainty and lack of clarity. An unexpected turn of events can throw you off balance. Don't get lost. Gather your energies together. You are free to do extraordinary things. Don't be afraid of new things; Leave old schemes to the past. The collective unconscious predicts another milestone in your life, in which the old methods no longer work, and therefore will lead to mistakes.

Sometimes the Ignorant card predicts the beginning of a journey, especially in conjunction with other cards that signify the road.

Designation of people:

Baby. Unsophisticated. Discoverer. Traveler. Stray. Dreamer. Mystic. Seer. Adventurer. Eccentric. A person of unconventional orientation. Someone who is on the verge of an important decision and/or a new life.

Reverse card meaning

Key words and meaning:

Naivety. Ignorance. Excessive gullibility. Excessive optimism. Irresponsibility. Bad risk. Lack of experience. Inability to make decisions. Inability to foresee the course of events. Lack of consistency in decisions and actions. A waste of energy. Exhaustion. Excessive conformism. Wrong decisions. Hopelessness. Idle talk. Obsessive thoughts and ideas.


Don't take risks without thinking through the situation from all sides. Your position is like that of one who is balancing on the edge of an abyss. Wrong move and you'll fall down. Excessive optimism and subjectivity of assessments are the reason for the current precarious situation. Beware of gambling, refrain from taking stupid risks, otherwise you will find yourself in an unenviable position. Try to anticipate and calculate. Surely someone close to you is not as faithful as you used to think. Or maybe you yourself are not sinless? Don't exchange love for fleeting affairs.


Reckless daredevil. A reckless player. Incorrect.

Until the game starts, the Ignorant has many equal opportunities. However, he is too stupid to choose the best one for himself. Yes, we see the Jester on the map. But isn’t this the Lord himself, starting a great game that is unclear to people?

In the astrological aspect, the card, which has a zero designation, is associated with the planet Uranus, symbolizing unpredictability and aspirations for freedom. When assigned the value XXII, it resonates with Pluto, the personification of the Universal Mind.

The following cards enhance the value of the zero Arcana:

  • Court. – Transformation, New Milestone.
  • Star. - Trust, innocence, purity.
  • Hanged. – Faith, community, unity.
  • Three of Wands. – Traveling into the unknown, expanding the boundaries of knowledge.

Weaken the value of the zero Arcana:

Devil. – Atheism, skepticism, unbelief.

Death. - The end, decay.

Two of Swords. – Voltage, reverse.

Priest. – Fulfillment of accepted obligations, routine, boredom.

Don't miss the chance to gain new experience! – the zero senior card says to the questioner. — Move forward with a light heart, without regrets about the past. Don't be afraid of the unknown, don't be afraid to fall - there will be an opportunity to rise!

The ignorant is carefree and cheerful, an example of inner freedom, an unconventional and easy attitude to life. It is the most exciting game given to us from Above. The card recommends freeing yourself from prejudices, being simpler and trusting the flow of life.

This card may mean a surprise. In an upright position it is most often positive, in an inverted position it is often negative.

An inverted Zero Arcanum in a primitive sense speaks of the stupidity of the questioner and may indicate the inadequacy of his behavior. By the way, this could also be a joke (tarokki will sometimes joke with you). In combination with unfavorable cards, it indicates a person “without brakes,” unprincipled and irresponsible, even to the point of psychosis and mental disorders.

If the questioner is a business person, the “Ignorant” card is almost always unfavorable. When it appears, especially in an inverted position, the best recommendation on your part would be to “step away from business for 2-3 months,” since the risk of incorrect strategic and management decisions leading to collapse is excessively high. If this is unacceptable, you should at least “turn on your brain” and carefully consider your every step.

The FOOL card warns of new beginnings and adventures. Light will be shed on things that interest you. “FOOL” is a card of youth, carefree, happiness.

The card is responsible for beginnings. Just as a “JOKE” or “FOOL” wanders around the world, in the same way he asks himself questions about love, justice, evil, and shows humility in the face of the Creator. It is worth saying that in the Rider-Waite deck the FOOL card is much lighter and more attractive than in the Tarot of Marseilles. Sometimes it is worth paying attention to this, as it can affect the meaning of the entire layout.

Related signs: Scorpion

Element: Air

Time: Autumn - November - Tuesday

By speed: short prediction period (week, several days)

Tips for this map: enjoy the ease of this moment in time. Don't take everything too personally and seriously. Believe in your luck.

Warnings FOOL cards (if the card is reversed): think before you act. You can go astray when faced with reality. Not the best time to take risks.

Direct meaning of the card

When upright, the FOOL card indicates new beginnings and adventures. Something new is about to begin. Something exciting is coming up. Expect new discoveries, meetings, fulfillment of expectations.